
Bed Wife To The Coldhearted Billionaire

SYNOPSIS: BED WIFE TO THE COLD HEARTED BILLIONAIRE. Calista Madison,a beautiful ex-bully victim and optimist encounters Jason Rodriguez who is a cold hearted billionaire currently running his business alongside his sadist father. Jason visualizes woman as mere sexual objects and hates the idea of love,commitment and mostly marriage while Calista was an ex-victim of sexual harassment despite being an amnesia patient she hopes for a happier life free from distress. As their fates collide due to business compromises from both sides also being linked to separate yet traumatizing pasts they settle under the excruciating roof of convenience marriage. Will the union of these two bring in the much anticipated dread of another traumatic experience or will they yield to their profound feelings of affection for each other? FIND OUT!

Faithysia · Urban
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3 Chs

Golden Chance

"No Mr Mayor the whole issue is under deliberation wait,wait Hello! he hung up on me bloody loser." He cussed jamming the landline back in it's place then he grabbed his glass of whiskey by the ottoman gulping it down his throat noisily.

 "You're too old to swear and drink this late Madison how about a cup of green tea will do you more good." A slightly chubby woman's calm voice rang out with neatly styled grey hair and wearing a flowing nightie,made her way into a make-believe spacious office carrying a tray of two mini mugs emitting steams,she walked gracefully towards the tall,slender elderly man.

 "Honey I don't want our little baby to go through all this it's my fault I should deal with it if only I had tightened the security much firmer those darn small town terrorist wouldn't have caused such a huge mess." Madison's sonorous voice lamented in regret dropping his glass on the ottoman,he moved to take the tray from her hands while they both settled on the couch behind the desk.

Facing him she gently reached for his wrinkled hands with an assuring look plastered across her aged face rid of makeup.

 "It all seem like yesterday that these same hands were much more livelier and filled with optimism we also have to give our dear Calista such happiness not by being selfish." She encouraged her eyes beaming with pure warmth,taking up a mug and passing it to him she lightly rubbed his back soothingly.

 "Let's do the right thing Yes! I feel more at ease now darling thank you." He managed a smile while accepting the tea therein pecking the sides of her cheek before sipping his tea.

 Just then Calista and Chloe walked in from the front door of the penthouse in which the Madison lived.

 "The house is dead drop silent did your folks go out?" Chloe high pitched voice asked with her eyes searching the whole room then she stopped,

 "Oh! there they are let's go." She sighted the illuminated shadows of two people in the home office which was Madison's work space in the penthouse,dragging Calista along she pulled her hand away just in time.

 "Hey! Let's not disturb them they're probably having their alone time and worrying about me as usual." She sighed in total awareness of their plight.

 "Are they banging or something?" Chloe asked feigning cluelessness as she stretched her neck surreptitiously to have a look at the room.

 "How can you make simple words sound so vulgar?" Her eyes widened in alert as she nudged Chloe,pulling her clothe backwards with a finger of which they engaged in a brief scuffle before getting interrupted.

 "What are you both doing?" Astrid motherly voice rang in caution.

 "Granny I'm back and Chloe's going to sleep over." Pulling away from each other swiftly like two young graders caught fighting for a piece of candy they looked apologetic.

 "Yes Ms Maddy we were just going up to the room weren't we?" She nudged Calista to agree with her also catching her breathe and adjusting her sunglasses.

 "What were you thinking walking out of the building like that and causing Callie to be in harm's way?" She scolded moving closer to the duo while they exchanged worried glances in realization.

 "What did you think? That the employees wouldn't tell the owners that?" She added with disbelieve ringing in her tone.

 "Sorry." The both chorused 

"Are you okay pumpkin?" She asked affectionately her saggy eyelids filled with worry.

 "I'm perfectly fine granny I feel much well now." She retorted to avoid further queries as she didn't want to burden them.

 "So long you're fine we're okay." She said emotionally.

 "Sorry again for the trouble Ms Maddy." Chloe's remorseful high pitch voice rang out.

 "It's okay my babies I didn't tell your grandpa because he's already so stressed out now come with me Callie and take off those sunglasses Chloe." She said in finality and a hint of fondness in her tone turning away to leave.

 "Ok granny I'm right behind you." Calista replied obediently.

 "Ok Ms Maddy I'll be upstairs taking off my glasses." She repeated not sure if she wanted to go up alone or wait for her friend,pacing indecisively in the living room she called out to Calista.

 "See you upstairs in a bit for our lecture." She muttered hurriedly to her friend while the latter nodded in response.

 Suddenly Astrid halted,alarming them 

"Don't hang around Chloe honey go up now and those sunglasses,off." She scolded again sweetly as she had always treated Chloe like a daughter since she watched them both grow up into young ladies she still knew their personalities couldn't be more apart.

 "Ok I'm taking 'em off." She replied in a loud voice almost chuckling.

 "She hates my baby." Taking off the sunglasses and pecking it she sighed walking away.

 Calista sensed the seriousness of the atmosphere in Madison's home office that it weighed on her heart heavily as she sat across them on the couch.

 "Have your tea dear it's not that cold?" Madison said sweetly pushing the tray to her end as he gazed at his little girl bringing in floods of memories racing down his head.

 "I'm not a kid any longer you guys should stop worrying so much I already signed the contract he's a nice person I promise." She lied unable to bear the bothered look on their wrinkled faces.They had showered her with so much love giving her the world whether she asked for it or not now was her golden chance to help them revive the business if not as the heiress but at least a filial granddaughter.

 "We were just talking about you and everything else,leaving to the countryside where your Aunt Zoe has a huge farmhouse with lots of beautiful horizon will do you more good who cares about some hotel? We're fine so long you're happy." Astrid explained with bright hopeful eyes holding on tightly to her husband's hand in unity.

 Calista knew the look and entwining of hands her grandparents demonstrated every time meant the usual emotional decision has been made for her happiness which broke her heart the more.

She abruptly jumped to her feet almost hitting her cup of tea off the table.

 "No! We won't be doing any of that I know damn well how much work and dedication you guys put into the hotel and what it means to you,to us and I said it already I'd marry him and it's final." Her heart tightened in response to the emotion palpitating in her chest that all she could do not to scream was walk out with threatening tears glistening in her blue eyes.

 "If that's what you want we agree." Rising up to his feet,his baritone voice sounded apologetic.

 She stopped without looking back not wanting them to figure her out.

 "Ok pops I'd be in my room." She replied trying unsuccessfully to sound cheerful.

 "Are you okay pumpkin let's go together." Astrid said hurrying to her granddaughter.

 "Chloe and I are having girls time though we'll come down for dinner." She retorted just in time moving out of the room.

 "Aaaaaaaaah!" A high pitched voice shrieked.
