

Niyalese Hernandez

I watched the clock intently waiting... just waiting for it to strike two, when it did the bell immediately rang. I grabbed my books as slow as I could, hoping to get a strike of luck and Amiya would leave, but she didn't. She was waiting by the door staring at me, I could tell. Her eyes were like daggers, slowly slicing my back, making me feel uncomfortable. After waiting too long, I attempt to quickly walk out but Amiya bumps into me purposely knocking my books onto the ground.

"Watch out you fucking slut!"

People passing by stare and whisper. I looked at my books. It took everything not to pull her by the hair and beat her up.

Now if I was to say she was my best friend would you believe me? I bet you wouldn't expect your bestie to call you a slut, would you? I guess I should rewind to a couple of days ago.


"Did you hear about the party Kai's throwing." Amiya said looking at her phone.

"yeah I'm going what about you?" I asked, adjusting the book bag strap on my shoulder.

She looked up from her phone, "Yeah... Jayden and I could drive you there."

Jayden is Amiya's boyfriend. He is brown skinned with a curly fade and mischievous look to him. Amiya is pale with straight jet-black hair and huge doll-like eyes.

"I can drive myself to the party, you know."

We stop in front of my house. Me, Jayden, and Amiya have been walking home from school since 8th grade.

"We could twin!" Amiya squealed excitedly.

"OK. OK. Just text me what you're going to wear."

"OK. Bye!", she said walking off.

"Bye," said Jayden winking before catching up to Amiya.

Kai's Party

I pick up my phone two text messages pop up one from Amiya and from Jayden. Both where asking where I was. I had overslept. Getting up I look into the bathroom mirror. People say I look like my dad. I have the same rosy complexion, same curly brown hair, and same grey and green eyes. Me and my mom are both short and even though her hair is straight we both grew our hair to our waist. I head downstairs and take my keys off the coat rack.

"Niyalese Hernandez!" ,my mom yells from the kitchen. "You know the drill. When's your curfew?"


"Good, you better be home by then. Do you understand?"

"Si! Te amor, mama"

"Yo tambien te amo nina"

I hurried up and left the house before she could see what I was wearing. It was a bit short for her liking. I started the car and drove off.

As I pulled up at Kai's house, I can hear music blasting. Tonight, our ever-so-friendly-teenage-hating cop friends were definitely going to be visiting soon. There are people everywhere, getting drunk, flirting, or smoking in the corner. I push my way through people, trying to find Amiya. Sure enough she is by the drinks.

"Niya you made it!", she babbles, you can tell that she was a little drunk.

Tayshawn walks up to us," Niya can we talk?"

Tayshawn is my ex. The reason we broke up was because he was talking to Amiya while we were dating. One day I seen them kissing in the basketball court. Once, I told Amiya that I wanted Jayden and she suddenly took interest in him and started to date him, but she would never mean to hurt me... or so my naive mind thought.

"Come here. Have some fun with me instead," Amiya said.

Yes, me and Tayshawn were trying to repair things but as you can see things with me and him were about to go down the drain. I pretend not to notice as she pulls him closer and hugs him. Just like that, they start kissing. I can't stand it anymore and pull Amiya away.

"How could you!" I yelled.

"Woah chill, Niya, "Tayshawn said, angering me more.

I grabbed the cup on the counter and flung it on him and yelled," Jόdete. I can't believe I put my trust in you again." I stick up the middle finger and pull Amiya to a corner.

" Amiya you promised me!" I tried to choke back tears," you promised me you wouldn't do that anymore. This isn't even about me anymore. It's about hurting my friend Jayden. Do you even care about him?!"

"I'm sorry. It was an accident. Just don't tell Jayden."

I turn away and walk upstairs. I need a quiet place to think. This wasn't the only one Amiya hooked up with while dating Jayden. I didn't notice I had walked into a room with Jayden. I proceeded to walk out but he grabbed my arm.

"Don't leave I need someone to talk to."

I had to leave. What if I said something to Jayden about Amiya? Would I be a bad friend to Amiya if I told Jayden or a bad friend to Jayden if I didn't tell him. Too many questions popped up in my head but in the end, I laid next to his side and that little action started this. See if I didn't stay, there would be no reason for the story. Anyway, as usual Jayden brought up problems in his relationship with Amiya.

He takes one look at me and says, "There is no need to hide anything. Is something wrong."

I looked away. Jayden knew a lot about me.

"I can read you like a book you know," he scratched his chin," Every time I mention Amiya's name you seem to look away and get upset. Did she do it again?"

I nod. Yeah, she did, and I wanted to let her know how much that hurt me.

"She made out with a guy. Yeah, I been knew. I was there. That's one of the reasons we're falling apart. The other is because..." he said moving closer practically in my face, "of you."

My heart picked up its speed, beating a percussionist rhythm. "What-what do you mean?"

The more I backed away the more he came closer, leaving me cornered. Like a fox and a rabbit.

"I can't stop thinking about you, "the sly fox said pressing his body against mine.

"Jayden...," I whisper, pushing him.

"I want you so bad and let's face it, you and me both know you want me just as bad."

The thing about Jayden is that he almost never is wrong. He leaned in to kiss me but I turned my head.

"Jayden... I can't," I said gulping back tears.

He was no longer the person I knew him as. All I could see was a fox ready for prey. It was scaring me.

"It's okay," he knew I hated when he said that," I already know Amiya isn't feeling me. So it doesn't matter anymore." There was silence. "Niya." He turned my head towards him.

"What about Amiya?" A tear fell, then more.

He sighed, "How could you still worry about her after all she's done to you." He said wiping away my tears. Remember when it was just you and me. Just forget about her. I did."

This time when he leans in again, I kiss him back. In the corner of my eye, I see a girl watching. She leaves.

"Uh... I got to go," I said breaking apart the kiss.


As I walk downstairs, I see Amiya dancing on the table.

"Amiya, get down!"

People were yelling "Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash!"

"Amiya, get down!" I yelled

"I just-I just wanna- I Just wanna have some fun," She giggled and slowly began to pull up her dress.

I grabbed her from off the table and walked her outside to my car.

"Come oooonnnn... your ruining all the fun," She pouted.

I buckled her in and sighed. Maybe I should just forget about her. I took her to my house and informed her parents about the "sleepover we had planned". It was a struggle getting her upstairs, into my room, and onto my bed with her shoes off, but in the end she was sound asleep on my bed.


"Thanks for letting me sleep here."

"Anytime," I sat up "Anyway how are you feeling?"

She sat up and rubbed her head and said, "A little bit of a headache."

When I came back with a Tylenol and water, she asked, "Did you tell Jayden?"

I looked down, "No. I actually didn't but he-"

"Thank you so much" she interrupted. She gave me a hug and said, "I plan on telling him tomorrow."

When she left I began to cry, again. Things were about to get complicada.

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