

" This street is still the same.. I still love to walk in this street with capturing this beautiful scene in my heart. I really love the cherry bloosoms.. It makes the street look beautiful and also make the people calm down with its beauty.."

*Taking long breathe *

" I, Sana, am back to my normal self. Well pretty city nice to see you again.. Finally I am in my hometown. " *smiles*

[ Sana, a pretty young lady on her 20s. She is a nurse and also popular among peoples due to her kin care. She is good in every thing expect singing and swimming. Many has proposed her... Oh wait.. She also lacks one thing.. And that is.. She knows how to love but gets various of thinking that she end up leaving the person...]

*On the park* A boy came to her and proposed her.

Boy: Hi! I have heard alot about you and I have been seeing you at this area these days..

Sana still doesn't initiate any conversation with him.. She smiles and tries to go on her own way.. But the boy again grabs the communication point.. " Actually, the thing is,I am attracted towards you. I don't know how but I think I began to like you. I can understand it's a bit strange for you but I cannot keep this thought with me only so today, right here, right now I am asking you to go out with me.." he says it confidentally.. But when he sees the dilemma expression in Sana's face.. He added " Please" in the sentence..

Sana was still silent.. As if she was gonna take a very very big decision.. But at last.. She ended up counseling him not to get attracted or think in any that way about her.. She became a love counselor..

" I can understand your feeling.. But I believe that noone can get in love with someone without even knowing them.. I don't think you like me in a person.. You may have heard various of good things about me but there are more bad things too.. For me love is something very serious.. And I don't like deceiving peoples.. If I say Yes to you today and pretend to be in love with you and keep on deceiving you then I will surely not feel good and you will be more hurt.. . I cannot say at which point I will like someone else and hurt you.. So I cannot stay in relationship or go out with you.. I am sorry! Hope that you understand.. And Yeah.. Thank you for liking me..*smiles*" she says and go to her own way...

||Sana prov>>||

*Looks back to the boy and again start to walk on her way*

*smiles* Love!? Is it so? He was gonna do a mistake.. Similar to mine..

It's good for me that I learnt lesson though..

[2 years ago]

In the 2nd floor of the dorm, at the corner of the room near window we were sitting and watching the ground.. We just arrived in hostel after the duty.. And we all were tired though..

" Ugh! It's the final year finally... Then we will be out of this frustrating prison." Rhyea said.

"Yeah, finally! We gonna be freed from it... and also we are seniors now.. Haha I am excited of that too" Susi said.. "Yeah! It's finally our last year. Let's make it memorable. Let's go to different places, eat different things.. We only have a year guys.. So.." I was continuing but they said it with me ".. So let's create our own world" we laughed...

Rhyea and Susi, we are friends since we joined the Nursing college. We were totally different at the beginning. We only used to talk about was study and Anatomy of the human.. But as the time passed by we became close. Yeah they are my best buddies. They help me in getting notes, finishing the case study and so many others..

From the next month our regular classes of the final year was gonna begin. So we got a month of vacation. We packed our things and left the dorm bidding each other.. At that time.. Susi came to me and said, "Donot get addicted in the online games.." I smiled at her and said that I was not being addicted in it.. It's the game that has been addicted with me... *smiled* Then we left from there.

I came to my hometown. My mom was at the bus station waiting for me. I waved to my mom as soon as I saw her and shouted "Mom".. She gave me a big warm welcoming smile... as well as became worried and said, " Are you OK? Did something happen in bus? Your pant is wet.. What happened?" She became curious and asked alot of questions till we reached home. I sincerely replied, "It's nothing. It was just my bad luck"..

*At the way to my hometown *

There was a ticket in my hand and I was searching for my seat.. I found it but.... There was already someone sitting in my seat and was very busy in his phone. "Excuse me! I think you sat on the wrong seat" I said. He didn't response anything towards my curiosity.. So I poked him and said again..

Then he turned towards me.. "Sorry! What are you saying?" he asked.

I was somehow freezed at the moment seeing him.. He was very good-looking guy, perfect jawline, perfect smile, shinny eyes, cute nose and glossy lips... He was.. He was like...

I was imaging and getting excited.... Right at that time he interrupted my imagination.. "Excuse me! I think you were saying something to me. I am sorry I was busy in my phone so I couldn't response back. So what was it" he said... I somehow zoned out when he said that because of his beauty..

" I think it's my seat" I said him.. He looked at his ticket and said "No! It's actually mine.. See!" I looked at his ticket and said, "Oh! It is.. But not that one but this one.." I showed him my ticket.. "Ah! Oh.. My fault! Sorry! Actually, can you please do me a favor?? I cannot resist sitting in that seat.. I cannot get any fresh air and it will be difficult for me.. So can I sit in this seat.. It's my first time traveling through bus.." He asked me cutely... I didn't denied and said, " Okay".. And he relaxed pleasantly... But I again poked him and said, "What about your luggage?".. He became confused... "Ah my luggage.. Yes I have brought it.. Why? Haven't you brought yours??" he answered me being so stupid... He was so good looking but... He did have a defect...

I sighed... "No! I mean this... *pointing the luggage in the seat* Would you please keep this somewhere.. The place to put it is right above your head.." I pointed it out... "Oh! Sorry!" he said in embarrassed way... " It's my first time to travel from bus.".... He said..

*Few moments later*

I felt asleep.. I was dreaming about being near waterfall.. I was watching and nearly getting soaked... But...

But.. Right at that moment.. I was again interrupted by someone.. When I opened my eyes.. My pant was soaked not by the water of falls.. But... Ugh.... But by that handsome hunks vomit.. Gosh! I was so cringe.. It stinked so bad that everyone of the bus began to complain and stopped the bus and went out for a minute...

I was being so mad at him... But I cannot help myself.. Instead of shouting him I helped him to be fresh.... I gave him mint chewing gum.. And said to chew until we reach our destination.. He agreed and chewed.. And again.. Said, "Sorry!"

Ugh... It was the new pant.. And I wore that only at that day... I was upset.. But couldn't help myself..

One of the aunt in the bus came and helped me to wipe it out... She also helped him...

I was so upset that I didn't even watched his face then and thought to never meet with him again... "Oh my pant!!!"

*To be continued*