
Becoming the Hokage in the beginning

Mc with a mission on his shoulder went to Naruto world and took over the body of Sarutobi Hiruzen just before the death of Tobirama Senju. As Hiruzen became the Kage of his village, his mission forced him to find a quick way to make him and subordinates stronger in order to fight against his future enemy. So, using one of his cheats, Hiruzen opened spatial passage leading to One piece world and took all the Konoha ninjas there in order to make them stronger. Hiruzen resurrected the legendary figures and created the Akatsuki organization to reach his goal. He even sent ninjas to infiltrate the world government and other four major villages to control those superpowers from inside. After decades of hard work and challenges, Hiruzen was finally successful in conquering both worlds and complete his mission and managed to go to the place he always desired. But this time he didn't go there alone, he brought along those wives that he married during his mission in those two worlds with him as well. ***⚠ Warning⚠*** #If you want the story to be perfect, this is not for you since I am a new writer. #This fanfiction contains harem and some lemon from time to time. If you have any problem with these or you can't stand when there is a big age gap between partners, then you should leave right now instead of wasting your time here. #Overall, if you are a person who doesn't like something as long as it goes against your worldview, then please leave. I am literally tired of those guys who likes to give low reviews just because they don't like something and judge the whole ff only based on that particular part. By the way, I am posting this ff on both webnovel and scribblehub.

Gfdsa · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Important Notice

Sorry, everyone. I am currently facing writer's block on this one. I do know how I want the story to progress but when I try to write, nothing comes to my mind. This is the main reason reason I have been unable to produce any new chapter despite the end of my midterm exam a few weeks ago.

Even when I forced myself to write, I don't think the chapters were good enough to satisfy the readers. Even before encountering writer's block, many of you were dissatisfied with the quality of my chapters considering how many of you gave low ratings in the review section. So, I think it is better for me stop writing this fic for now and try a new one or just go back to my first one.

I know many of you still love this fic and want me to continue but I can do nothing about it at this moment. Maybe in the future when my writing improves, I will come back to this again to finish it. But for now, I am putting it on hiatus.


By the way, I have a new idea for a fanfiction and I want your opinions on whether it is good or not.

I plan to make this a multiverse fiction. Basically there is two idea. One idea is that the mc will go to an anime world with a system that allows him to make subsystems and distribute it to others and let others do missions for him. Mc will also have a main mission of his own.

[A/N: If you think the system isn't good enough, give me your ideas.]

The second idea is to reincarnate mc into a parallel earth with some slight changes. He will be given a system using which he can travel to anime world and convince the characters of that world to come with him in order to help him dominate his main world. But the problem with this idea is that I can't let him go to any op anime world, otherwise no country will be able to face off mc head on even with nuclear bombs. They would just get destroyed by a single character.

Personally, I like the first one because it will be easier to write than the second one but I want you opinion on what interests you the most.