
The newest collection.

My name is Bells. I grew up in a house full of clocks. But I do not like clocks like the rest of my family does. I like bells. I once to a festival where you were supposed to try to gain a new collection. I collected bells. I have a large collection of bells in my home. I am now 18 years old, and got my new house two months ago. My bell collection started right after the festival from 1 month ago. I once thought I heard bells in the night but I thought it was my cat, Snoot, who loves bells as much as I do. I also have a husky named Fluff, but he has his own little room, because he tries to swallow the bells. I even have more than 12 bell jewelry items. I wanted more bells, so later that day I went to a thrift store to get more. big and small. I even got a bell pencil! I went to sleep that night happy with my new bells. The next morning, I cleaned all 122 bells like I always do. It seems like a lot, but I do not have a job, and I am on break from high school. I never really thought I had too many bells. Once, and girl from school, a rude one, came to my house and destroyed more than 20 of my bells because she thought I had too many. I called to police and she had to pay up for every single one. And 5 of them were more than 50 bucks! Every time I saw her, she would give me a dirty look, then look away. She never talked to me anymore so I was happy. I needed money, but wasn't qualified for most jobs. I would often go over to my friend's house, and they would pay me to work out side on their lawn, or inside with the dishes or something else. I would earn money, but I would get distracted and buy more bells. I once bought more than 100 bells in one day! I even made my phone ringtone a bell sound. My dog would bark, but I didn't mind. I always loved my life. I had the perfect amount of everything. Food, water, and bells! And almost enough money. One day I was cooking with my own and spatula, which had bells, and my cat broke an antique bell clock and I was mad.I locked her in to my room and continued cooking. The cooking part was irrelevant but I thought it might be good to mention. I was still angry when I let the cat out but she behaved. I did not play with her for an hour but she was cute so I gave in. I was very busy that day so I was in a rush to get everything done. those things were just cooking, feeding the pets, shopping, and homework. I went along with my day and tired myself out. I never thought I would be able to tire myself out, but I did so I fell asleep soon after dinner.

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