
Being a God is a Game

I'am tired of this life. losing my mom, being deceived by my own father, then living like an actor to deceive people around me... Well since I don't have anyone to blame so I can just blame it all to the the Gods right?? "Fuck you all so called gods out there for making my life like this, at least give something fun for my life you bunch of shit!" *DING* [WELCOME TO GOD GAME ONLINE] [PLEASE SELECT YOUR WORLD TO START] . . . "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" . . . Well... come and see how I become a being that I just cursed out from being pent up, yup I become a fucking God. ________________________________________________________ Average Words Chapter 1,5k-2k words This is my first time writing my own original novel and English is not my mother language so please tell me if there is any mistakes in grammars or wrong wording, or even any missing words. I'm writing this novel all by myself right now without any editor help at all so your help if there any mistakes is very appreciated.

SenYong · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


"Thanks for the food, Nat." I thanked her for making me food. It taste delicious alright, but I can't say that I'm in a good condition right now. Well my stomach stopped grumbling, that's a good thing, but instead I feel pain from it now. Let's just say a girl delicate body really pack some weird energy. How can a her thin arm punch felt that fucking painful to me? That's another mystery of life.

"No problem babe." Wow look at that smile, she just said it and tease me again without any guilt at all. Well you know the two supreme rules between boys and girls. I still remember how my schoolmate told me about those rules with a very serious expression.


"Valir... remember this rules! It will help your life greatly. First remember that girls is always on the right. Second rules, if somehow... IF SOMEHOW the GIRLS made a mistake, REMEMBER THE FIRST RULE... you know what to do now right mate. Don't thank me for this life lesson, I'm praying that your life will be smooth my friend."

"The fuck are you talking about dude?"

#Flashback End#

And there you go, the two supreme rules. I never though seriously about it but well I think I should do now. Just for Lia, Nat, and Ela though. Any other girls? I'm just gonna fuck them up if they mess with me I'm not a fucking simp alright. Well that's enough for now, I need to go back to the game, The System never told me about any penalty if we lose but I have a feeling there will be something bad for it.

"Alright Nat, I will go back to my room, I have something to do."

"Kay... don't forget to come out for diner okay?"

"Roger that."

I walked to my room and after I entered inside, I lock my door and tap the minimized button on my bottom left corner. The game window then appear once again.

'Alright, this time I will prevail. I won't give up."

Not long after started my second expedition on that unknown world, I found a bigger village that have about 50 people living in it. I tried to tap the village then the system comes out but this time there is a difference with the system answer.

[You have found a common grade village.]

[Do you wish to make this village as your starting point?]

[YES] [NO]

I answered no and tried to think about this new information. So basically there are grades to differentiate their rarity and quality. I should remember this village location first but my greed knows no end. At least I want to start with a rank that is higher than common grade village.

'Alright then, I'm fired up!'

So after thinking which direction should I search next, I decided to go North from that common grade village. There's a huge mountain on that direction and maybe, just maybe, I can something good there. After and hour of sliding the screen up to down, I found a lot ungraded village but that's not what I want to highlight.

I found a human with small stature but with a fucking body builder body and have a very thick beard. How the hell a small body like that can have all that muscle? Some of those muscle even can be seen bulging out. But that's not the point, from what I see, he is clearly a dwarf. I found a dwarf! The question is, can I also make their village into my starting point?

'Alright, don't think and just go for it Valir' I cheered to myself. Well after that I just stalk *cough* I mean follow him wherever he go hopping to find the dwarf village. After following him for about two hours, He finally entered a cave that located at the foot of that giant mountain. Well of course I also followed him inside the cave as well, and after a lot of turn here and there, finally I found it. It's The dwarf Village!

The village was located very deep underground bellow the mountain. I concur that there should be about more than 100 houses here so that means there should be minimum 100 people living here. Without waiting anymore, I tap the village on my game screen.

[You have found an Epic grade village.]

[Do you wish to make this village as your starting point?]

[YES] [NO]

I don't know where the epic grade located in the grades strata but I'm very sure that it is a grade above the common grade, so of course I take it immediately.

'Yes! Of course! I want to make it as my starting point!' I shouted to the system in my mind.


[You have been rewarded 1000 world points]

'That's all system? Isn't there anymore instruction or something to help me in managing this village?'

[Please find all the available function by yourself]

'Isn't there any system store or something since there is world point after all?'

[Insufficient Level of authority, the shop function cannot be used. Please do your best in gaining more authority, Player 177013]

'Fuck...first of all please change my name to Valir Nezar. It cost 1 world point right?'

[Profile adjustment has been made, 1 world point has been deducted from Player Valir Nezar.]

I then checked my status and my name has change to my real name.



NAME : Valir Nezar

Age : 18

Race : Human

God Alias : -

Conquered World : -

World Point : 999


HP : 168 [100*Lv + STR + (END)*2]

MP : 184 [100*Lv + WIS + (INT)*2]

STA : 154 [100*Lv + DEX + (END)*1.5]

STR : 20

DEX : 18

END : 24

INT : 27

WIS : 30

CHA :20

LUK : 12

"hmm" I hummed satisfied with my decision. After that I look the village carefully and tried to find any function for the village management. I found three buttons at my top left corner.




That's all? Really? I mean there's only three function right now and I need to discover the other function by myself. *sigh* Let's just move with the flow. I tap the management info and suddenly all kind of information appear in front of me.


TERRITORY : Balmund Village

LORD : Kajun

POPULATION : 189 people

WEALTH : 231 Gold, 9240 Silver, 23755 Copper

RESOURCE SPECIALTY: Copper Mine, Silver Mine, Iron Mine, Platinum Mine

ARMY : 20 Soldier

WORKER : 112 worker

Hmm well from what I see, the leader should be someone named Kajun, I need to find this person. The population is quite a lot as well, there also a lot of people that can work. 20 soldiers is enough for this scale of village but what very happy about is the resource that this village have. There are four fucking mines here! And not only that, I reckon that Platinum Mine should be a very special ore and I have a whole mine of it. I don't have to worry about money as well since there is copper and silver mine here. I realize the currency of this world is using copper, silver, and gold from the information, I don't know if there any other currency available or not and I'm still need to find out the conversion rate between copper, silver, and gold.

After I digest all of the information I get, I look at the second button that say 'Village Condition' and tap it. The as before the information appear right in front o my eyes and now I need to digest this new information.








I don't know how to determine this numbers with village condition right now, I need to figure it out later myself. But since politic is strip out, I think it means the ability to make relationship with other village. What makes me worried though is the current people satisfaction. I don't know why does it so low and what I feel the right thing to do is to improve it because I know morals affect life a lot and with this kind of situation I'm afraid some of them may do something bad or even suicide.

Then I look at the last button which say 'Saint Revelation' and tap it.


Saint : -

#Note : Currently you don't have a saint yet. You need to choose your own saint by yourself and good luck on finding the right person.

Well that's another task to do but for now let's take a look at the village first shall we.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I appreciate any help, review, critics that you can give me. Thanks for reading my novel.

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