
Becoming The Admin Of A Dimensional Chuunibyo Chat Group Isn't Easy!

A man of unknown age and background died under unique circumstances, even his past being shrouded in a thick layer of mystery. He forgot everything about himself except for some 'memories' after he died and met an extremely muscular dog-eared man with a fluffy dog tail, ruining the fantasy of the man who adores fantasy so much, specially fantasy creatures such as beastkin, elves, and etc. It was an extremely disgusting sight, he thought. "Would bleaching my eyes remove this cursed image from my memory?" After receiving his reincarnator privileges, he embarked on his journey to reincarnation. Watch as Shirokami Shun, the Admin of a Dimensional Chat Group that mysteriously has only girls — and allows only girls — as its members. He is the only exception because the group chat is his. They travel to different worlds, gaining more unique powers and friends in the process. These journeys, although extremely fun in their own ways, were not without danger, though. …Especially when you have group members such as these guys. "I, the Great Archdemon, Queen of all Hell, shall conquer Earth! Ah-Hahahaha!" "Hah! I can see through your fake facade through my [Tyrant's Eye]!" "I'm the President and Founder of the Survival Club! There, we learn about things that we should do in case aliens, supernaturals, gods, or monsters invade our world!" "Hamburg-san~—" "—Is delish nodesu!" "Ehehe… I wonder if what I'm doing is correct? Umm… uuh… I'll buy this skill to not get hurt! I hate pain, after all." "*sigh*… Should I just change the name of this Dimensional Chat Group to Dimensional Chūnibyō Group…?" I'm extremely tempted to do so. Quest after quests, the group of wild cards and misfits will unknowingly do almost anything to somehow create troubles for themselves. From unknowingly provoking the villains to just acting like their normal selves and still somehow managing to create troubles in the process, this group will go around different dimensions to wreak havoc! Divided, they can't create too much waves. But together? They might as well send their résumé to the higher ups in order to become the next-in-line to becoming a God of Destruction or a God of Chaos. "EX—PLOOOOOOOOOOOSION!" "Wait, you're not supposed to be appearing here, you troublemaker!" "Hey Shun! Aren't you supposed to be my partner! Come back here in my dimension and help me manage the dungeon! Uh, never mind! Let's just go to another dimension and let us create a dungeon there!" "Which dimension are we going to now, Shun-san? Can I come? I want to make new f-friends!" Right… Why did I invite them in this group chat, again? Unknowingly, Shun got too used to the initial cast that he thought the girls he came across to and invited were all relatively normal in his eyes. Thus, the weird band of misfits continued to grow. ———————— Note: Don't expect a phenomenal quality of writing. I don't speak English during my daily life so expect some errors here and there. I proofread my chapters before posting it so there should be just a teensy amount of errors. Well, if something slipped by, then please tell it to me through paragraph comments! Genres: Adventure, Action, Ecchi, Harem, School Life, and Slice of Life. Tags: Alternate Universe, Beastkin, Beautiful Female Leads, Calm Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Cheats, Cohabitation, Demi-Humans, Demons, Dimensional Group Chat, Dragons, Dungeons, Eidetic Memory, Elemental Magic, Evolution, Fallen Angels, Fanfiction, Fantasy Creatures, Fast Learner, Game Elements, Game Ranking System, Goddesses, Gods, Hard-working Protagonist, Lucky Protagonist, Magic, Male Protagonist, Overpowered Protagonist, Polygamy, Reincarnation, Swords and Magic, Virtual Reality, Wish Fulfillment, World Travel

JadePanda003 · Others
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223 Chs

The Girl's Adventures; An Invitation To Become Assassins (2)

Hey, Shun here!

The Sagano Scenic Railway is pretty well known for its scenic views and the many tourist attractions that you could see when riding it. It's one of the tourist destinations when we're talking about Kyoto, aside from the many shrines, temples, and etc.


(Mutsuko's POV)

Shun just left us to find the group we were tailing earlier. There's still a few hours before lunch so we could basically go anywhere we want today. Hmm, hmm, looking at the map, there's a pretty popular shop on the way to Arashiyama.

Ah, I haven't checked out the other temples yet, too. Let's see here… Ah, why don't I ask the others instead?

"Shun-kun said he'd leave so that he could find some clues about our target. So, he left us money so that we could do what we want before he come back. What does everyone want to do?" I let everyone take a look at the tourist spots that we could go to.

"Awe, Pochi wanted to have more fun with Master [Admin-sensei] and everyone nodesu!" After saying that, Pochi-chan went, "Let's see, let's see nodesu~!" before looking through it.

After briefly saying their disappointment about Shun not being able to come with us, Tama-chan and Rokuko-chan began to look at the possible places we could go to as well.

"Umm! Pochi wants to go to Ki-mo-no Forest nodesu! It sounds like the name of our dress nanodesu!" Ah, she got curious of that place huh.

"Tama wants to go ride the train~? Train full of pink~ sakura~!"

"Ah, that's a no-go this season, Tama-chan. It's not spring yet." Unfortunately, we can't ride the Sagano Scenic Railway and pass through the curtain of Sakura Trees there that blossoms every spring.

"Then, boaaaat~? We haven't seen a boat yet~!" Hmm, boat, huh.

Oh, yeah, there's that Hozugawa River Boat Ride. We could definitely go there.

"I wanna see what's on top of that Yasaka something, Mutsuko. Can we go there?"

"Wait, wait. Let me compile where we wanna all go first…"

I opened my phone's notepad and began writing the locations we wanna go to today. First, I wanna visit a few shrines. Second, Pochi-chan wants to go to Kimono Forest. Third, Tama-chan wants to go ride a boat. And lastly, Rokuko-chan wants to check out the Yasaka Pagoda.

"Let's see here… The Hozugawa River Boat Ride closes at ten so we need to go there first… Then, we could go to Kimono Forest, then back to Yasaka Pagoda here. We still need to meet up with Shun-kun here after all."

"Mutsuko knows this place more than we do so we'll listen to you!"

"Waku waku~!"



Our first stop is of course to go to Hozucho at Kameoka. It's quite far from our location, with the travel distance of around 40 minutes to an hour, but that's fine.

To shorten the time of our ride, we rode a train until the closest point to Hozucho before riding a public transport the rest of the way. Pochi-chan, Tama-chan, and Rokuko-chan was having so much fun looking at the window and at the other vehicles we pass by.

After we reached there, we were planning on riding a boat ourselves like the other tourists but then, Pochi-chan and Tama-chan got interested on the forest nearby the river instead. To get there, we went at an obscure location before I took out my self-made invisible boat.

It's not really an invisible boat but rather, it uses the principles of how the mirrors work in order to make it look like it's not there. Using this, we could sneak inside the forest while also riding a boat.

As an aside, I made this using my [Mechanical Crafting God].

"Oooooooh! So this is how it feels like to ride a boat nanodesu! So turilling nanodesu!" Pochi-chan was basically shaking as she tried to show how excited she is.

"It's thrilling, you know~?"

Other than Pochi-chan and Tama-chan being excited, Rokuko-chan, Fenny-chan, and Tsuka-chan are also being very excited as well.

As we were riding the boat, we saw someone enter inside the forest while carrying a large briefcase and a small bag. The others got curious about him as well, especially since he's dressed so suspiciously.

Stopping our boat at the riverside, I immediately stored it away. Then, Tama-chan helped us hide ourselves from prying eyes using her ninja techniques.

To quell our curiosity, we decided to monitor the man through a small camera that I made myself. Tsuka-chan and Tama-chan volunteered to do it, so I gave them one camera each.

As our group's white rabbit and pink ninja observed the man from the shadows, he took out the contents of his briefcase, which turned out to be a gun. Then, inside his bag was a few small boxes as well as a picture of a man that looks so suspicious, just looking at his body's proportions.

"Is that a human, Mutsuko? His head looks big."

"There are humans that look like this nodesu?"

"I… I don't think so. Oh, wait, he's saying something."

During our brief conversation, the mic in Tsuka-chan's camera caught wind of what the man was saying.

『The target should be passing by any minute now… I should get ready…』

After that, he took one small box from his bag and, the moment he opened it, the contents of the small box was revealed to us. It was a box filled with some kind of modified, high caliber bullets.

Since the man said that his target should be appearing a few minutes later, and he's looking at the Hozugawa River Bridge, it's safe to assume that the target is riding the Sagano Scenic Railway at the moment. I wanted to check out this target for myself so I sent out a drone to check the target myself.

A few minutes later, my drone finally spotted the man's target, and, as expected, he was riding the tram. When my drone did a scan on this guy, it was revealed to us that the guy is an abnormality.

His head's shape is not right, and his arm's shape is not right as well. His height is even a few inches taller than the tallest man ever recorded.

While this wasn't enough for me to be convinced that this guy is the monster that our quest was talking about, what really made me convinced was the yellow tentacle-like things below his dress-like clothes.

"Now, the question is… Do we stop someone who's trying to assassinate a monster or do we try and assassinate the man's target ourselves?"

"Why don't we do both? Isn't Shun looking for information about our target?"

"Umm! Umm! Master [Admin-sensei] said that we can't attack without inpo, nanodesu!"

Huh? They have a point.

Then, why don't we do this?

"We'll prob this target then report to Shun-kun after. Also…" Looking at the feed from my drone, a few of who seems to be his students were playing with him using what seems to be plastic knives?

The words on it is very similar to what was written on the bullet.

"Tsuka-chan, Tama-chan, you can come back here now. Ah, please borrow one small box from that guy's bag."



(Shun's POV)

Right after we ate our breakfast, an employee of the hotel contacted me, telling me that someone is looking for me. Apparently, they want to talk to me about something urgent and important.

Since I was curious as to who it was and what it is all about, I went down to the lobby.

"So… How can I help you two? Mister and Miss?"

When I got down, I was guided by the hotel's employee to a private room. There, I saw a guy that's as handsome as my dad when he was young, and a beautiful buxom blonde woman who's probably nearly as beautiful as Mom?

She kinda remind me of Rokuko, actually. These two seems to be only five or so years older than me if we're talking about age.

When they heard my question, the woman raised her eyesbrows slightly while the man didn't really bat an eyelid.

"I'm sorry if we had to call you all the way here. It's just that our conversation is needed to remain as a closely guarded secret."

After a brief pause, they started to introduce themselves. The man is called Karasuma Tadaomi while the woman's name is Irina Jelavić. They said that they're faculty members of the Class 3-E.

The guy is clearly Japanese but… Hmm… This woman looks like she's from Europe or something.

I wanted to ask some things to them but I just gestured for them to go on and waited for them to say something.

"As I've said, I'm Karasuma Tadaomi and I'm from the Ministry of Defense. First, please understand that what I'm about to tell you is a state secret that couldn't be leaked to anyone else."

"Even my friends?"

"No, you can tell it to your friends."

"And why is that?"

"Ku-hum. Let me finish what I'm about to say first."

"Sure, go on."

After a few seconds of silence, Karasuma-san continued.

"I'm going to be blunt. We need your assistance on killing someone, Shirakami Shun. Not only you, but we also want to enlist the help of your four friends as well."

So they also want to include Pochi and Tama in here as well? Not like I'm against it since they really wanted to experience what school is like but… Won't their age be a problem?

"If you're thinking about the age of your two younger friends, there's no problems on that front. We could take care of it."

Upon hearing this, I just smiled slightly and waited for them to continue.

"You've heard of the moon turning into a permanent crescent moon, have you? The creature we want you all to deal with is the one who will do the same thing to Earth, come March."

"By creature, you mean Koro-sensei?"


"And, just a wild guess but, he's the one who recommended us, yes?"

At my inquiry, it was not Karasuma-san who spoke up but Irina Jelavić-san.

"How did you know about that?"

"As I said, just a wild guess. Well, I heard his students talk about assassination and then you talked to me about assassinating someone. By putting two and two together, it's easy to guess where this conversation is going." I said while shrugging my shoulders.

Irina Jelavić-san just showed an expression of understanding when she heard my explanation . Huh, did she just come here because she probably wanted to see her soon to be student or something like that?

"You're right. Every student of Class 3-E are assassins hired by us. If you and your friends join this class, you will also be one of them, an assassin."

"So? What's in it for us if we succeed in this assassination?"

"Aren't you quite confident?" Irina Jelavić-san asked with a smile on her face.

"Haha. Just a little. So…?" I directed my gaze at Karasuma-san.

"We will be giving you and your group ten billion yen if you succeed in this mission."

"If you already came all the way here, I guess you already investigated us, right? Then, you should already know that I don't really need the money."

Karasuma-san's eyes turned serious when he heard my words.

"What do you want, then?"

"Nothing really. Just give the money to the other students if we succeed. My family already gave me so much money that I don't even know how to spend them already."

I then stood up from my seat, ready to leave and inform Pochi, Tama, Mutsuko-san, and Rokuko the good news.

"Does that mean that you agree?"

"Yes. Then, if you'll excuse me. I have to talk about this with my friends. I guess I'll be seeing you when the classes resume then, Karasuma-sensei, Irina-sensei~."

"Ah. I will be sending you an email in regards to our conversation here."

"Sure, sensei."

After waving at them, I turned around to leave. When I was about to exit the room, I heard Irina-sensei whisper.

"Hey, I can't read that boy at all. He seem so happy go lucky at one point then serious the next moment."

"That's to be expected from the son of a business mogul. Shirakami, haven't you heard of that name?"

"You don't mean…"

Looks like my family's status carried over here successfully…


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.

Author's Remarks:

※ I didn't show the result of Mutsuko and the other girls' escapades since it was already shown on a previous chapter. Koro-sensei first saw Mutsuko's prowess, then Shun, then Pochi, Tama, and Rokuko.

Huge thank yous to the members of my ko-fi page!





Sam Morgan





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