
Chapter 42.

" Who"

At this time Danzo's voice came from the main building in the middle, I dodged the attacks as I turned to look at Danzo, seeing it was me Danzo knew that I know about his actions against Miko.

Now that he knew that because of his actions there was no way I would leave him alive so he ignored me and ordered his ninjas while also sending a signal to let the nearby Root members return and besiege me. while he himself re-entered his cabin. I just silently looked at his actions and when I saw him calling other members, I couldn't but smile, and continued to play with these guys not caring about Danzo.

I continue to slowly kill these guys as more and more root members came from the outside, After a while of killing I git bored while these emotionless machines still besieged even after seeing that I have killed so many of them while they couldn't even touch me. Since I felt bored and the anger in my heart was mostly vented so I smiled at the besieging guys and then used Flying Raijin to finish the remaining ones.

Killing them in seconds I didn't look behind and walked slowly towards the cabin that Danzo entered earlier, while behind me there were 100's of dead bodies scattered around as blood qi reeked throughout this enclosed space, you could even see some blood-red qi in the surrounding air.

Just as I reached the front of the cabin and tried to open it, the main body teleported beside me he looked at me while I looked at him, the main body looked at the whole surroundings seeing the bloodbath he nodded at me and then made the sign to dissipate.


~~Back to Main Body~~

After I looked at the Shadow clone's memory some of my Anger was vented but there was still no way, I was going to let Danzo die easily, I have especially thought of a few torture methods one which he will like very much.

I once again took a look at the surroundings and felt that the style of my shadow clone in doing things is very cool, if there is a chance I should use this method to clear some pest, Nodding to myself I entered the cabin, where I saw Danzo sitting there.

I looked at him calmly and asked.

" Why didn't you run I thought you should have disappeared by now."

Danzo just threw a camera on the desk, which was none other than the one I used to spy on him. I didn't say anything just watched him silently. He looked at me silently standing and indifferently continued.

" After I saw this and the images inside of it I knew you had the information about my co-operation with Orochimaru on this attack, which means no matter what I do I will declare a traitor if this news gets out, even If like old times that soft-hearted idiot Hiruzen helps me, you will definitely not leave this opportunity so easily, you will definitely hand this information to the Elder council or even spread it to the whole Village, at that time no matter what I will be declared a rebel and will be chased and killed."

His eyes turned red as he looked at me in anger as he continued.

" You.. You not only destroyed my Dream of becoming but also made me die as a rebel, so how can I accept this result, So I planned and thought that anyway Hiruzen would die in this battle so why don't I capture his niece and your only weakness Miko, which was told to me by that idiot, last time when you had threatened me, I met him and in a moment of blindness he told me about this, I wanted to use this to threaten you to return those images as well as if there is a chance take your own life"

Hearing his words, the last thing happened because I was not thorough enough in doing things and that Hiruzen is not so good at keeping people's secrets except for the things related to the village, as he will talk of my weakness is Miko but he won't tell that I have mastered Flying Raijin which will be good for the village and used as a trump card.

I looked at him silently for a while before saying in a hoarse voice.

" You have been declared as s traitor by Hiruzen, he has asked me not to torture information out of you and give you a quick death."

Hearing my words, Danzo was not surprised as he knew that since I appeared here means that the old guy is still not dead, and with my attempt on his and his Niece's life he won't let me go easily but since this attack, I co-operated with Orochimaru and indirectly collaborated with Hidden Sand village he will be disappointed on me and can only declare me as a traitor.

He looked at me and laughed as he said.

" Do you really think you kid can kill me"

I didn't answer but my eyes looked at him with a look conveying the meaning of 'you are already dead, so why bother to ask such a silly question'

Seeing my look he was not Infuriated but smiled slightly which looked very ugly, he did quick hand seals and sent a wind cyclone at me, while I just used Flying Raijin to dodge the attack but the whole cabin was shredded into pieces with him as a midpoint, I was not in the mood to play games with him, So I used Flying Raijin to come beside him and slice him into pieces.

Standing above his sliced body, I slowly said.

" Come out I know you are still alive"

Hearing my words Danzo was taken aback as he came from few meters away on my right.

He looked at me and asked.

" How do you know I was still alive, No one can differentiate me after I use this Jutsu."

I just looked at him and quietly replied.

" You're not the only one who has studied Sharingan deeply, don't forget one of my Sharingan friends died at your hands, at that time I was weak so I left it at that now that I am quite powerful, and there is this task to kill you, I can also help Shisui to get some payback."

He didn't care about my other words and put his whole mind on Sharingan I said since not many people knew about this, But he didn't think much as he thought I might have seen this from the spy camera.

So he once again concentrated his attention on me.

I didn't give him a chance to continue and continued to butcher him time and time again until the chakra senses stopped showing me that all the Sharingan on his hands have turned blind, and there is no chakra response coming from them only then did I slow down my offense and then looked at the now decadent Danzo.

I looked at him and said.

" I will tell you my little secret Danzo, any way you're going to die so no one will learn about this, and I am quite tired of keeping this secret from everyone."

As I said these I placed a few seals around us enclosing this space so that no one can hear my words, including that half wood half soil guy.

" I came from the future so I knew all the things you were going to do, from the moment I came back to this time, I knew you will attack Shisui, I had reminded him, but that idiot still had to go and battle it out with you." He was surprised at my words but couldn't say anything since I have completely sealed his body together with the surrounding and then sat beside him. I continued.

" I also knew you were going to co-operate with Orochimaru, I had already planned to use this opportunity to take away your throne and replace it with myself, So either you were dead, from the moment I came back in time."

Hearing my words he could only sigh, I didn't seem to care about him and talked about some coming events like Akatsuki gathering tailed beasts, Pains attack, Madara's return, Allied shinobi forces, Sage of six paths Obito, the rebirth of Ten-tails, Otsutsuki Kaguya, etc.

After he heard my words he couldn't help but get slightly frightened, and then tried to think about how to handle these things, I didn't give him this chance and just stroked his neck with my kunai and 2 other kunai were inserted on both side of his chest in case he has a heart on the other side. and just like that the Darkness that ruled and helped Konoha for 3 wars died in my hands.

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