
Chapter 1

Chloe's Pov

She asked me to meet her in the hallway, I was waiting for her. A few minutes later I saw her coming towards me and smiled at me.

"You look beautiful today" She said, then kissed me on the cheek.

I blushed.

"You do know you look so cute when you blush" She seductively said.

"I.. I.." I tried to say something but she interrupted me by placing her fingers on my lips.

Fuck. Her blue eyes were staring at mine and I felt lost into them.

Unfortunately the warning bell rings "I have to go now, see you after school" She winked at me and left.

I felt like my heart was beating so fast. She knows what she was doing to me.

We are dating for six months. I always had a crush on Leah but I thought I had no chance with her. Because we were so different from each other. I am shy, clumsy and not very popular. And Leah is the complete opposite. She is popular, confident and everything you could ask for. Almost every girl at school wants to be with her. Every boy wants to be her. But when Leah proposed me, I felt like I was the luckiest person alive. But I never knew dating her, will change my life completely.

I started to walk for my next class, there I saw my best friend Ivy. She's the only person who I can share my problems with. She was always there for me when I needed someone the most. When she saw me, she hugged me tightly "Oh my god! you're finally here" I smiled and hugged her back.

"I have something very important to tell you" She said.

"What is it?" I asked her with curiosity.

"You remember the hot guy from canteen? He literally said hi to me this morning" I rolled my eyes while thinking that how happy she was just because a hot guy said hi to her. Ivy is straight and always talks about boys and there I was gay AF.

"Really Ivy?" I laughed and she continued "Dude you're not taking it seriously, I think he likes me!!"

"Why don't you ask him out?" I asked her.

She made a sad face "What if he rejects me? I'm scared!"

"Relax Ivy. He wouldn't dare reject someone as pretty as you" I told her frankly.

"You really think I'm pretty?" She asked with a little smirk on her face.

"Of course, silly"

"If only I were gay, I would marry you"

I swear she has already told me that a thousand of times.


After the last bell rings, I grabbed my stuffs and tried to get out of the classroom. Because I have to meet Leah. I started walking fast until someone bumped into me and the next moment my belongings were poured out everywhere. And I grab them hastily before quickly turning around, only to come face to face with someone, I didn't expected to see.

"Are you blind? Can't you see I was walking here?" A voice growls.

This time I looked at her face. Her name is Stella. She plays softball for the school team. She's the team captain. She is not someone you want to be around. So I tried to keep my distance from her but my luck wasn't helping much.

Her attitude sucks. But I seriously don't want to draw any more attention to myself. "I am sorry" I apologize as I bend down to retrieve my belongings.

"Is your brain not able to communicate to your legs where you can and can't walk? If you didn't notice, there was someone in front of you, which means you move out of the way" She shoots back.

A small crowd is gathered around us, clearly interested in seeing the poor girl stupid enough to incur the wrath of this intolerant asshole.

Think first, Chloe. Don't say something stupid. You're supposed to keep your head down and stay away from any kind of trouble.

"Cat got your tongue?" I keep quiet and still didn't say anything. She continued "Get out of my sight while I'm being nice" Then she runs a hand through her blonde hair.

This is her being nice? I contain my anger and don't even glance at her as I stride by.

"Oh look, she does have some good ideas in that otherwise useless brain of hers" I hear her friends say while laughing.

"Oh, I guess her brain is a hundred percent useless after all" She says to her friends.

That's it. I turn and walk back to her, looking straight to her grey eyes with my narrowed hazel ones.

"Do you need me to draw a map of how to get out of my face?" She slowly asks emphasis on the curse.

"No, thank you" I say calmly "But I can draw you a map, so when I tell you to go to hell, you'll know exactly where to go"

Everyone standing in the non-crowded hall takes an audible inhale and stops breathing as they absorb the scene. By the looks of the blonde asshole and her friends, it seems like no one has ever said anything that daring to her before.

She gets up really close to my face growls, "Now listen to me, you little---"

"No, you listen to me asshole," I said calmly "First of all stop being a fucking dick. I suggest you to pull your head out of your ass and realize that you're not the only person in the damn school. Finding a hobby or going to therapy could really help you with your social problems and might stop you from bullying the innocent people walking down the hallway. Now I'd like to leave so get out of my way" I lightly pushed her out of my way and left.

The hallway is hushed still and quite. Stella looks completely stupefied. Her friends are laughing like out-of-breath-gasping-for-air cackling.

I made myself a new enemy. Great, Just fucking great.

. . .

I was at the parking lot, waiting for Leah. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. When I came face to face with that person I saw, it was Leah.

"You scared me!" I said while checking my heartbeat.

"Did I?" She smirked and smashed her lips on mines. "I missed you so badly" She whispered between the kiss.

"I missed you too"

Then she pulled me into her car and starts driving.

I was looking at the mirror and fixing my make up "Babe you don't need make ups. You look perfect" She said while licking her lips.

"Thanks" I replied shyly.

We reached at Leah's house. I have to say her house was huge and gorgeous. We got out of the car and walked inside. She pushed me to the wall and I immediately smashed my lips on hers. She instantly kissed back. Her hands slid down to my butt, roughly squeezing it, which caused me to moan into the kiss, Leah took it as a cue to slid her tongue into my mouth, fighting mine over a dominance.

We started somehow moving in direction of her bedroom. Our hands were roaming each other's body, like it was the first time. It was hard to tell who wanted it more, who needed it more. We both were desperate for the touch of the other person.

Leah threw me on the bed, showing me her dominance and crawled on top of me, while keeping eye contact with me, which made me gulped. She swiftly took off my clothes and then hers. She leaned down and connected our lips, the kiss was sensual but with time it got sloppy because we both were very much turned on. She moved to my neck, bitting it roughly. She started placing wet kisses on my inner thighs. She got between my legs tested me with one longing lick. I bit my lip. Her tongue drew circles around my clit slowly killing me, I hold on the bed frame for at least some kind of support. I started moaning and she decided to change it up, she started sucking on my clit and I tangled my hand in her hair. Leah quickly changed position and placed her mouth with her fingers. She was thrusting them in and out, while her thumb was rubbing my clit.

"Come for me" Leah ordered me while thrusting harder.

"Fuck" I shouted, when I reached the most mind blowing orgasm in my life, looking straight into her eyes I said "I love you so much" Leah fondly smiled at me.

I woke up, surprised that I fell asleep in the first place. I quickly scanned the room just to find my phone and saw there was ten missed calls from my sister.

I immediately called her back "Where the hell are you?" She shouted at me angrily.

"Sorry Alice, I forget to tell you that I am at Leah's-" I tried to explain but she cut me off "Shut the hell up and come back home right now!" Then she disconnect the call. . .

I rolled out of the bed, put on my clothes. I ran outside of Leah's room just then feeling how sore I was, it wasn't surprising because we had multiple rounds.

I saw Leah standing there "Where are you going?" She asked.

"I have to go home baby, I'll see you tomorrow at school" I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and left.

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