
Before the storm

I'll always wished to go back time to see The Beatles when they where tougher, but They split in 69 and George and John are dead. What I did not expect was it to become true... Now I'm sitting in my new apartment looking at the plain white wall, thinking back at how and what I did and didn't do at that time. Well let me take you back where it all started. Hello, my name is Alma Aguerris and I was 14 when i travel back in time.

. What a beautiful morning it was in US Arizona birds was singing, flowers in bloom an a special girl with name Alma was going to visit her aunt June soon in Liverpool for the first time. Her aunt June had always lived in England with her (Almas) mom, Susan, who moved to Arizona when she was 21, and her grandparents. Aunt June just got a new boyfriend. He's name was Tom, who happens to live in Liverpool. But that did not bother her at all! You see Alma is a big fan of The Beatles, and going to Liverpool is the best thing that could happen. Now that her that had just just died a half year ago."Oh, I always wished to come to Liverpool. going to penny Lane and have my hair cut. Also Strawberry Fields, sitting and having a picnic there while listening to strawberry fields. And so much more! It makes me wanna sing!" Says Alma while going on Spotify to play a song.

"Love, love me do!

You know I love you

I'll always be true

So please, love me DooOOooOoO" " SHUT OP ALMA! AND GET DRESSED WERE GOING TO THE AIRPORT SOON!" Says her mom annoyed about her not even being dressed yet. Alma turns around to her Paul McCartney lover wall "Oh well, good things last forever dose they, Paul. I know You're just a picture on my wall I'm talking to bu- " GET THE BLOODY DONE ALMA!" Saying her mom even more annoyed. "Pff, saying bloody to me huh, I wish mom didn't lave Liverpool so I could say bloody" whisper Alma "Huh well see ya Paul" "ALMA STOP KISSING THE BLOODY WALL!" "OH SHUT UP MOM, IM COMING!"

The flight took a long time, but finally they got in the car from London airport to soon be in Liverpool where aunt June are waiting. When the Schiffer Drive to her aunt pathway, you could hear.

"ALMA" says aunt June as loud that her red lipstick and blue eyeshadow are about falling oof. "JUNE! I missed you so much!) says Alma louder that now her deep dark brown hair with her blue eyes, brightening as the sun. "Haven't you lost weight my love?" Says aunt June. "No, actually I gained 4 pounds..." she sighs. " well, can't relate" aunt June saying ironically. As her mom rolled her eyes, Alma said hello to Tom her aunt boyfriend and got inside the house. After the dinner Alma went to bed and dreamt about all the fun things she could do tomorrow. First she thought you were go down to Penny Lane and then to Strawberry Fields and Atlas Abbey road. All these places where her love of her life had been, sir James Paul McCartney. Alma couldn't care less about John, George, maybe a little of Ringo... but you get the image. Alma was on team macca. She hated John fans for reasons but also hated Paul fans, because she should be the one to love him. The next day Alma sat down at the table, ate her dinner. She heard that there was going be stormy weather today, but as soon she got the chance she stormed out of the house to first The Beatles destination, she looked up at google. First she was going to Strawberry Fields to just look at the trees there. Going to Hanalei to get a haircut even though she didn't want her hair to be cut, the same thought of that Paul McCartney was here gives her chills. But as she was walking on Abby road, suddenly the mild storm was getting bigger and it was raining as crazy. She ran.... but then it happened. Two lights was forming like a car. And then boom, it went black-

To be continued-

Hello! Iben here, I just wanna let ya know that the next chapter will be here in a month or so. I would also love to hear your thought of this? Is the English okay? the story will get juicier in time! I just got started and I have this hole idea for the story, I was going to turn out. Something about a Love triangle with who? I don't say:) PS Ringo is not much in this, because he is from London and this is before even John met Paul and George. So, all love from iben!

IJTanghuscreators' thoughts