
Being loved by a rich-guy (Chapter -1)

His eyes sparkle wickedly, as he smirks down at me. "you obviously don't know who I am do you?"

He really expects me to know who he is?

I burst out laughing and roll my eyes ,"Obviously you aren't important enough for me to know."

His face is now dangerously close to mine and for a second I swear he is going to kiss me. Instead, his lips brush my ear, sending shock waves throughout my whole body .I don't think I can push him away even if I tried.

His voice is low and husky in my ears ,"My name is Oliver Noah , and I am powerful enough to buy you and every last thing you own".

Hi this is Jothi ,I just randomly came her to write books of various types , so that I could be able to convince myself that I'm just not wasting my time anymore . Being a complete failure as an Arts student then became an Interior designer ,cluelessly, but still enjoyed ever process of it .Got into freelancing after 6 months of office work of me being an interior designer ,I had to leave the job cause I didn't liked the office environment anymore ,the world of mine still choice to be rude with me. Anyway its not anyone's problem not even me, it is what this universe has got me into, for her entertainment ,I am one among many jokers. My childhood was not even a normal one ,I was not a bright one in my academic's as well. To sum up my life through out my education, I couldn't cope up and was struggling cause I was disabled in studies ,being mocked by many, was miserable. Wisdom , knowledge and understanding in education is very important in life or else ,the future will be nothing at all.


My eyes snap open, and I realize that my alarm hasn't gone off. I clumsily reached my phone , knocking over loose items on my night stand in the process. I groan as the screen lights up and shows me that its 7:00AM. I am running 30 minutes late. Again . I did this last week as week. I mentally slap myself for being so irresponsible . I hastily throw the covers off in a panic making finn the cat hop off the bed, and duck under a chair in the corner o my room .

Not again, Not again. I mutter as i peel off the baggy shirt I am wearing. I grab my uniform for work off of the pile of clean laundry , that desperately needs to be folded. I pull the dark blue polo over my head, and yank my simple black pants on . I pick up the pile of clothes , and throw on the floor of my closet . Staying on top of the chores was almost impossible wit the amount of work I had been doing this pat month . Honestly ,I like it though .I like working all of the time , because it keeps me distracted from my thoughts. It keeps me out of my empty house and force me to socialize. I needed this job and I love it.

I go into my bathroom, and try my best to make it look like I'm not completely exhausted. After running a brush through my hair, I pull my dark strands into my messy braid, and secure my hair in place with a hair tie. I look at my reflection in the mirror and all i see are my tired brown eyes. I let out a long sigh. Today was definitely going to be a long one...

I lock up the apartment and make my way down to the old coffee shop, around the block from my apartment .I check the time. I have 20 left minutes to spare .There was no way I would be late again, so I pick up my speed. When I finally reached the little shop I am out of breath. I look at the clock one more time and let out a happy sign, "Nice. Right on time!"

I walk through the doors with my head held high. I decided on way to work that I would make today a good one, even though I am exhausted as hell . I clock in and throw on my apron. I walk to the front by the cash register. I greet customers as they come in and even attempt to throw a smile on my face so that I don't scare off the customers.

I hear a small laugh behind me , and a "hey girl"!

I quickly glance behind my shoulder. Rita my co worker and best friend has just arrived for the shift. Working with my best friend is the best thing in the world. We have a really special bond and she understands me completely . I watch as she effortlessly throws her bright red hair into a huge messy bun on the top of her head . I wish i had her confidence . She grins at me , and grabs an apron hanging on some hooks.

"I'm assuming your alarm didn't go off?" She raises her eyebrows at my messy braid and tired eyes.

"This wouldn't be the first time." rolling my eyes. We both laugh and get to work.

The day drags on slowly but it isn't horrible. The customers have all been friendly today and it puts me in a good mood...I glance at the clock on the wall in front of me, and realize it's my break time. I walk to the back of the shop and sit down in a random chair . I close my eyes and it feels so good. Even though today has been doing great, I still feel a headache coming on. I close my eyes and groan rubbing my temples . Jeez, I need some sleep .

when my shift ends I hang up my apron and wave goodbye to Rita. Love you! she yells obnoxiously loud as she leaves.

I yell back an I love you, and grab my coffee and bag off of the counter and head for the exit. I could not wait to get home and take a long nap. My phone dings in my pocket and I look down to check it. When I look back up, I collide with some thing hard. My mouth opens in mid shout, as I watch my coffee fly from my hand, onto a very well dressed man. He is wearing a light grey suit and unfortunately it looks expensive. Feeling embarrassed I avoid looking at his face and begin rubbing at one of the stains with some napkins I was holding.

Oh my gosh ! I am terribly sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going , and it was a complete accident. Oh gosh this is definitely going to stain. "I am interrupted as two strong hands grab on to my wrists and stop my frantic rubbing. I blink slowly and look up. I m pretty sure in that moment, I forgot how to breathe.

The man standing before me looks like he belongs on a magazine cover. He has the kind of face that makes you stop and look twice without thinking about it. He towers over me and without thinking I wish he would let go of my wrists so that I could take step back, and take all of him in.

My eyes flicker up to his, and I am met with searing dark pupils. I quickly look down feeling panic start to form inside of me. His hand are still around my wrists!

"How would you be so stupid and not watch where you're going! Why are you always so clumsy!"

"Did you not hear me?" His voice rings into my ears. It's quite deep and husky. I am shocked at how many I want him to keep talking.

Huh? I say stupidly snapping me out of thoughts . Why am I acting like this? I must look like a complete moron.

I dare to meet his eyes again and he looks even more pissed then he did a second ago. Yup ,I looked like a moron for sure.

How careless can you be !Look at this shit. His grip tightens at my wrists before he drops them in disgust. I wince at his harsh words and stumble back in complete shock. What the hell was wrong with this guy?

I-I will pay you for the damages of course. I say a little too quietly. I hate to admit it but I'm intimidated, and really caught off guard by how he is affecting me.

He laughs loudly, which makes my eyes widen in shock. Why the heck was he laughing ?He looks me up and down, and my knees feel like they might turn to jello.

You?! you?! He laughs even louder, causing people at nearby tables to glance over.

Umm...well, I mean, I don't get paid until next week but I can pay for the damages when I get that, no problem at all. I'll even give you my number so that I can find a way to get it to you.

He stops laughing and his expression goes from amused to ice cold. A girl like you could never afford even a piece of fabric. Let me ask you something. How much do you think this cost me ?

He gestures to his dark suit jacket.

I give him a puzzled look. What was this guy about? Why couldn't he just let it go!

Um, $100 or $200 maybe? I'm praying its not more than that. Even $100 will set me back and i have to work more shifts to cover the loss.

He sneers at me and crosses his arms over his chest. you want to times that by 10?

My mouth drops open, and I swear I see a slight look of amusement on his face.

My voice comes out as barley a whisper, T-that much?

Oh yeah my angle .That much. Now....how are you going to pay me back? His eyes slowly trail down my body and I feel naked under his intense stare. I clear my throat and ignore the butterflies beginning to form in my stomach after he called me angel. Despite how much he is affecting me, I am livid .How dare this ass hole speak to me like I'm garbage . Its just a damn suit!

He taps his foot on the ground slowly as if he was waiting for my response. I want to slap thaat stupid perfect smile off his face. Before I can stop myself the words just start falling out of my mouth.

Who in the hell do you think you are?!You can't just treat people like shit! My life is tough enough without you making it harder! I don't need like you rude bastard making me feel worthless because I not well off. If you think you can just come in here and act like a child about a stupid satin at your fabulous suit, then you clearly need some help.

I rip open my bag and pull out my wallet. He watches me with a shocked expression on his face as I dig through it quickly, pulling out a $20 and about 7 one dollar bills (shit!!!) and throw it at his face. I shove past him and practically run out of the coffee shop. I step out onto the street and look behind my shoulder to see if he is following me. I feel shocked by seeing his face still frozen in shocked face. He turns toward my direction and his eyes lock on mine. I flip him off and quickly duck behind a corner in case he gets to follow me. I do not need any lunatic chasing after me, even if he is the most attractive man I've ever seen.

When I finally reach the door of my apartment I let out a sigh of relief. This day turned so quickly and I felt like I might puke any second. I unlock the rusty lock and push my way into my small home.

Finn is waiting by the door for me like he usually is , and rubs himself against my leg ,purring loudly.

Hey buddy . Hope your day was better than mine. I scratch his soft orange fur and I already feel a bit better. I throw my bag down and flop onto my bed .I feel too overwhelmed and change out of my clothes.

I think I lay in bed for a good hour without any sign of sleep. I check the time it reads 11:11 PM. my dad used to tell me as a kid that this was wishing hour and I could make any wish I wanted. He told me if I wished hard enough it might come true.

I still find myself doing it even though I'm grown. I know that making wishes is just silly games yet, it comforts me so I still continue to do it .

I close my eyes and hope maybe wishes do come true, and that man just poof away and never bother me again. Please , I will literally take back every other wish I have made if you just make sure I never have to run into that jerk again. Let me wake up and forget this day ever happened.

Finns nestles up to me, purring loudly. I can't help but smile despite everything that's happened today. I pull the covers up higher and close my eyes, wishing for sleep to find its way to me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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