
Berserk of the Gluttonous system

Devour,r4ped,slaughter,stole everything . . rei non is a friendly loyal and a soft hearted but every thing change when he got set up by the lady mu fei

venerable_system · Fantasy
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33 Chs

ch// 14.5 legendary beast

are any fox blood left rei non frown as he

didn't see any so rei non back to his business and look at the mysterious beast hiding in the tree when he search it and see a cute looking beast cub it have large fang, black fur and long tail "ow such cute looking beast I wonder what beast is this?"


[host use the appraisal eye: dark panther HP: 300 (unknown lvl) a legendary class beast.This beast is a excellent assassin type beast.Martial technique stealth, silent slash.Note as this is host first time using the appraisal eye in a beast the system gift

the host 1 tame card]

what is tame card?


[book of all things successfully activated]

[tame card a card that can tame any living things it's

a legendary item

stealth (upgradeable)a technique that hide the host's presence

silent slash a assassin type technique that deal a 5000 damage in the host's enemy.silent slash's

damage is doubled when the stealth is on

Note: the damage can be tripled when the stealth is

in the lvl 2 and so on]

"that's amazing I can tame a legendary beast b-" rei

non pull out his golden bow and kill the legendary beast "but beast is still a beast maybe theres a chance that I'm rising the thing that will kill me in the future.


[Successfully kill the black panther reward:10 exp

1kp 20 perception stealth and silent slash]


[the host complete a hidden quest successfully kill

a legendary beast while in the lower realm reward:

dagger of infinity]

"a hidden quest?haha what a heaven defying luck I have first come first serve haha sorry legendary beast

maybe other people will want to tame and fight with

you but I'm not it's just a bad thing that I saw your

strong skill and feel envy hahaha"as rei non continue

to talk to the lifeless body of black panther rei non....