
Chp 1: Abortion

Adaption to Dragonball

'I wish that was a possibility in this life… or at least something along the lines.' I thought, hyperfocused on the monitor in front of me, absolutely fed up with my mundane life. Dragonball Super. Specifically, the saga where Zamasu was the main focus, fusing with himself to create the near-perfect being with boundless potential.

"*buzz buzz. buzz buzz.*"

'Oh boy… The bank.'

For a moment, I had lingered on rather or not to pick up.


"Hello! My name is Jacob Pierce. I'm calling from Whale Banking. Is this Djin Rose?"

"*Sigh.* Yes… It's me."

I knew where the conversation was leading. Pausing the show, He informed me that for the second time this month, I had been late on my credit payments.

"I'll be able to pay on the 23rd. That's as soon as I'll have it. Can you make that work?"

I asked in a slight pleading tone in an attempt to pull the slightest bit of sympathy from his cold banker heart.

For a moment, there was a short pause on his end. "Very well, sir. The 23rd it is. We look forward to our next call with you, Mr. Rose." I could sense his pretentious eye roll from over the phone. He knew that I most likely wouldn't be able to pull through with paying on time. I could tell from the tone of condescension in his voice.

"Yeah. Me too. It was good talking to-"


"*tsk*" I shook my head. Another thing on my plate. The bad news was, I wasn't gonna finish this dish anytime soon… but I had no choice but to force it down my gullet. I was a grown man. I had no ultimatums.

"Well I hope you have a good day too, ass," I said, resting my hands under my chin. I wasn't rich. I had no family wealth. Heck, I barely even had family members. We were all split and divided. If I was ever short on cash, I had to beg friends for change… But even then… I had too much pride. Pride that had landed me in a terrible situation after another.

Honestly speaking, I would've rather died than ask for financial assistance from someone like my mother or father. Firstly, our relationship wasn't all that, to begin with. Secondly, I hadn't spoken to them in years. A decade to be exact. I'd be damned if the first thing they heard from me was the begging pleas of their deadbeat son. Their image of me would forever be tainted… if it wasn't already. In reality, that shouldn't have mattered, but my pride wouldn't allow it. I would have rather been the son that never asked for anything.

Unpausing the show I began to wonder, 'Aliens, Gods, wishes, power. The true kind of power that could never be taken away (unless an all-powerful deity decided it). The kind of power that made people immortal, physically and spiritually. I wanted that. I wanted strength.

'I would do anything… I would literally do anything in order to go to that kind of world. I would give up everything.' Letting my imagination roam free, I began to wonder.

"*sigh* I could imagine it right now. Djin, the Immortal Saiyan. No-no-no. Djin the Demon God Emperor King Of the Universe and All Things Living and or Dead…*pft* " I chuckled while flexing my barely existing muscles. "Imma stick to Djin," I mumbled with an embarrassed smile.

The only ways something like me being a real anime charter were to happen would be if A: If I decide to wrestle a random truck rushing towards me at 60 mph. Or B: If I was dreaming.





After bingeing 45 more episodes uninterrupted, wasting my life, I had realized that it was already 1:am. It was about time that I had slept.

Hoping in my bed, a singular thought process roamed my mind as I slept.

'I hope I don't wake up. I hope I stay dreaming. Even if it was me forever being locked in a perpetual nightmare… it would be better than this.'

With that, I drifted off to the land of cookies and milk.






"*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep* Red alert! Red alert! Red alert! Red alert!"

A blaring alarm rang throughout my entire body, scaring the ever-living hell out of me.

As my eyes and ears were forced open due to the alarm, All of my senses quickly overloaded. The only thing that I could make out was flashing red lights.

"*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep* Red alert! Red alert! Red alert! Red alert!

Planet endangering foreign body heading towards planet Vegeta. Please remain calm and find your nearest space pod in order to evacuate safely." The only thing that I could compare my current situation to was if a friend played some type of crude prank on me attempting to give me a heart attack. Which would be more believable than my current situation... The thing was, I had no friends. At least not any that would have access to my home.

"*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep*"

Attempting to rub my eyes, I realize that I barely had any control over my arms. I felt extreme fatigue with even the slightest movements… but fully analyzing my body, I realized that I felt strange exhaustion from my tailbone that I had never experienced before.

Trying my hardest, I gain the strength to perform one of the most basic human functions. After a few moments, my eyes started to gain focus and I understood that I actually had a tail! A fully operating one at that, which I made move in tiny circular motions to try to gain control of.

The world was now into view. I was in a tube of some sort filled with a warm thick green liquid, with some kind of respirator connected to my mouth and nose, giving me oxygen and providing me with sustenance.

I immediately started to take notes of my surroundings. In my room, 25 incubation-like machines surrounded me. Around 12 panicking infants who also had tails were kicking and punching. They were in the same situation as I. Dread quickly washed over my face.

"Mmm" I tried to voice the profanities that lingered in my mind, but the only thing that came out was little hums and grunts.

'What in the world is happening.' I had already noticed that I currently did not reside in my normal body… no. I didn't even reside inside my normal world. This was far from normal. Instead, I resided in the body of a little copper-colored infant.

In my womb-like chamber, I inquired rather or not if this was a dream but I knew for certain that it wasn't. This was far too vivid for that. I could feel cool air cycling in and out my lungs. I felt physically tired from moving. And I could taste. I was experiencing things that never happened inside of any dreams of mine. No. This was real. I was a real child with a tail, but why was I a child? Why were there more than a dozen strange alien species in the room as I? Why were they currently showing all stages of grief?

I watched an alien with a dog face and strange robes and a human with a tail and anime-like armor fight each other within a hallway in a grueling all-out slugfest with the dog-man-alien-thing having the advantage, biting and scratching like a feral animal with a keen sense for martial arts.

I witnessed a lizard man and woman crying and praying together for their god to save them or at least that's what I concluded. I couldn't hear anything outside of the blaring alarm counting there were speakers in my tank. Looking to my left, I watch as a heavy-set man with a black mane pouring tears holding on to a tank with what looked to be a still-born tailed child residing inside it. He was on his knees in grief. He was the embodiment of pain. Who could blame him… it was his dead child.

The only people who were slightly composed were the 3 people at computers typing away as if their lives depended on it. These people… these aliens all had tails.

'This… I'm really… I'm in…' I couldn't even form coherent thoughts. Far too much was going on right now.

"*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep* Red alert! Red alert! Red alert! Red alert!

Planet endangering foreign body heading towards planet Vegeta. Please remain calm and find your nearest space pod." More people started flooding in, snatching important pieces of paperwork and even a few babies from their tanks.

It was at this moment… It had finally sunk in. I was here. The tail? The tube? The aliens?

'Dragonball.' I managed to stitch my insights together, finally understanding the ramifications of what it meant to be in my situation. The fact that the alarm had literally just mentioned the pending doom of what I thought to be an artificial planet manufactured from the mind of a middle-aged Japanese man increased my heart rate rapidly. Evidence of this could be seen on the tank's frontal display.

Although being in Dragonball was my fantasy that I wanted more than air itself, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

'Of all periods! Of all times and places! Why now!' I thought as my eyes were peeled wide because of shock. Considering people were already losing all rationale informed me that I didn't have much time left.

I tried my hardest to take deep breaths in an attempt to calm my everso rising blood pressure but to no avail. The more I told myself not to panic, the heavier I started to breathe and the more my heart rate increased.

'Please for the love of god… please let me have parents that are willing to shove me into a pod and blast me off to another planet? Please?!' I exclaimed internally while attempting to bang on my tank's walls with my hand feet and tail to no avail. The fearful parents and scientists didn't take note of my behavior in the slights. How could they? In times of survival, self-preservation was key.




Moments passed. Then minutes. No one came for me. The only thing that changed was my control level over this little brown body. After a while, I and two other children including the still-born that was now in the hand of his crying father were the only ones left. If the people on this planet were gonna die, it was going to be with the people they cared for… and I couldn't blame them. The only thing that I really could blame was my luck.

The nurses knew what was coming and so did I and everyone else.

The only things that managed to come towards my direction were the pitiful glances of the nurses, scientists, and parents that rushed past. No one was coming to save me. I was alone and about to be wrongfully aborted by a white and purple albino lizard man with short man's syndrome from a cartoon that I watched since I was a child.

As my impending doom arrived, each second felt like a minute. Each minute felt like hours… But then, It started.

The earth beneath my pod and everyone else started to hiss.

The water in my tank started to buzz.

The water inside the tanks started to slowly splash back and forth as the lights in the incubation laboratory started to flicker on and off.

Then, A heavy impact hit the entirety of the vicinity causing the able-bodied adults to lose their balance, holding on to the nearest object for safety.

Then another impact.

Then another.

Then another.

Then… an invisible heat that I had only one idea of its origin Arrived. It was at that moment that I knew for certain. Freiza had launched his Supernova.

The environment grew more and more violent. The temperature became more and more volatile. Lights and pieces of technology either plummeted to the ground or began to fail, breaking and malfunctioning respectively. People tried to shield their heads, necks, backs and started hiding under tables for safety, but they were only joking to themselves. There was no safety.

The trimmers got so intense that I started to feel the world tilt, causing a bit of motion sickness on my end. Then, with another ground shattering impact, my tank slammed to the ground shattering on contact, which sliced into my soft abdominal skin causing my flesh to tear and burst open injecting glass into my stomach. I could only scream at the top of my lungs in pain, but all that came out were the ear-shattering screams of an infant. Glass had torn my stomach open causing me to almost faint once I looked downwards. It was then that I was finally able to see it. See what, one might ask? This world as my reality.

I could finally hear it. The screams and cries of everyone around me. The clamors of distress and sorrow.

I could finally smell it. The smell of my own blood and the smell of cinder.

I could finally feel it. I could feel the severity of the situation that I was in.

I was horrified and weak. I poured every ounce of energy and willpower that I had resided inside my soul into my underdeveloped infant body to clutch the pieces of thick glass embedded inside of me. Then, I began to pull slowly.


I screamed. But right now it was so much commotion that no one was able to hear me. Tears and sweat started to pour down my face as I tried to overcome the excruciating pain that I was now experiencing. Of course, it was being dulled by my adrenaline, but the pain was still ever so prevalent.


I began to breathe heavily while on my knees. Slowly pulling out the 3-inch-long piece of glass shrapnel from my stomach, I noticed that my injury was healing at an unnatural rate. In fact, As I pulled, my wound started to sear shut as if someone put a torch to my skin. This followed with an extremely itchy sensation followed by the manifestation of strange black smoke. Once fully extracted, a cooling sensation washed over the gash on my stomach. The wound went from an injury that would have left behind a terrible scar that would have lingered with me until adulthood, to a red patch of skin that felt brand new. My muscles even felt refreshed and slightly stronger.

Before I could even think of removing more glass from my body, the very building that I was in started to decay even further. Chunks of wood and concrete started to crash down, bashing people on the head, killing others almost instantly. I watched with hysteria in my eyes as it happened. Then, a large and sturdy metal table came crashing down from an upper floor directly onto the body of the remaining child inside its tank, so quickly and rapidly that the child was obliterated and almost vaporized into red and green mist.

Next, people from upper levels started crashing down to the first floor revealing 5 levels to the building. Researchers, doctors, and civilians had their limbs shattered and were flattened. Internal organs became confetti. Blood made abstract paintings on walls and furniture. In my optics lies missing limbs, dead mothers, and crying. So much crying.

I felt like vomiting but couldn't bring myself to do anything more.

As the building started to lose more and more structural integrity, the sight of a red crimson sky with three suns peered inside the building as if to devour our beings. That's not the only thing that happened. The ground started to tear apart as the trimmers continued. Soon enough they got so violent that the tectonic plates disintegrated and glowing hot magma started to surface, flowing inside the lowest level of the building. Unfortunately, this is where I happened to be.

It was then that I could see it. I could see that one of the suns was far closer, far brighter, and far hotter than the others. And from my perspective, it had already collided with the planet. This sun was none other than Frieza's Supernova. All I could do… was watch. Watch as the magma inched its way towards me. With glass stuck in my feet, knees, and hands, I watched as the tile beneath me started to superheat and glow red, burning my skin black as it converted into magma. I watched as others tried to crawl away while alien corpses were melting like butter in hot Texas heat.

I started to scream. I hollered. I yelled at the top of my lungs, but no one came to help. I received glances but they were only the same glances as before. They had no intention to save me, their only goal was to escape. They climbed over rubble, stumbled over dead bodies, and pretended like I didn't exist. I was in such a shitty situation… but there was no help in sight.

My skin started to bubble and blister until muscle started to fall off my bone. My fat began to melt and my cartilage started to disintegrate. The toxic air of my own burning flesh invaded my lungs but, what was I to do? All I could do was allow the strange healing factor that was magically gifted to me to take effect… or at least I had hoped it took over.

I viewed large streams of flaming lava shoot into the sky from a distance while I burned in a puddle of it.

"Ahh! Fuckk! It Hurts!!!! It fuckin hurts!"

I screamed. The first words that my infant's mouth spat were profanities. I didn't even know I could speak, but that wasn't my only discovery. I didn't know that I could feel this much pain… then… the healing started to kick in. My pain started to dull… but even as I healed rapidly, my hand, arms, and legs were destroyed. I was tossed into a cycle of pain, itching, and relief… then pain once more. Inconceivable pain.




5 minutes later my healing couldn't keep up with the rate of my burning. Each time a piece of me would burn, it would come back stronger, but that piece of me that grew back could not resist the heat of the magma within planet Vegeta.

'My lungs are no longer filled with air…it hurts.' Face first, bathing in fire, my arms, legs, and tail melted off. The pain of having my tail constantly burned could not be compared to anything. It was undoubtedly the worst part of it all.




10 minutes pass. 'Hell… I wasn't reincarnated… this is hell.' It was the only conclusion I could come up with. Why was I still not dead? Why have I, an infant, still not lost consciousness yet? This body was a prison.




30 minutes. My ears melted. No coherent thoughts. I had no vocal cords. In the back of my mind, I could only wonder how I was still conscious. I hadn't even blacked out once, which is what I was told happens when a person reaches a certain threshold, but not me. I was awake and experiencing everything.








"45 Minutes… it took 45 minutes for me to kill off those monkeys in a barrel." Spat a small humanoid male with his arms folded and his index finger to his lower lip. His biology allowed him to be equipped with a durable purple shell-like plate on top of his skull and two horns that he could use as weapons if needed. The horns made him look rather insidious which only complemented the devilish and sadistic frown he currently had on his face. He was levitating inside of a hovering throne that looked to be perfectly tailored for his unique size. His tail swayed left to right as he pondered the actions he had just taken.

"Lord Frieza. You must at least consider giving them credit. Those pesky Saiyan were quite commendable. If it weren't for that warrior Bardock and the garbage that assisted him, that planet would have been destroyed in five minutes, maximum. Without a doubt. I've seen you do it before… On top of that, you only used a fraction of your power to dispose of them. So please, don't be too harsh on yourself."

Stated a rather tone and tall man with green hair, yellow eyes, and teal skin. He had a ponytail and a cape that gave him an aura of Mesmer.

"*Sigh* Your flattery is ever so refreshing. Hence why your honesty is always welcome in my domain. As is yours Dodoria. Please, give me your counsel. What are your thoughts on the garbage that once was." he said while watching the planet before him imploding in on itself.

"Permission to speak freely, Lord Frieza."

"Granted." He said while sneaking a glance and the violet spike-headed wide man with big purple lips.

The man nodded then spoke.

"In my opinion, I think we should have eradicated these insects a lot sooner. To be precise, the moment the little golden hair myth started to circulate within their community once more. I believe that it was then that they started to become arrogant and doubt your greatness, your lordship." Frieza and Zarbon both nodded their heads in approval as Dodoria continued.

"Their primal brains allowed a fairytale, no… a bedtime story to taint the minds of their spawn, corrupting them, making you out to be the villain, Lord Frieza. They completely undermine all the kindness and generosity that you provided them over the years. After those baboons destroy their own planet, you went so far as to exterminate the Tuffles to provide them with yet another because you sensed the potential within them to be your troops… your sword… and yet, their disrespectful so-called king has spat in your face on several occasions. He even went so far as guided his people to steal our resources without your knowledge. He has congregated several planets, enslaved 4 species, and killed thousands of our troops. This is pure treason at its finest.

I haven't even begun to speak on the actions of that plebeian Bardock. Raid after raid. Faction after faction. He single-handedly wiped out 2/6s of your brother's forces while destroying your father's command post on the moon C363B. As far as I'm concerned, he and his family tree deserve pain worse than death… The planet's destruction was too sweet of an ending for them." He satiated with a look of frustration on his face.

"I couldn't agree more. Fortunately, we have their spawn. Radizts and Prince Vegeta will make good little errand boys. I'll keep a watchful eye on them from now on." Frieza smiled.

"Now, if the both of you would be so kind, please inform everyone of the tragic destruction of planet Vegeta. Believe it or not, an asteroid twice its size became its undoing, nearly eradicating the Sayian race." Frieza said with a wave of his hand, dismissing the both of them.

2x "Right away Lord Frieza." Said Zarbon and Dodoria as they chuckled and walked away leaving Frieza to his solitude.




Meanwhile, with the Sayian Prince

On a ship moving at 5x lightspeed stood an individual child inside of a training room, sparing with 5 green creatures standing at about his height. Absolutely drenched in sweat and covered with scratches, He looked like he was having the time of his life.

Dodging two punches directly aimed at his head he countered with a backflip, launching two of the green creatures into the air with the momentum of two powerful kicks, but he didn't stop right there. This child had extreme spatial awareness to the point that he could almost sense the enemy behind him waiting with open arms. With this ability, as he backflipped, he launched himself into the air off of his hands, surprising the enemy that awaited his arrival. Holding his knees to his chest to gain higher air momentum, he flipped three more times then landed right on top of the green creature's shoulders which filled it with surprise.

Using his thighs, he latched onto its neck with enough pressure to crush diamonds, then with all his might, he gave a mighty twist of his pelvis, breaking its neck, which shocked the other four. With this short period of shock, he launched himself towards the nearest enemy, grabbing its head before it could react, kneeing it in the head as hard as he could. He didn't stop and kept repeating the motion until the creature had a dented and broken face. Soon, the other creatures started to become consumed with fear. So much so that they became frozen. One was already missing both arms and another was down a leg.

"Oh? Don't be afraid. Your destiny isn't set in stone. I told you already that if you can land a fatal hit on me then I'll let you live. I don't go back on my word. I'm a prince. Without my word, I'm nothing." Although his words were arrogant, he said them with genuine sincerity.

Hearing this, the creatures started to dash towards the child all at once which prompted him to grin. "That's what I like to see." He said, showing all of his teeth, grinning ear to ear. His words had summoned bravery within his targets.

The prince then focused all of his energy into his legs, launching at his enemies at unbelievable speeds. He moved so fast that all the creatures saw was an afterimage before they were all launched to the right, crashing to the wall like bowling pins. Once again, the prince disappeared, confusing the green punching bags.

"Kek!" Shouted one of the green creatures as he pointed upwards, but it was too late. If only it could have reacted moments faster.

The prince was now above the plummeting down like an anvil with a sharp elbow aimed at the vocal green creature's head. None could react before their companion's head exploded under pressure, splattering blue blood on their bodies.

Next, the prince rolled over, quickly getting back on his feet. He then Axe kicked the little green man with no arms which split his entire body in half leaving behind the green man with no arms.

At this point, the green man had already given up. The prince knew that its spirit was already broken. Now was the time to finish the job. He cocked his arm backward forming his hand in a blade-like form and pierced the center of its head. To the prince, This was as simple as popping a balloon.

Wiping the blood from his eyes, the prince took a deep breath. This battle wasn't the hardest he fought, but it was indeed a fun one.

Then, the doors to the training quarters opened up revealing a tall muscle-bound large man with a mustache and a clean-shaven head. "Vegeta…" He had a look of dread in his eyes.

"Yes, Nappa. What is it?" He asked with a blank expression but internal, he knew something was wrong. This was a face he had never seen Nappa make. But even with this information, Vegeta was a prince. He was always taught by his father not to act with emotions so no matter what the situation was, Vegeta always remained composed on the outside.

"Our planet… Frieza has just informed all units that our planet has been destroyed by an asteroid twice its size." With these words, Vegeta felt as if his heart had stopped. For a moment, he started breathing even.



The silence was all that was exchanged between the two. They couldn't even make eye contact with one another.

"How many survivors," Vegeta said with a voice that shook like tectonic plates. Every time he swallowed, It's like he himself was attempting to swallow an asteroid just like his doomed planet. His face started to increase in temperature, as his eyes started to water… but even then, his expression stayed as cool as the bucket of metaphorical cold water that washed down his back.

"As far as I know, there is only your brother, Raditz, me, and possibly Turles. All Saiyans except us were told to return by demand of Frieza days prior." With these words… Fire started to burn in Vegeta's heart. Hatred started to slowly consume him as he turned his back to Nappa.

Again, there was a short pause… Vegeta needed a moment to compose himself.

"Nappa… you and I both know what this is. We both know what he did… And WE WILL MAKE HIM PAY," he said, clenching his teeth with every word.

Nappa's eyes had widened due to the spike in power that he felt permeating off of Vegeta.

"Yes… Understood. Knowing him, he intends to make us his slaves. Your father and he were far from on good terms. I expect to see an increase in planetary missions. Our workload will increase to the point that we'll be getting worked to the bone. We must prepare." Vegeta stood motionless. He didn't say a word.

"Right… I assume you came to this conclusion already… I'll be on my way." Nappa said turning to leave, but before he did, Vegeta stopped him.

"Before you go, give me your remaining Saibamen." He said, still motionless. Still expressionless.

"Ah… Yes." Nappa said tossing a leather pouch to Vegeta who caught it without looking.

"If you need anything… ever… Just ask."


"Alright," Nappa said leaving the training room.

As the door closed, Vegeta sat on the ground… and his eyes began to shed tears… What was he to do? He was but a child. His entire race of people had been killed. Family, Friends, Everyone that he ever knew and had a relationship with except for Nappa, Raditz, brother, and some random nobody had died. But don't get confused. The tears that he shed were not tears of sorrow. No. He was far too prideful to feel sorry, even at his youthful age. What he felt was pure unmitigated rage.




Where Planet Vegeta once resided

I started to feel every single cell stitch back together. I felt each molecule reconnect like magnets making a stronger bond. I didn't know it, but each atom rebuilt itself becoming far more efficient and more useable given the situation… but even though my cells had evolved, my lungs had not… at least not yet.

I now roamed in space, endless suffocating with my lungs rupturing over and over again… still I could not die. I could even gather the strength to turn around. Normally if I were to go off of science, I should have blacked out, at least once during my first 15 seconds… But my body defied all logic.

As a minute passed I felt my lungs implode. After the initial explosion, I felt them grow to their original form, but twice as strong. When they came back… They only burst once more but took double the amount of time causing blood to rocket out of my mouth as I attempted to cough. As this cycle continued, The worst headache I had ever experienced in my life started to develop. I felt like vomiting at the sheer pain, but only blood came out. Blood from my organs destroying themself.

My lungs weren't the only problem though. I felt my body and my skin start to stretch. So much, That I felt that my entire bulk was about to explode like the Michelin man until I was twice the size of what I originally was due to the pressure inside of my body.



. Minutes


Hours passed and my body started to condense, but a war with my internal organs was still happening.


. Days

Two weeks. This is the amount of time it took for my lung to fully adapt and evolve to space. I had arrived at a point where I no longer craved oxygen. My body was adapted. Not only that but my organs and nerves adapted to the void of space.

I couldn't breathe, but I didn't need to. Of course, air would have felt amazing right now, but it wasn't necessary. It's like my unique body had evolved. This was the first upside I had experienced since arriving in this dimension.

Although it burned just being in direct sunlight due to solar radiation, my body adjusted to this as well. Not only that but the cold void as well. I couldn't even detect a temperature change. Looking down at my hands and legs, they had healed anew. My tail had felt better than ever. The suffering was still happening but on a much smaller scale.

'With only this amount… I can think clearly. I can move… I could probably even… ' As I was thinking to myself, I was observing my surroundings… until I fully turned around and realized that I was going to have to undergo a different type of suffering. A suffering that involved two moons.

'Fuck.' Not only one but before my very eyes were two full moons.

Yet again, Every cell in my body started to scream at me once more.

I felt anger slowly start to envelop my heart, but this anger was strange. It lacked all reason. I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs. I felt like destroying something. I need to or else I wouldn't be satisfied.

Then, I started to feel all my muscles flexing violently. Cramps formed all over my body. My heart started to thump harder and harder as if it was about to burst out of my chest.

Then came an overwhelming hunger that started to take control… Then… I lost consciousness.









