
Strange creature

On a sunny day where the sun is blazing directly overhead, there is a dense forest with a warm atmosphere.

Despite so many inhabitants in the forest are on the hunt for lunch. Like an eagle circling the sky preparing to pounce on small animals below, a tiger with red long fangs hides behind a bush to pounce on its prey. Right in the middle of the forest there is a fairly large puddle, in the middle of the puddle there is a dark stone like an egg. It is the same size as an ostrich egg.

"Kyaa... Help!"

A scream of someone rang out, it belonged to a 9 year old girl, her appearance was waist-length straight blonde hair with a small red bow on her head. The girl was wearing a white shirt with a red skirt covered in mud.

The girl's appearance was beautiful, very beautiful but covered in mud on her face. She was also unlucky because behind the girl, two green dwarf creatures with pointed ears were chasing her.

"Somebody help me!"

Not long after suddenly he fell because he tripped on something, and slipped into a puddle. There was a dark colored egg, with a very hard looking shell, like it couldn't be broken. kiee! Forget about eggs, the unlucky girl had been chased by two goblins before.

There one of the goblins approached, and the little girl who had fallen down dragged herself backwards while trembling with fear.

"No! Please do not."

Goblins look happy, there they smile because they see the prey can't run away. They went straight to the girl, then one of the goblins grabbed her blonde hair and dragged her along.

"Kyaa, it hurts no help!"



A long dangling antennae pierced the heads of the two goblins, which became instant death for them. But it didn't stop there, the antennae split into two and showed sharp, drooling bites similar to those of a hungry beast.

The tentacles immediately bit and ate the two goblins, coincidentally the incident was in front of the little girl. She witnessed it firsthand with his own eyes of course being terrified.

"Huh? what's that?"

Slowly the girl's eyes saw where the grunts came from, it was aimed at the strange egg-shaped rock. There it appeared that the object had cracked, and it was from the hole in the crack that was where the grunts came from.

"Eh? What's that thing?"

The girl became very curious but didn't dare to approach, but she remembered that the previous grunts only attacked goblins. There the little girl speculated, the grunts would not attack her.

The little girl ventured closer to the odd egg-shaped rock, she walked slowly with trepidation but finally arrived at the grunts.

The antennae that were dangling out of the egg-like rock were slowly pulled back in, the girl fell over in shock. Just as it did, the tentacles returned swiftly to hold back their falling self.

"Eh? Th-thank you?"

Because of what the tendrils had done earlier, it made the little girl's feelings a bit more comfortable. He had thought that something from the egg-shaped rock would not attack him.

Now that the little girl's heart and faith were bolder than before, she walked in front of the egg-shaped rock. After arriving he slowly opened the rock crack, of course with great care and a little disappointed.

It didn't take long for the girl to finally open all the cracks in the egg-shaped rock, there the girl saw she was very surprised and confused to see the contents of something inside.

"Actually, what are you?"

The girl slightly tilted her head, she looked at the stone egg shaped creature in surprise. That was because something inside was unusual, looking like a pale white octopus with bloodshot eyes.

"If I'm not mistaken it's a water animal from the sea, how come it's in a rock and in a place like this? And also how can this creature kill two goblins?"

The little girl was watching the creature inside the rock-shaped egg, she seemed to be asking herself questions because she was confused. But that was only occasionally because his young brain easily ignored the problem, he immediately picked up the octopus from the stone egg.

Very innocently not knowing anything and not caring about what happened next, the little girl looked cheerful holding the creature like a tame pet. For the creature that the little girl had just picked up, it didn't attack or perceive the little girl as a threat.

"Hey, what name do you have? I thought no how do I name you as Lulu?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to socialize with you. My name is Elena! nice to meet you!"