
Berserk of the Gluttonous system

Devour,r4ped,slaughter,stole everything . . rei non is a friendly loyal and a soft hearted but every thing change when he got set up by the lady mu fei

venerable_system · Fantasy
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33 Chs

ch// 23 blood puppet(1)

as rei non open the door he quickly Notice that even this fallen lionel is considered by the system as a ruins the design, the size, the pillar and the painting in the wall is superior to any sect he see "Hmm I wonder what treasure will I get if I loot this lionel rei non then go to the basement he then shock as he see is a big room buy empty as he stared long enough he then notice that their's a box in the middle of nowhere he then go near it expecting this is a probably treasure left behind by the former lionel cultivators as he go closely to it he feel a heavy evil and chaotic aura is seeping through the box as he open it the sword of the darkness is reacting as he open it he see a sphere like object and next to it is a book as I read the title of the book say evil puppet manual the system suddenly notif me and


[the host successfully use the appraisal eye to the book does the host want to learn this evil technique?]

I without hesitation agree and a surge of corrupt spiritual essence sorround me and I suddenly lost consciousness when I woke up the system notif me saying that I successfully learned the evil technique

use the book of all things to identify what kind of technique is that


[Evil blood puppet manual(upgradeable)-as the name said this technique teaches the way how to make a puppets using the corpse of a human consume a kp as one blood puppet the higher the Cultivation the higher the price the host is currently capable of making a peak body refinement and below puppet (10kp)per peak of body realm refinement]

(9kp)per 9th layer of body refinement realm]

(8kp)per 8th layer of body refinement realm]

(7kp)per 7th layer of body refinementrealm]

(6kp)per 6th layer of body refinement realm]

(5kp)per 5th layer of body refinement realm]

(4kp)per 4th layer of body refinement realm]

(3kp)per 3rd layer of body refinement realm]

(2kp)per 2nd layer of body refinement realm]

(1kp)per 1st layer of body refinement realm]

"what I thought that I need to hold a corpse a murmur some weird chanting look like the gluttonous system make their own version of this technique"rei non said so I can make my own army of blood puppet rei non then smirk and.. to be continued