
Before it all Started

"I'll leave this to you, Let-Rae." The only vivid memory that she can remember, the last time she saw my brother and the beginning of this trouble as he handed her a very dark cube like dice where light doesn't even hit. The world's in mess a long time ago, and it's not surprising that many people dissapeared one by one. Leaving many questions to everyone's mind, but sadly she ain't one of them. The fact that I do know about the truth, she was also given with this "important task". This is why she have to use this truth she know to fix it all. Lettuce Rail Mercado is her name, even if she have to grow up fast, be strong for the safety of others and knowing she can't do this all alone she have to save everyone. With the tool that her brother gave, she can travel any time, any era, or any place anywhere and she have to find the people she needed to succeed. To where she found her first comrade a two young men who she knew they're older than they seem to be, her uncle and a familiar man that she or may not knew. Lettuce knows that everything has limits, will she be able to finish what she have to do? Will she be able to find the people she needed? Does she have to sacrifice something in order for her to do what is meant to be done? Or will she be able to survive? Disclaimer: The characters and some events depicted in this novel are fictitious, any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Inspired by historical events, books and characters.

LyrL_ChocoMilk · History
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Chapter 1 (Part 1): Meet Me After You're Done


"Let's go, it's getting dangerous here Roberto," a lad in black coat ordered his comrade frantically. They're stuck between a forests and a secret organization's hideout because of some investigation they've been doing. It was a nighttime but not too long after some men with different kinds of weapons found them and chased them away. "How about this little girl here?!" the young man with olive green colored long sleeve shouted silently, concerned to his surroundings,

"Bring her and go first," the young man holding the little girl was baffled to the words he just heard. "I'm going to follow you behind," with no second thoughts Roberto carried her in his back. By then, another group of men appeared to the opposite direction from the first men. "P***ngina," this word came out from the mouth of the lad, "Roberto, escape first. I'll handle this myself, and bring this. Let's just meet after we're done," He ordered once again and handed him a black briefcase bag, this time Roberto didn't oppose to him and flew away from the situation. "Be careful." The lad just laughed "What are you, my mom? Of course I will be."

"JUAN MERCADO!!" He was a little startled when he heard his name shouted by one of the men surrounded him. He looked at the man who just shouted. "Yow, Alfonso," he jokingly greeted. "YOU ARE A TRAITOR!", Alfonso pointed a bolo knife at him, with anger to his eyes. Some men also joined in. They move closer and closer to him preparing to attack the unequipped lad.

Juan only laughed with the situation he's in for a minute and raised both his hands into the air, animatingly acting like an idiot in front of the crowd men in the night sky. "Here I thought I'm part of the Katipunero-" He laughed and laughed in front of Alfonso, until one of the men charged at him.


The young man Roberto focused in escaping the place with the little girl still unconscious, while bringing the bag handed to him, fortunately nobody chased after them. The little girl to his back was safe and surprisingly she didn't have any bruises in her body and her clothing is seemingly familiar to him. But then, he can't think of it for now as he was focusing on escaping.

After minutes of running through the forest, Roberto entered a small bahay-kubo in nowhere. The interior of the house was spacious and modernized where none of any similarities from the outside can be seen. Gray colored walls with minimum amount of furniture; couch, tables, chairs and a large refrigerator to be exact, there's also a stair to the second floor. He then put the little girl in a couch sleeping in the couch and proceeded to get ready to lend a helping hand.


Juan didn't move a little even knowing that he's getting attacked however; he knew that nothing's going to happen to him. The men proceeded to attack him without any second thoughts, while to Juan the situation is a little amusing to his eyes, he wasn't receiving any cuts or any scratches from any attacks. This time Alfonso is getting irritated to Juan's attitude. "-But too bad Alfonso, I don't belong here." he grabbed the bolo knife that Alfonso was pointing at him and stabbed himself, blood dripping out from his body was seen yet he did not even flinch to what he just did to himself. As he was holding the sharp bolo knife he pulled it towards him more and trap himself between the bamboo walls and the crowd.

Men of the katipunero were shocked to what they just witnessed, while Juan was soaked with his own blood in the corner of the bamboo walls and surrounded by them more. "What are you?!" He only grinned when he heard the question. "I'm just like you and so he is," he pointed out to nowhere of these men, some of them looked to were his index finger was pointing, when he got the timing he started to escape.

Juan used all the strength and jumped on one of the men in front of him and flipped to the walls. Alfonso was not having it and ordered the men to chase after him, the lad then started leaping through the obstacles and run away. Though most of the men chased after him, until he jumped into a cliff, disappeared in the dark and the men didn't found him afterwards.
