
Back to Karakura Town

Orihime had Grimmjow open a Garganta to the world of the living, near the outskirts of Karakura town. They went through and waited for the welcome party. She had Grimmjow flare his Reiatsu a few times to alert the locals. She didn't trust Grimmjow's ability to hold back his powerful Reiatsu, so before they crossed into the world of the living she placed limiters on the two of them.

Within ten minutes, Urahara, and Yoruichi arrived. When they saw Grimmjow standing slightly behind Orihime while she stood with her arms crossed, they realized something important had happened.

"Orihime, long time no see. Congratulations on becoming captain… So what's the problem that you had to come here with him?"

"It's not good, Urahara. The Quincy aren't extinct. They have been amassing strength for the last thousand years and their leader is preparing to start another war…" As she explained this, she noticed the expression on Urahara's face. She covered her face with her hand and sighed. "You already knew."

"Ho-ho, you give me too much credit, Miss Inoue. However, I do have some thoughts on your situation. I assume you are here for Mr. Ryuken Ishida? Can you explain why you brought him?"

"Nothing seems to get passed you. Can you prepare a gigai for Grimmjow? I plan to have him watch over Ichigo and his family. I notified him about some suspicious people, but he may still be mingling with them."

"What? You expect me to protect that brat—"

"Do you have a problem with it?" Orihime released a killing intent she didn't realize she had. Once Grimmjow turned his head and clicked his tongue, she retracted her aura and cleared her through.

"That can be arranged. Come on then, I'll bring you to my shop." Urahara and Grimmjow left leaving Yoruichi and Orihime alone. She looked over with a stern expression.

"You've gotten a lot stronger. How are you and Soi Fon?"

Orihime noticed some tension, but couldn't understand it. Perhaps she surprised at how much Orihime improved, or she was worried about the Quincy situation. There are potential dangers and Orihime is essentially alone. Since arriving here, Yoruichi was the person she looked up to the most.

"I'm doing good. Soi Fon and I trained together a lot and you'll be happy to see her progress. Actually, investigating the Quincy is just one reason I'm here. I really wanted to see you again."

Yoruichi could recognize the sincerity in her voice so she walked over and patted Orihime's shoulder. After exchanging a few random words with insignificant topics, Orihime left to the Ishida mansion. However, the distance she felt between her and Yoruichi was on her mind. She wasn't sure what changed between them. The only difference between their last meeting and this meeting was her status and strength.

Orihime promised to herself to try and spend more time with Yoruichi after the Quincy war. She was a mentor and older sister to Orihime. Coming to this world, she was immersed in her own ideas and dreams. It was Yoruichi that helped her get strong enough to survive her naivety until she toughened up and realized her mistake.

If there was only one person she could save from this world, it would be Yoruichi. There was no doubt about it in Orihime's mind. However, she naturally had a long list of people to protect since coming here. She was determined to save all of them and any less would be unacceptable. This was the whole reason she became strong. Once the major threat was over, she could relax and enjoy this world.

Ichigo had noticed the Reiatsu in Karakura town. He was frustrated since Xcution met in the adjacent Naruki city. This was obviously the Reiatsu of Grimmjow, he would never forget it. If this was the Ichigo of the past, he probably wouldn't notice it. However, the Quincy awakening had given him above average spiritual perception.

The difference was night and day for Ichigo. He finally understood why everyone looked at him with pity whenever sensing was the subject. He ran in his civilian clothes holding his substitute Soul Reaper badge, the source of his recently awakened Fullbring power. He sensed Grimmjow heading toward Urahara's shop and tried to intercept them.

When he arrived, Grimmjow was inside hollering. He broke in through the door to see a surprised group of four. Grimmjow was rubbing his shoulders complaining about how uncomfortable a gigai is. Ichigo couldn't see any of his Arrancar markings and he was wearing casual clothes in a human body. He saw Urahara laughing at Grimmjow's frustration and then noticed the angry Tessai and Jinta.

"Dammit, Ichigo! You're going to pay for that broken door!" Jinta raged.

"What's he doing here!?"

"Why do you have to be so loud, Kurosaki? I'm here to watch over you and your family, so be grateful, punk!"

"You want to go right now!?"

"Hmph, you are too weak. You don't even have half the Reiatsu than the first time we fought."

"Oh yeah, lets see how strong you are in a gigai."

Ichigo covers himself in a black Reiatsu which resembles his form in bankai. Grimmjow releases his Reiatsu and they swing their fists at each other, but a red barrier appeared between them stopping their attacks. After being interrupted, Tessai throws the duo out.

"Sorry customer, we're closed for repairs."

Orihime walked out of a clothing store with a new, casual outfit. She was wearing a thick, white wool turtle-neck sweater and pale-blue jeans. Originally, she planned to go straight to the Ishida home, but realized that dressing like a Soul Reaper may not be the best course of action. She had already mastered forming her official uniform, so dressing like this wouldn't be inconvenient.

Outside the shopping mall, Orihime sensed a pair of familiar Reiatsu signatures in the distance. She was worried that Ichigo would take the whole two years to get strong again, but it seemed the push Orihime gave him was enough. At first, Xcution wouldn't have discovered him so quickly, but Orihime had 'leaked' his existence to them on purpose. Ginjo thought he was very smart with his mediocre information network.

She headed towards the Karakura Hospital first, since that would be the most likely place to find Ryuken at this time of day. It felt nice to walk through the streets of the city. She had a very nostalgic feeling, experiencing the life as a normal human. There were only a few months of time since she was just normal. While reminiscing, she arrived at the hospital without noticing the passage of time.

"Hello, I'm looking for Doctor Ishida. Is he in today?"

"Hmm, the doctor is just finishing his last surgery. Did you have an appointment?"

"Something like that, can you tell him a friend of his son is looking for him."

"I'll let him know…"

The receptionist was used to many gold diggers trying to make a move on her boss. However, this girl did seem to be around the same age as Ryuken's son. She left a message on his office phone and Orihime walked over to one of the couches and started to read a magazine. It had been a while since she read things from the modern world. There were many strange and interesting things, but it was mostly the same. It had only been a few months, so the world wouldn't suddenly become drastically different.

At the edge of her vision above the magazine, she noticed someone in white standing in front of her. She could smell the cigarette smoke. Orihime looked up and saw the aloof Ryuken Ishida. He had a cold demeanor and it seemed her presence didn't make him happy since he was smoking in the hospital.

"If you had not left a message, I may have ambushed you. Someone with such a powerful Reiatsu entering my hospital can only mean a few things."

"I apologize if I startled you. I hope the surgery was successful. My name is Orihime Inoue. I am a friend of Uryuu."

"So, you are the one Isshin mentioned. My stupid son went to rescue you, how ironic. It seems that you did not need rescuing."

"Don't misunderstand, Dr. Ishida. I could not leave on my own without endangering everyone."

"What exactly are you seeking me out for? Do you also have latent Quincy powers that you wish to awaken?"

Orihime chuckled at his comment. He must be aware that she was related to Ichigo learning about his powers, either Isshin or Uryuu mentioned it. Knowing his relationship with Uryuu, it was likely Isshin. She shook her head and gestured outside.

"It's not that, but it is related to the Quincy. It would probably be better if we went somewhere more private. This concerns your father, the Quincy genocide, and a thousand-year-old grudge."

The two of them went outside to the side of the building where no one traveled. She looked over at him with a calm expression and explained the situation.

"The leader of the Quincy from a thousand years ago is going to awaken soon. He will soon finish awakening his powers and start a war with Soul Society. His goals seem more sinister than just revenge, it seems he wants to take down the three realms and create a single world without sadness or fear. I need to know the location of the portal to Wahrwelt."

"Impossible. Even if what you say is true, this has nothing to do with me."


(A/N: There is still 1 advance chapter on the discord, the only requirement is your power stones.)

What'll it take for Orihime to convince him? Logic? Pleading? Threats? It seems Ichigo and Grimmjow are in for a comedic time together.

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