
A little time passed

So with Bakugo wheezing and red in the face all the whole tugging at the dull and matte silver giant toothpick suck in the ground as we are at recess.

He of course began yelling as the other kids started laughing at him

"Bastards why don't you lift it!" Obviously trying to cover his embarrassment with anger wasn't working well because looking at the dull sword in the ground you'd never think it's weight would be special.

But you see the sword is a system item, meaning I can equip it. Even if it is not an overpowered or omnipotent sword. It's heavy. How heavy? I dunno the item description only says it weighs 2.3 Tonnes. I dunno how heavy that is, because I don't get any computer time to search up the answer in something I can understand. Because who in the world measures in Tonnes and not Ton? Inconvenience at its finest.

So I'll just shoot finger guns at anyone asking it's weight. If they keep pressin, well the swords just gonna be as heavy as your mum.

And half as heavy as your nana if you still feel lippy.

"Jeez Kacchan is such a wimp" a chubby kid with short dark hair was hounding loudly to his brown haired classmate.

Hoh. My eyes prick a small amount recognizing the duo.

"Yeah I betcha I'd be lifting it and look half as stupid as that"

nee~ everything is going my way huh.

Sweeping my hair back cockily, making Izuku swoon(woah there a wild bonsai appears) with The two future cronies already making an act of themselves trying to lift it.

"Pssfft. You know it's not that heavy guys stop pretending" egging the duo on I still have a bright grin.

Not withstanding all things considered. It could be worse.

Right now I'll just treat it like mjolnir. Or Excalibur.

At least that way I get a modicum of joy from my dogshit gacha pull.

What's so wrong with it? Sure it's a little heavy and I can swing it around fine. But it's fucking item description griefs me.

Still with my grin locked in I hold back a couple tears.

"Inspect" I whisper out and the sword stats are revealed to me

[Metal dunces sword]

Str requirements: NA

Damage -90% against swordless enemies.

Weight. 2.3 Tonnes

Durability: NA

(A sword used by a mad swordsman who claimed all one needs to win is to swing the heavier sword. And with it's blunted edge and immense weight it was said to crumple any knights armour lending credence to such tactics)

Welp, what to do. Keep a second sword on me to toss to villains?

Shit I guess that means I need to swing the thing all the much harder to make up for the damage penalty.

At least using my system to equip it negates it's wait and allows me to swipe and slash like any toddler could with a cool stick.

I myself can't swing it fast enough to make cool noises but hey, one day I will I'm only three after all.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking. What's it made out of?" With the wide eyed green bean suddenly beside me. Jesus he is hard to notice huh.

"Metal obviously~" without jumping out of my skin from the Izuku jumpscare I sing out my fear.

"B-but why is it super heavy" With another question blurted out by the toddler I realized that this life is going to be miserable. Surrounded by booger flinging brats for the foreseeable future.

"Fuaahh, things made of metal are always going to be heavier. Dummy think it's just like chopsticks, metal ones are heavier than wood ones"

With a prayer that my answer of common sense satisfying the already quirk nerd. Kids really are smarter here huh.

Removing my gaze from the playground I look up to the blue sky.

At least I'm not stuck with a baby body, that would have been a bummer

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