2 Making the Chakra greate again.

Our schedule is simple. One team training and one mission every five days. Rest of the time is our own. Three of us also have mutual training on free days (thanks to sensei's advice). In result, we have four to eight hours a day for ourselves.

D-ranks are in fact boring, tedious, exhausting, attention-intensive chores. Our first mission was weeding, which took almost two days. Second - babysitting of five energetic and noisy kids. Our ninja skill doesn't matter at all!

Lee is in love with our sensei. I have an image to keep. So it falls on Tenten to ask an important question:

- Sensei, why are we doing these chores? Shouldn't we be running around stealing cutting-edge research, saving princes and stuff?

- Three of you need to grow up to take those missions. These - he opened his hands wide - meant to give you new perspectives and life experiences to accelerate this process. It usually takes three to six months with such a schedule. - He turned serious. - Just a few years back, Bloody Mist was using mortal combat between graduates for that same purpose. - At these words, a chill run down my back - must be his killing intent.

- That was scary sensei. - Admitted white-faced kunoichi. Lee was just gapping.

- They were forced to drop it. But the damage was done and now they have a civil war there. - jonin finished solemnly.

- I ... see, thanks for explaining. - The girl closed this dreadful theme.

Now that I think about it, there were many versions about D-ranks (back in another world), but I haven't seen anything so sensible. Either way, my first step to power is chakra-control exercises. If anime can be trusted, perfect control would accelerate my training a lot. Tree-walking took a week to learn and I spent three more to reach perfection. As a bonus, it reduced strain from using byakugan and made it notably stronger.

This month was enough to decide my next step - development of my Yin affinity. In practice, it's drawing and meditation exercises to sharpen my imagination. About six weeks later, I had an idea: chakra-henge - if it can imitate material objects, then imitating chakra should be possible. This would allow me to copy abilities of others by simply looking at them. In result, I'm learning how to draw chakra traits, which will help me in recreating and modifying chakra. It took me four weeks to recreate uncle's chakra, which was already similar to mine - it has made my byakugan even stronger. Actually, it changed my regular chakra, made it a bit stronger and denser.

This morning was a good start of an even better day. It was another team training and sensei was unusually intense. But in the end, he said - D-ranks are over! Tomorrow we will receive our first C-rank! It was the perfect cause to have a small party among ourselves. That evening I returned home late and informed uncle Hiashi about tomorrow's mission. I think, there was a small smile on his stoic face.
