

"So there's the Green Clan's Herb store and besides their store is their Clinic for the people." Hue said. I looked at the side where there's a few people lining up. Most are sick, but being assisted and attended by seemingly medical personnels. I heard great things about Effreila's clan and seeing Ella's father, their Clan sure is dedicated doctors and noble people.

"If you go even forward, you'll see a lot of different store selling miscellaneous things. They are all pretty much reasonable prices to don't worry of being cheated, but if you want to make sure go check out other stores to compare prices." Hue said to me as we walk towards the Herb store after we have our horses kept in the nearby stable. Where it's guarded by some guards. It's like a parking space, but for horses. Kind of neat!

Thankfully I encountered Hue, because I really forgot to ask Rory for directions to the market place. Maybe that's why he's shouting at me before I left. I should really listen first to Rory.

But looking at Hue, it seems he doesn't recognize me or atleast he's pretending not to recognize me? I'm not really sure, but I'm fine either way. It's not like I'm doing something illegal. I'm just crossdressing to buy some medical herbs. Plus I know what I'm doing is not really illegal since I've read books about the Empires Law. I've read it in the Library at Shen Courtyard.

"Greetings! Welcome to our herb store. How may we help you, customers?" The male attendant said after we entered. As soon as you get inside the place, you'll be greeted with the smell of herbs. It lifts you body, even energizing me to some point. I reached out the paper inside my robe containing the list of herbs that I need.

"Can I get a set of each herb in the list?" I asked then handed the paper. The attendant looked at the list and instantly became chipper.

"Certainly, Sir. Are there anymore you'd like to add? We have some new products over here that you might want to see." The attendant said to me and led the way. Before I walked, Hue made a sign that he'll be out first so I just nodded then followed the attendant.

"Currently there's a lot of candle being made for aromatherapy and a of guys are buying it for woman they fancy." The attendant said and showed a bunch of candle with different labels indicating what scent it had. I looked around the candles and saw that there's a candle that contains the aroma of Stargazer Lilies.

"How much for this one?" I asked and picked it up to smell. As I breathe it in, the familiar scent of the flower brings nostalgia to me. My brother who introduced me to this flower.

" You're in luck, sir as this candles are part of the last sets made. Since the period of when this flower bloom is over and the next batch we could make is till next year. So the price for this candle is 4 small silver." I nodded and let the attendant to brought the candles together. As the attendant settle the things I've ordered, I looked around the area where the patients are getting treated. There's one oldy lady with green hair that serves as the doctor giving check up to patient while there's a young man beside her assisting with prescription. While the others in line are assisted by student doctor reassuring and giving patients some first-aid treatment while they wait for their turn for the check up. Although they are proficient, but the amount of doctor can't accommodate this a lot of patients. They're understaffed. If there's some emergency ever happened, the line will be halted for the doctor to attend to the one who needed it more first.



Reenste in a disguise just continued observing the place. When then a man in distressed searched for a store clerk and whispered something.

"I'm afraid that the young master is currently out for his home visits...." the store clerk said. The distressed young man was about to ask the busy doctor tending to a patient. When a man with his red hair, tall stature and burly build came in. At first glance he seems calm, but little droplets of sweats can be seen in his forehead and a bit of creasing in his forehead seemingly from experiencing pain. Nevertheless he remained calm looking around the place. When his eyes landed to the young man who came in first he raised his eyebrow, seems to be asking a question through his gaze. The young man then walk to him and in low voice spoke.

"The Young Master is seems to be out on his daily visits, sire." The young man said. As he utter every words seems to be nails sealing his death. The man with the red hair clutched his fist and his face gone dark. Just when he's about to flung his fist, a slender hand touched his arms. He looked to see a pearly white and flawless hand is holding him back. Thinking it's a lady, he tone down his anger and looked at the person, rather a pubescent boy with a really white and smooth skin. Almost beating every girls on how clear and smooth his face seems to be. He doubted if this guy is really a "guy" or a girl for a second. Then again he remembered his anger and the immediate symptoms he's feeling.

"Who are you? And how dare you touch me carelessly. Do you think I do not dare cut your arm this instant?" The red haired man was about to unsheat his sword when the pubescent boy brought out a chair and pulled him down to sit. Which surprised the red haired man from the force used by the little fellow.

Of course this little fellow that suddenly showed up to the red headed man is none other than Reenste. She was just observing the place when the red head guy showed up and Reenste immediately knew that the red head guy needed treatment.

"You're poisoned. You need to be treated immediately." Reenste said to the man as he ripped the right sleeve of his dress. Everyone was shocked when Reenste did that. Even Hue who has entered earlier to see the commotion was taken a back from the sudden brashness of the lady. If it wasn't for her disguise, she would immediately lose dignity just by touching his arm suddenly. Let alone ripping a man's dress.

But the shocked was turned to horror when they saw two bite marks that are swollen and black. It was a deep bite and it's already infected in anyway possible it could be.

"How did you..." the red head man was shocked to be figured out. He was so sure that he didn't show anything in his expression when he entered, besides his servant, there's nothing that would give away his situation besides peeking at his dress, but that would be absurd.

"There's a discoloration in your fingertips. Your lips are dry and a bit off color. Although you tried to hide it, you're sweating alot. You're also breathing very slow." Reenste said as she checks his pulse. The red head man just stares at him awed by how great "his" analysis was.

The green haired old lady was about to stand up to help over when Reenste spoke.

"I'll take care of this one, Doctor. You're already busy enough and I assure you I know how to treat poisons." Reenste said and smiled as "he" received a pair of gloves from the attendant she randomly dragged earlier. As soon as Reenste noticed what the man's condition is. She immediately talked to a store attendant to get the necessary pills and herbs.

The old lady Doctor nodded then continued to tend the other patients while looking over Reenste on how she's doing.

The pills Reenste asked was crushed to powder and then she mixed it to a bucket of water.

"How long has it been since you were bitten?" Reenste asked. The guy was startled when Reenste started to wash his wound.

"4-5 hours now, I think."

Reenste nodded the looked at the attendant helping her now and ask other some herbs.

"Eat this herbs. Chew it finely before drinking it fully." After washing the herb then wrapping it burrito style, Reenste shove the herbs then let the Red haired man chew it before proceeding

"Your arms are black because it has been infected. Normally it should just be red, but as you had it covered in cloth, the blood that needed to flow out got stuck and was infected instead. So now I'll do incision to your arm to have some blood flow out."

The people was just silent, not even a sick patient dare to cough due to the fear they might distract Reenste as she cuts in the red head man's skin. The wound was cut down an inch a part the two bite marks. Pure red blood with a venomous smell gushed out the cut created. The blood was then poured out to the bucket and was let to bleed while Reenste asked the doctor regarding blood transfusion.

Although this world is not as advance in modern technology like how it was in Reenste's old world, the medical science here still did made an advance thus they have apparatus to tranfuse blood to patient who needs it.


In the clinic where Reenste looking over the blood transfusion to the Red headed man. Nearby was a young doctor in a white robe and his green hair tyed up. Someone from his clan immediately went to find him to inform what has transpired in their clinic.

"But who's the young lad treating him now?" The green headed man asked himself as he walk to their clinic with his tools and other student doctors. When he reached their clinic, he found his friend bleeding and being given blood at the same time.

"Status?" He asked to the young lad he saw near his friend. The young lad whom he saw had the mosy beautiful eyes he seen, even rivaling women he have ever seen. Thus he doubt if this person is really a young lad.

"I given him the antidote for the poison. I have also drained out some of his blood that are poisoned and infected. But he might need more blood later on when the wounds are sealed. Plus pain killers and some medication to bring back his strength." the Young lad said to him. He nodded as he looked at his friend now lying unconscious to a bed. He then looked over the wounds, it was carefully made and was well done. Looking at the venomous blood, he thought to himself. If his friend wasn't given treatment right away he came here, he might have been dead. Thankfully he encountered the young lad.

As he was about to thank the young lad instead of his friend. He found that the youngster is no where to be seen.

"Young Master, the sire just now left in a hurry. He said something about doing an errand for his master thus he left in a hurry after getting the herbs he bought in the store." One of the student said. The green haired nodded as he silently looked over his friend.

Of course that person is still Reenste in her disguise. As soon as she treated the man, she immediately got her things and left. Although she knew they wouldn't harm her, but she doesn't want any attention more than she already have. Plus she just save that person out of the whim, because she remembered how his brother got bitten by snake almost died helplessly in her presence. Thankfully his brother and her got rescued in the end, but due to the fear. She studied ways to cure poisons so much she's versed in poisons.


I looked at Lady Reenste walking fast carrying a lot of stuff. She's really carefree. First she goes out the Palace in disguise, saves a stranger, then leaves. Now in a way, I find why my Lord find Lady Reenste interesting.

"Let me help you with that, little brother." I said to him and helped him carried some stuff. He was about to decline but I just did I wanted as we walk to a bookstore. She asked me where the bookstore is as "he" needed to do an errand for "his" Lady.

Most of the Ladies would just either let their servants do this or parade themselves in carriage and present themselves in public for some public prestige, but here she is. Disguising herself as a male servant.

"Uhmm Brother Hue... I said bookstore. Not the academy..." "He" said to me as we reached the Aether Empire Academy. Well... I smiled.

"There's really no such thing as bookstore, well there is. But mostly for kids books like story or simple alphabet. But I doubt your Lady will be satisfied with just that. In the Aether Empire Academy, there's nothing for sale but people are free to use the library to browse through books." I explained to her. "His" face then lit up from the realization and brighten up from happiness.

"Then let's go!" She said and immediately went towards the gate. Well I know she's happy, but even though it's open for all. There's still those who...have their reservations against other people.

"How dare a servant try to enter this place!"

I originally wanted to published a longer chapter, but decided to cut it since I haven't finished the latter part. So here's this part for now.

Xiaoryicreators' thoughts
Next chapter