
Bekhauf (Fearless)

Asia is a beautiful and vast continent where countries in South East such as the Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, etc. reside. Many folks have registered stories of old which they called Urban Legends that dated back decades of centuries ago are noted to be scary, historic or heroic. But this legendary story I am about to tell you will make you think and realize about your existence. That reading this urban legend will make you rethink if you are part of their lineage or not? Keyoshi is tagged as the village’s finest, fear less girl alongside Yuna, the former’s challenger in the Hunt’s game. She is part of a clan in an ancient village called Mimiko. Mimiko Village has tradition that to be able to grow strong, and be part of a powerful hunting team, young girls at the age of 13 years will need to travel West and fight all goblins and dark spirits (dead monsters) that they will face in a land a hundred kilometers away from their village, called Yomi (land where a living could never go back alive). Yomi is an island where humans who lived an evil life will get trapped here. Yomi has a man-spirit king named King Aatma.

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · Urban
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93 Chs

Into the Wild 2

Where is Keyoshi and Yuna when you need them? Damn!, Kish thought and when he and Mari saw the girls beyond and at the entrance of the rainforest. Guardbreakers appeared suddenly and was about to strike the vehicle when Keyoshi jumped and caught the Guardbreakers 50 inches sword that almost broke her sword, but didn't. Keyoshi! Yahoooo!!!!, Kish and Mari shouted and pulled away from the Guardbreaker and stopped to let Yuna and the Warrior Champion in. The Guardbreaker moved away and like a light bulb was shut off and just stood like a statue that he is as always. Guardbreakers are there that when a warrior or a person who tries to enter the rainforest uninvited or on illegal entry, they annihilate to keep the forest safe and peaceful.

(A/N: All animals or beasts wild or not are not hurt in real life. They are just fictionary and this novel is about games and all are fictionary. Places and events, some, true and some, imaginary.)

Guard breakers stopped and like a statue they remained still even if warrior hunters fought with the wild beasts of Yoshi. I wonder if Ofanims will be this agile or calm when it comes to killing or protecting lands. Yomi is definitely a sacred but the most damned place on earth, yet there was never an incident that warriors come out alive or what from it. Yet Emu, Yuna's friend and Russia's champion once told me when we were at the registration for the games, she was able to survive Yoshi five years ago because of Leon, the Guardian Spirit of Mimiko. Furfly saved her but he disappeared even before she could thank the man protector of our land. Emu gave me the medallion and I cut it in half for Yuna to wear so she can be protected by its light and guidance. However, it never lighted nor gave signs that it is working or it will protect Yuna or I in the midst of danger or wild beasts. Haaa….what now?, I thought very desperate.

Watch out Shi!!!, Yuna called out from a distance and covered me from a grey dragon. He is so huge that Yuna needed to hide herself on a Sequia tree for protection. Wait up, don't do anything to spoil the fun!, I said and ran towards her to blocky the dragons fire outbreak.

"You, get away from here, this is not a safe place for humans, much more for girls like you!", the dragon talks and as if giving us warnings.

What do you know about us? We like adventure and danger so get the hell away from us and move on!

Huh….you arrogant fool!, the dragon added and hammered me with his huge, long and pointy tail.

Ouch! That hurts, but this would hurt like hell….Yaaahhhhhh…..

Stop, Keyoshi, I think he is telling the truth. Look! What are those?, Yuna interrupted and pointed to beyond the forest we are in, where beasts of all sizes and features fall in line to go somewhere.

What's happening, Sir Dragon?

Aha…for an arrogant mutt like you, you respect an old monster like me….Thank you! Hmm…they are ordered by the Goddess of the Underworld to create havoc on earth. Yoshi is just a stepping stone to conquering earth.

What do you mean by that…ahh…?, Yuna said while running with the dragon and Keyoshi to the end of a cliff and look at the beasts in line to enter a cave.

Drake, call me Drake?, the dragon said sort of smiling at Yuna.

Drake, huh…like a mans name, hahaha…ahh….yeah, right! Beautiful name!

Nice to meet you Drake, I am Yuna and that arrogant prick is Keyoshi!

Drake nodded to Yuna and smirked smoke on Keyoshi when Yuna mentioned her name.

So, what can we do to help them?, Yuna said now lying on the ground on her chest to check on the cave and the beasts using her binoculars.

We can't do anything to help them my dear! They are under Serpenta's power. I can fly both of you to them now if you want!

No, not today, we need to help the other warrior hunters first and finish the games!, Keyoshi interrupted looking at Yuna carefully.

Yes, it's true Drake, but when we get to Yomi Island, we will try to help out in a way and defeat the gods of the underworld soon! But not today, I'm afraid. Soon, Keyoshi has a point and winked at Drake who got confused why she did that.

Drake, we need your help, can you scare the beasts out of our way so we can save what's left with our warrior hunters and bring them home!?, Keyoshi said loking at Drake right into his googly and big eyes.

Yes! For Yuna and for the warrior hunters I will help you!

Good, let's go then!, Keyoshi said happily and tapped the dragon on the forehead.

The gods and goddesses on the middle earth and underworld have been at war for ages. They seem to misunderstand or miss the chance to meet eachs' expectations and stay angry with each other until today. Power, influence and riches tend to cloud their minds and decisions that the poor and helpless in our villages and tribes remain the same after decades of succumbing to fear and dark power, leadership. When can we see that fateful and beautiful day of freedom, prosperity and happiness? A life full of joy, security and equality?, Keyoshi thought looking at Yuna while riding Drake's back to save the warrior hunters and what's left in the teams who were sent to bring mementos of their catch for the semis of the games.

Wow…the sky is so great. The clouds, as if I can reach them, they are so soft to the touch!, Keyoshi reaching or the clouds while Yuna is enjoying the ride. Yoshi has been my home for decades and I can't think of any place I can live for another decade or so, yet, Morphia and Serpenta have been ruling the underworld and the damned that it is impossible to stay in one place and not get eaten by beasts and monsters they created to inhabit the world much over here in Yoshi and Yomi isles. I love to see our island at peace and the animals are living harmoniously with the humans, with you, Drake broken hearted.

Yes, I understand Drake. Sorry, you don't need to tell us that's heartbreaking story. We will help you and your friends to get Yoshi back to becoming a happy and inhabitable place as it was before!, Yuna touching Drake's cheek as she bent over to reach for it. Drake smiled and felt loved.

Let's check out there! Maybe the teams camped outside of the cave!, Keyoshi cried and called Drakes attention to head over the camp site. About 50 feet above the trees Drake glided over and then under to drop Keyoshi and Yuna over to the hunters camp. It is more or less 600 miles from where the Dark Cave is and where Serpentia and Morphia meets to change the beasts and monsters of Yoshi as their slaves.