

Ben pov

Ben started to kill all nearby titans. He killed 498 titans. He used his full speed and attacked them. Titans and cadets can't even react to ben attacks. Some of them can't see with their naked eyes the creature. But they thanked god for saving them from the titans.


Your friends both Rex (Alex) and Kevin (Robin) Came to this world ]

'What my friends come to this world, ... Where are they

[ they are falling from the sky. if you don't save them, they will die.]


Then Ben saw upwards and saw two people falling from a portal. Without wasting time he went to catch his friends.


Rex (Alex) pov

In the sky, both teenagers shout and curse the god for throwing them from the sky and not being given good powers.


"aaaaaahhhahaaaaFuuuuccck u, bastard"

We are falling from the sky. Fuck you, old Bastard, Alex thought to himself.

" I think this is our first adventure world robin but we are going to crash "

" This is our worst way to end man. I thought at least we can have fun in this world. Shit seems like James will continue his journey without his friends."

"Maybe we can not die because we have regeneration ability. But it will take a few hours to regenerate our full body."

Before they can say anything, A big red bird caught both of them in mid-air and save them.

Alex saw that and saw the ben 10 watch symbol on its chest.

"James this you, Robin see James come to save us," Alex shouted to his friend.

" James is this you," robin asked to confirm him.

Ben took both of them and went to his new friends.

" yes guys I am James but now I am ben. How did you guys come here And what powers do you both have."

" we died in that same accident like you and met god. Then he gave us ben 10 cartoon character powers. I got Generator Rex and Robin got Kevin powers," Alex said.

" That fucking god didn't even give us the option to choose powers. And he is laughing at us like he saw the comedy show. One day I will destroy that fucking face of his." Robin said with an angry tone.

" Okay, guys. Stop thinking about it. We should save this city and we should level up ourselves. " Ben said to them.

" Yea, we should level up by killing titans I got a message from the system. And we come to Aot fucking world. " Alex said.

" Guys from now onwards you both are different and I am too. I will call you Rex and Kevin from onwards. Your body and face are also changed by your character. " Ben told to them.

" Okay, I am Rex and we should create a background story for us to tell to this world," Rex told to them.

" I have an idea guys, listen to me..." Kevin told his idea to them.

"Okay, we go with this idea," Rex told to them. After that, all of them came to the ground.


Ben Pov

Ben landed on the ground with his friends in front of his new friends.

" Hey, Guys this is Rex and he is Kevin. They are my friends " ben said to them.

" Nice to meet you. " Rex told to them. And Kevin just nobbed his head to them.

"N-Nice to meet you, my name is Mina" she introduced herself to them.

Armin and Connie didn't say anything because of shock. They saw both of them come from the sky.

" I Am Christa and she is my friend Ymir," Blonde told them while pointing to ymir.

Ymir started to feel suspicious of them. She is ready to transform into a titan if Christa's life will be in danger. She didn't take her eyes off them.

" Hey come to the real world. Stop daydreaming Armin. " Ben told to them.

"H-How did they come from the sky," Armin asked them.

" We will tell you later guys, first we should save people. Rex, Kevin use your powers and kill titans by attacking their nape." Ben said to them.

" Gladly, I am itching for a fighting man. come on rex we should save people" Kevin said to them and transformed into Iron body and transformed his hands into swords. And he started to kill the titans by jumping on them.

" Wait for me," Rex said and started to transform his hand into Big Sword and started to kill the titans.

"What the fuck is this. Are they humans or monsters?" Connie said with a shocked face.

" Right now they are allies and we should save people come on guys. " Armin said and started to follow them. And then all of them started to follow ben, rex, and Kevin.

Ymir is starting to think they are sent by Marley or another country. But why should they save people, the outside world wants everyone on the island should die. But to know the answers she should follow them.


Ben pov

Ben saw two people in danger and went and killed the titan. Then he landed near them.

" Don't worry madam I will not hurt you or your child, I came to save you guys," ben said politely and without a smile. But an abnormal titan started to rush at them.

Rex comes from behind and killed the abnormal titan with his big sword.

"This abnormal titan is annoying ben" rex shouted at ben. Then Kevin came and killed another titan with his sword.

Then Connie, Armin, mina, Christa and ymir come to that place. Seeing the cadet's uniform both mother and daughter become relaxed.

"How did you turn your hand into sword rex?" Connie asked him.

before he could get an answer to Connie, a set of footsteps drew the attention of the six teens. Standing in front of Ben and Rex a young girl and her mother.

"Thanks, Mr monster guy." Said the girl with a smile.

"We're saved thanks to you and your friends. Though I've never seen a creature like you in all my years." Said the mother curiously, though she had a small smile of her own.

"Anytime. Plus I'm not a monster, but something much cooler."Ben Said.

"Oh, what's that?" Asked the girl, her curiosity piqued even further. Ben then knelt in front of the girl.

"Can you keep a secret?" Said Jetray in a low tone that only she could hear.

"Uh-huh." She nodded.

"I'm an alien." Said Jetray.

"What's that? She asked.

"They're beings that are alive just like humans, but unlike humans, they're different in shapes, size, and looks. They live outside of the Earth, amongst the stars." Said Jetray in a confident tone.

"Woah." Said the girl in amazement.

"And you're one of them?" She asked with starry eyes.

"Yeah. Call me Jetray. And my real name is Ben" Said Ben with a smile.

"Ok, Ben." She said with an enthusiastic smile. Jetray then got back to his feet.

"I have to go now, make more Titans are lurking around the city. Take care of yourself and your mom, ok?" Said Jetray.

"I will." Replied the girl.

"Good. Also didn't get your name." Said Jetray, causing the girl to giggle.

"It's Louise." She said with a broad smile.

"Nice to meet you, Louise." Said Jetray.

"You too, Jetray." She said.

"Thank you once again." Said the mother with gratitude, to which Jetray nodded as they both walked away.

"You've got a way with kids too." Said Mina with an amused smile.

"Part of my charm. And I know that look, you've got a hundred and one questions lined up for me and my friends." Said Jetray.

"More or less." Said, Mina.

" Can you change your body into Iron " Ymir asked Kevin.

"Yes," Kevin said with a deep tone.

"Well, you're going to have to put that questions on hold. I'm guessing there are more soldiers in the city that may need our help." Said Rex, his smile slightly fading.

"Yes." Said, Armin.

"Then let's get moving." Said Kevin about to take to the skies. But before he could, he heard the sound of metal clinging onto concrete, and the sound of compressed gas being released. The thud of a person landing on the ground came immediately after. The others heard so too, as they all turned towards Jetray and his friends were facing. Their eyes widened considerably as they fell on the newcomer.

Standing in front of them was a fairly tall and well-toned young woman around Ben's age or slightly younger. She had pale skin, gray eyes, and shaggy black hair that was cut to chin-length. She wore the same clothing as the soldiers and had a red scarf wrapped around her neck.

"M-M-M..." Began Armin, his countenance changing into one mixed with shock and fear. He fell to his knees.

"Armin. What's wrong?" Asked a worried Jetray.

"Mikasa?" Said a surprised Connie. Jetray was slightly confused by the familiarity they showed towards the girl, but that confusion shifted to uneasiness due to the cold glare she was giving him.

"Uh...hi there." Said Jetray sheepishly.

"Step away from my friends." Said Mikasa coldly as she pointed the blade held by her left hand toward him and his friends.

"Woah there, easy now. I think you've got the wrong idea here Beauty." Reasoned a slightly nervous Rex.

"I won't ask you again." Said Mikasa, getting ready to lunge at him.

"Mikasa, don't. They are not our enemy." Said Krista as she stepped in front of them.

"Krista is right, Ben and his friends saved people in the city, and he saved my life as well." Mina's words caused Mikasa's eyes to widen considerably, but once they fell back on Jetray, they narrowed once more.

"Just what exactly all of you?" Asked Mikasa, not losing eye contact with them.

"Right now, I'm an alien and this Iron and Machine are my friends. And I know that raises more questions than answers, and we are happy to give those answers to all of you." Said Jetray looking at all of them one by one. And his friends are also nobbed to them.

"But now's not the time. I can tell by the fact that you're here that you've got your orders, meaning there's more stuff on the ground that'll need our attention. I just want you to know that we are here to help in any way we can." Any uncertainty in Rex's voice was now replaced with boldness.

"Very well. I will allow you three to accompany us, but if you step out of line, I won't hesitate to end you." Said, Mikasa.

" You won't get a chance because I will beat the shit out of you bitch." Kevin said to her. This made Mikasa gare at Iron Kevin beside rex.

"stop it guys we have a goal to save people. please focus on that." Said Rex a bit snarkily. Mikasa then walked towards Armin, who was now kneeling on the ground and his hair covered his eyes completely.

"Armin!" She called out to the boy, causing his hands to shake.

"Armin, are you hurt?" She asked with concern, resting on both knees in front of him.

"You ok?" A lump that he barely managed to swallow formed in his throat upon hearing those words. With a sigh, Mikasa got back to her feet and began looking around, as if searching for someone.

"Where's Eren? He didn't accompany either of you?" As she said this, the atmosphere suddenly became tense, and everyone's expression hardened into one of sadness and grief.

"Armin?" She called out the boy's name, taken aback by the sudden mood shift.

"Mikasa..." Began Connie softly.

"It'd be best if we didn't discuss this here," Rex said weakly.

"Huh? What do you..." Mikasa was interrupted by Mina who suddenly placed her hand on her shoulder, a somber expression on her face. Upon seeing the sad look on her face coupled with the somber shaking of her head, Mikasa fell silent.

"I'll carry Armin. Something tells me he might not have the strength to go on his right now." Jetray then flew above Armin and clamped his legs on his feet. Armin was too self-absorbed in his despair to protest, as he allowed the shape-shifting hero to fly away with him with a sad look on his face. The others and his friends immediately followed him, their expressions also bearing great sadness.

It began to rain, and the group would remain flying in silence for the next few minutes. Even Mikasa, who had all the right to demand that her question be answered before they reached their destination didn't say a word. It's almost like she knew what answers awaited her, but was trying to hold them off until her peers were ready to say them.

"Here looks like a good spot." Said Jetray as he then flew downwards to a vacant rooftop before gently placing Armin on it and landing right after. The others immediately followed suit. Rex and Kevin went to kill nearby titans in that place to level up.

"Where's Eren?" Asked Mikasa once more. Her tone carried with it distress that wasn't evident to most.

"Eren...is dead." Said Connie weakly after a few seconds of silence. The reaction that came from Mikasa rocked them all to their core. Her eyes held in them a loneliness unlike any they had ever seen as if her entire world had just been shattered. The silence that came with it only made them even more uneasy. The silence would last even longer, leaving them all to accept at least some form of an emotional outburst. One which never came, however, only making them feel even more uncanny.

"I'm sorry Mikasa..." Stifled Armin through his tears, breaking the silence.

"Eren died in my stead..."

"I...I couldn't do anything... I'm sorry." Everyone's eyes bore a look of sorrow in them. Ben looked like he was about to say something, most likely in hopes of comforting Armin, but he was caught off guard by Mikasa slowly walking toward Armin. Now in front of him, she knelt once more and gently placed her hand on his.

"Armin." She began, causing Armin to slowly raise his head to face her. What he saw made him gasp in shock.

"Calm down. This isn't the time to be getting sentimental." Said Mikasa, her eyes and voice bearing a cold, emotionless trance in them. This caused Armin to say "huh?" in confusion.

"Here, stand up." Said Mikasa, gently holding his hand and raising him to his feet.

"They're still Titans within the city, aren't they? That could cause a lot of problems for us if we were to try to reach our comrades." Said Mikasa looking at the five teens.

"Y-yeah but..." Began Krista.

"Their numbers have also dropped significantly, and believe that's in no small part to you and your friends right?" Said Mikasa looking at Jetray, which nobbed to her as she began to walk forward.

"If we were to eliminate all the remaining Titans in this city, it would grant a huge relief to our comrades and enable us to regroup with them more conveniently."

"That's all just in theory. But even if that's true, even if it's you, there are too many-" Began Mina.

"That's all just in theory. But even if that's true, even if it's you, there are too many-" Began Mina.

"I can do it." Interrupted Mikasa, stopping in her tracks and causing Mina to freeze up a bit due to the cold glare she got from her.

"I'm... strong." Began Mikasa as she raised her right hand which had a sword in it upwards.

"Stronger than all of stronger. And so, I can kick around those Titans."

"Even alone." They all looked at her in shock. Even Armin's tears had stopped flowing, and his eyes held nothing but utter disbelief over what Mikasa was saying.

"Forget lacking talent, you're all nothing but cowards." She then brought down her blade and pointed it toward them.

"It's a real shame. Feel free to sit back and watch That's all you have to do."

"Hey Mikasa, what the hell are you saying? Talking about taking on that many Titans by yourself, there's no way you can..."Began Connie.

"If I can't, I'll just die." Interrupted Mikasa.

"But if I win, I'll live. If I don't fight, I can't win." Mikasa was about to jump off the rooftop before Jetray appeared in front of her.

"Get out of my way." Ordered Mikasa.

"Look you are not right mind, don't think you understand what you're..." before he can finish his sentence Mikasa attacked him with her leg. But Kevin came at his full speed and blocked Mikasa's kick.

"Weak ...." Kevin said to her with a disappointed face. Seeing this Mikasa felt very angry and ready to attack his eyes because she knows her attacks won't work on his body. Then Rex came with a Big sword then Mikasa pointed her sword at them.

" Let me pass this as your first and final warning; don't pretend to understand me, or what choices to do." Said Mikasa gravely.

"Except I'm not pretending to, I do understand you." Said Jetray defiantly.

"Say that again." She threatened. Kevin changed his right hand into Hammer and was ready to hit her head but Rex stopped him.

"You're not the only one who's lost someone they care about. I have a grandfather, that I care about. But he died and my parents didn't take care of me. They just left me alone to die." Jetray's words also caused another wave of disbelief to wash over the teens. Mikasa's hold on the sword slipped as a result of her surprise, Rex patted Ben's back and Kevin saw him with a sad face. With gritted teeth, Mikasa prepared to lunge at Jetray but Kevin prepare to attack her.

"my grandfather's death was one of the worst experiences in my life. He died while saving me from an Accident when I was young. I didn't have time to grieve because when it happened, people and my parents, whom I didn't even know started to depend solely on me, and I had to take up his responsibilities. Each day I'd act like everything was ok like I had everything in control, but in reality, I didn't."

"It's not your fault Ben" Rex said to him. Because they know his past.

Krista remember her childhood and felt both of them had somewhat similar past

"Whenever I was alone, whenever I was reminded of him, I bottled up my feelings because I was afraid that I'd be letting everyone down if I allowed my problems to plague me." Mina and Krista shared looks of sympathy due to his words. Even Ymir seemed somewhat remorseful. Both rex and Kevin saw his ben.

"But my friends helped me grieve; they were there for me at my lowest moment. Even now they are with me, I wouldn't have been able to keep fighting if it wasn't for them." A small smile sported on Rex, Kevin, and Connie's faces. Jetray then walked towards Mikasa, now just inches apart from her.

"I can tell you've lost a good friend, and I'm not going to tell you how to grieve, because everyone mourns differently. But I will tell you that this isn't it." Mikasa's body tensed slightly and she began to hold her blades firmly.

"Those words you said about winning and fighting. If you win, you live, if you don't fight, you can't win' and you might as well die. He told you that didn't he?" Her hold on her blades loosened as her eyes widened in shock. She was surprised that he was able to discern that but didn't say anything to interrupt him.

"Though we might not fully agree with it, I do get the gist of what he meant. And I can tell you that you going out there; outnumbered and outmatched, needlessly risking your life by doing so, isn't fighting to win.'

"You're fighting to numb the pain. No, more than that. You're fighting to end it. But what if I told you there was another way?" Mikasa looked at Jetray with a twinge of curiosity.

"What if I told you that you could still honor his memory by living to fight another day?" Mikasa gasped slightly in response. Jetray then walked to the edge of the roof and then turned back to face them.

"We are going to clear out this city of any Titans that remain. But we need you and all to do one thing; especially you, Mikasa." They all looked at him curiously, wondering what he would ask of them.

"Because I can't ask you to stay behind, I'll allow you to follow us, but I can't allow you to fight alongside us right now, not this time."

"But you said it yourself, there are so many Titans in the city. Far too many for three persons to take on alone." Argued Krista.

"We are not weak, and I'm sure you all know that." Countered Jetray. No one said anything in a rebuttal. Even the ones that seemed like they wanted to couldn't, as words failed them.

"We haven't a second more to waste so we need to act now." Jetray then took to the sky, but before flying away.

"And Mikasa, Armin." He turned to look at the duo.

"If you feel like you can't go on, remember why it is you came this far in the first place." Said Jetray with a smile and a tone of sincerity. After doing so, he departed.

Then Both Rex and Kevin started to follow him and transformed their weapons to kill the titans.

His words struck a chord with them, as they all fell into a deep silence, their faces frozen in surprise. Both Mikasa and Armin's composure seemed to be more shaken than before. Their silence wouldn't last long though, as their countenance would all change into determined looks right before they left the rooftop as well.

Next chapter