
Being a villain in my own novel is fun!

After Atlas's got into a fight with his mother and stepfather Atlas runs away from home. He writes the final three chapters to his web novel in the park . Sadly for him at that time there was a drug deal going on. Atlas gets killed after a long chase by the gangsters only to find himself in the body of Damien Junior. The main villain in his light novel! Atlas decides to live a good life without anyone getting in his way this time. Everyone! That included the main character, the side characters and even the extra's. Atlas decides to steal everything from the main character and make everything his own.

Sime_Kurosaki · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
145 Chs

Competition (Finale)

Stuart stood before me with his sword unsheathed. It was the finals. The final match and the final opponent standing between me and my dinero. He was going to have pay for that.

"I have a question, what exactly are you doing here? Today is a Tuesday, shouldn't you be in school colouring books and going for nap time?"

"We were given a one week holiday, but of course you would know that if you actually went to school and not doing God knows what."

"So you finally managed to grow a set of balls and talk properly without succumbing to your anger? That's good for you. Come at me."

I twirled my nunchuks in front of me and taunted him. No matter what I said he didn't flinch and charge at me madly. I didn't want to have to do this but...

"Come on... try and kill me like you did your parents!"


"I'm sure you had good reasons to do so, I mean Hitler had good reasons as well for what he did in his mind! Why are you not charging at me? Is it because you know I'm not some defenseless woman who can't fight back?"


"What was that a growl? That was the most pathetic growl that I have heard in my entire life. But I better your parents were scared of you when you growled at them weren't they?"

"ARRRGGGHH!" Bingo! The idiot charged at me and I placed my hands in my pocket.







I fired six bullets from revolver.







Stuart moved his sword and deflected my bullets with relative ease. That was impressive. I pressed the button on the nunchuk and they all connected to another forming one long metal staff.

As soon as Stuart got within range I thrust the spear at his stomach. He used his sword to block it. I thrust again and again and he continued to ward of my attacks.

'let's see you block this.' I inwardly said. I held the staff and thrust it as hard as I could. With all my strength behind the staff it moved at imperceptible speeds. Stuart just barely managed to evade it by moving to the side.

A second passed by and a loud sound followed as the sand and the ground parted and a huge hole was formed in the wall. The sound was like a high tech jet.

Stuart's eyes widened when he saw the damage I had caused. I was quite content with this as I had not used Hyoksi to enhance my strength. This was my base physical strength.

I crept up on Stuart who was still staring at the damage I had done. I swung the staff and he dodged it. He swung his sword and I dodged it just like he did mine.

I winded up my leg and threw the most outrageous kick at the most outrageous place possible. I kicked him in his balls. I could hear a loud crunch.

Although I was the one who was responsible I felt his pain. This man was not going to have any future children, not that he would be alive to see them even if he did. That was the end of his lineage.

He fell down to the floor holding his genitals and groaned loudly. The medical team arrived with stretchers and took him away.

"And we have a winner to the 31st annual Hyung competition." Serena shouted.


I walked away from the stadium with 10 million dollars in my bank account. Serena tried giving me a medal but I refused it. I did not want a meddle. I only came for the money and I got what I wanted.

Verizon tried talking to me about some important matters but I also refused. This man actually tried to give me a quest. What the fuck on earth was wrong with him? Did he think this was some kind of MMORPG?

I walked into a restaurant and ordered everything on the menu. The waitress seemed really familiar. "Do I know you? I think I have seen you somewhere else before."

"The maid cafe. I was at the maid cafe" she replied. Now I remember. I ate my food and stuffed my mouth full. I was hungry and tired from all that bullshit that I had just been through. At least the ten million dollars made it worthwhile all that trouble.

Checking the map app on my phone I saw that I was in a completely different country. I was 3 countries away from my country. It was good for me though. After checking it carefully, I saw that this country was near the elf lands of Forucia.

I had some business there. Well not business but someone to recruit for my mercenary group.


Back in the demon kingdom a massive battle was taking place and coming to its conclusion. Azriel stepped on Kollin's back and pulled out the two enormous wings. If people were told that the demon lord had screamed out in pain they would not believe. However his screams were so loud that his subjects in their homes could hear it.


A ridiculously stupid amount of blood that was redder than a bloodstained ruby splashed on Azriel's face and body. It was brightly coloured and the colour of it was crimson.

"I warned you little brother of mine, you had to kill me to get rid of me, not seal me and try to drain my power. Your greed was your downfall."

Azriel raised Kollin over his head and brought him down on his knee. His back broke immediately. Azriel then grabbed Kollins head. He pulled and pulled and pulled until he saw a small tear on Kollins neck. With a final burst of strength he pulled out Kollins head from its socket along with his spine. Talk about fatality.

Azriel licked the blood on his lips and glanced at the body of his dead brother.

He opened his mouth and took a giant bite. It was time for him to dig in to his meal. Azriel the usurper had finally been born after 30 years of torture by boredom and restraint.

However no longer, it was going to be time for him to do what he was planning to do in the first place. This entire world was going to suffer. A war was looming and everyone was going to join.


Azriel the usurper, tell me what you think of the name. Personally I think it's pretty cool.

Guys I'm working on another novel. It's a video game novel and it will be released after the end of the second volume. I can't think of a good name so can you guys help me out naming the novel

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