16 Prank

Breathing heavily, with a thin sheen of sweat on their faces, the five of them came to a halt outside the towering building adorned with a distinctive red flag. The massive doors opened automatically, beckoning them inside. Stepping through, they found themselves amidst statues and a luxurious red carpet, following an unmistakable trail that seemed to say, "Lead me directly to the heart of this building, and perhaps to our demise."

Reaching a door that remained closed, they engaged in a silent battle of wills, until Lanse, growing annoyed, took it upon himself to knock. Before his hand could make contact with the door, it slid open with an eerie swiftness. Startled, they all instinctively took a step back, their fear mirrored in the stern expression on the commander's face.

"Ah!" they collectively exclaimed, their tension easing as the commander recognized them and opened the door wider, inviting them to enter. "You've made it. Please, come in," he welcomed them.

As they walked into the room, the commander continued speaking. "I had ordered several soldiers to escort you here, but it seems you found your way unaided. That bodes well for both us and your future," he concluded, his words leaving a lingering chill in the air. Tess couldn't shake off the unease they brought.

The new room they entered was grand and imposing, boasting a magnificent display of shelves filled with books, with a ladder offering access to the higher sections. A long, rectangular table stood before them, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun streaming through a tall window. Five chairs were neatly arranged along one side, facing them.

"Please, be seated," a disembodied voice echoed throughout the room.

Their gazes turned towards the chair on the opposite side of the table, which swiveled around, revealing an elderly man seated upon it. Overwhelmed by the situation, any remnants of bravery seemed to have flown out the window, and they obediently complied with the voice's command, settling into their seats.

Tess glimpsed behind to notice the commander with six other soldiers in green-themed uniforms. They stood on both sides of the door like statues. She couldn't help but wonder what their purpose was. 

She looked back at the old man. He had long gray hair and the ends of his beard got cut off by the table. His blue eyes had wrinkles mostly at the sides, but he had a pleasant smile. 

"Verily, it is a lofty honor to stand in thy noble presence. Thou may address me as Dalfvious Curium or Professor Curium, as it pleaseth thee."

He lifted one hand from the table to point  behind them. "I perceive that thou hast already crossed paths with the commander. He hath graciously assumed the role of mentor and instructor henceforth."

His eyes moved back to them and stared into each of their eyes in turns before he took a deep breath and said. 

"However, thou, the five of you, art in need of a proper introduction, one that taketh us back to the genesis of the initial Apocalypse."

As the darkness enveloped the room, a chill crawled up Tess's spine, causing her last thought to shudder with an eerie accent. The air grew heavy with anticipation as the mechanical whirring of metal pines echoed through the chamber, veiling the windows and plunging the room into a profound abyss. 

Only a faint glow emanated from a handful of luminescent lights, casting distorted shadows that danced upon the walls. A surge of unease gripped Tess, her fingers instinctively tightening around the arms of her chair, preparing to flee the hell out of there. 

But just as she was about to take action, a voice, calm and composed, sliced through the darkness like a beacon of reassurance. "Not yet," 

It was Lanse, seated beside her, his words penetrating the dimness with a resolute demeanor that defied the encroaching fear. Tess turned her gaze towards him, her surprise mixing with a glimmer of hope, finding solace in his unfazed presence.

Redirecting her attention, Tess confronted the luminous glow that gradually invaded the obscurity. It emanated from a hidden hologram projector cleverly disguised as an ornate painting, capturing her gaze as an ethereal image materialized before their eyes. The Professor's voice resounded once more, his words harmonizing with the unfolding spectacle.

A mesmerizing scene unfolded on the screen, unveiling a colossal object hurtling from the depths of outer space, its fiery descent culminating in a cataclysmic collision with the Earth's surface. The impact reverberated through the room, igniting a sense of awe and trepidation.

"Our realm hath been plagued by the calamities of the inaugural Apocalypse, which is referred to as Apocalypse Prime. Whilst it bestoweth upon us the essence of life known as Shinra, the malevolent forces that exist in contrast hath bestowed upon us a grievous and enigmatic affliction, capable of transmuting humankind into ravenous abominations."

Tess knew instantly he was referring to Sybervirians, the monsters the Mid-Sentry was to teach them how to run away from. She also knew she could mutate into one at any moment and thought how unfortunate it was for them to be in dimness and so close together in that room. 

Undeterred by the encroaching darkness, the hologram projector continued to weave its enigmatic tale, projecting a series of haunting images that materialized before them. With every flicker and shimmer, grotesque manifestations of the dark veiny monsters materialized, their distorted forms etched into the very fabric of the holographic display. Each glimpse of the abominations sent a shiver down Tess's spine, a visceral reminder of the perils they faced and the dire consequences that awaited them should they fail in their duty.

"Though it doth stand as the foremost peril known to mankind, it is not the sole adversary that besets us. And amidst all perils, it is, by far, not the most dire—"

He paused, shifting his gaze towards one among them. "I beseech thee, permit me to conclude. Ere long, all queries within thy hearts shall find their answers."

Tess looked to see Zack putting his hand down. The Professor continued. . 

"Thine gathering hither hath been declared as the preparation for thy consecration as warriors, poised to aid humanity in the face of the Sybervirian menace," he uttered, his countenance flickering briefly. "Yet, I must confess, that proclamation holds but partial verity."

  As the teens gripped the armrests of their chairs, their hands grew rigid with tension, their fingers digging into the cool surface, seeking a sense of grounding amidst the swirling uncertainty. The weight of their bodies pressed firmly against the floor, their feet firmly planted as if anchoring themselves to the very essence of determination.

Their gaze, momentarily diverted from the enigmatic emblem emblazoned on the holographic screen, converged upon the figure of the Professor. His presence commanded their attention, and their eyes locked onto him. 

"Unbeknownst by many from the modern world, the first Apocalypse broughteth to earth a relic which was directly connected to the second Apocalypse. The relic becameth known as the Alpha Seal which when combined with the Imperial stone hath the ability to make any mortal into an immortal and indestructible force."

Tess's mind became enshrouded in swirling clouds of confusion. Where was that old man getting at? His creepy accent was no help either!

"Jorah, once a practitioner of the ancient art of Chewlete, akin to many brethren and sistren dwelling within the nearby village, had attained mastery over the harmonization of light and shadow sorceries.

"His heart, however, became consumed with an insatiable yearning for the Alpha Seal, the relic that descended upon our realm, instigating the cataclysmic Apocalypse Prime. This arcane artifact, when joined with the Imperial Stone, possessed the potential to bestow unparalleled might upon any mortal soul.

"Alas, the Imperial Stone remained elusive to the comprehension of our reality, its dual nature concealed from the cognizance of all. Driven by his avarice, Jorah, resorting to the employ of forbidden dark sorcery, sought to forcefully extract power from the Alpha Seal—"

Tess blinked. What? That wasn't correct. Where did that Alpha Seal thing-majing pop up in the recitation of their history? Her mind raced, searching for connections and trying to make sense of this sudden deviation from what everyone knew as facts. 

"—thus transforming him into the abomination known as Jorah, a creature bereft of humanity's noble essence and consumed by unquenchable darkness. His form distorted, his spirit corrupted, he became an embodiment of malevolence and chaos."

As the images flashed on the screen, Tess's mind was flooded with memories of books and documentaries she had encountered, recounting the harrowing events of Jorah-Reign. The descriptions painted vivid and chilling scenes in her imagination, evoking a sense of awe and terror at the sheer magnitude of the ancient menace.

The frightening colossal wings stretched across the sky, eclipsing the stars and casting an ominous shadow over the land. The nine tails, each possessing unfathomable power, capable of obliterating mountains in a single sweep. 

A deafening roar that silenced every living creature on the planet. And those haunting red eyes, etched deeply into her consciousness, burning like embers long after her eyes were shut. The darkness that accompanied this reign of terror was not simply the absence of light, but a tangible force that permeated every corner of existence.

The images on the screen became all too familiar. They represented the second most dangerous era in history after the first Apocalypse, the era of Jorah-Reign. Until now, these accounts had been distant tales of a bygone era, detached from Tess's own reality. 

But in this dimly lit room, faced with the holographic representations of the Sybervirians and the mention of the Alpha Seal, a shift occurred within her. The stories became more than just stories; they became a part of her present, a potential threat looming over their lives.

"...The dawning of a new era arrived with the emergence of Opah, a shining beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. He was bestowed with the divine power of Metasyne, the purest manifestation of Shinra's radiant energy. 

"With this ethereal might, Opah valiantly confronted and vanquished the malevolent force embodied by Jorah, reducing his physical form to naught but dust and shadows. In the aftermath, the Alpha Seal shattered into fragments, while the Imperial stone slipped into the abyss of oblivion, forever lost to the annals of reality."

The Professor furrowed as he began to speak his next words. 

"Yet, behold, Jorah, though his mortal vessel lay in ruins, his essence endured, trapped within the confines of a parallel dimension. Across the passing centuries, he hath yearned for escape, seeking a pathway back into our realm, his thirst for power unquenched and his malevolence unabated."

Tess's mind spun with confusion as the Professor's words challenged the established beliefs and historical accounts that had been ingrained in her consciousness for as long as she could remember. Eighteen years of existence and never once had she encountered a version of their past that deviated so drastically from the accepted narrative.

Frozen eyes finally blinked and she felt a jerk from the floor after someone's chair legs rubbed back against it. 

Did that old man mean to tell her Jorah was still alive here on GeoSaun? And who was that Opah person? She thought Jorah and his minions left the planet for the mysteries of space in search of more power.

"Forsooth, dear brethren, for centuries uncounted have we, the venerable Elders of the Chewletes, dedicated our very existence to the sacred quest of reclaiming the scattered shards of the Alpha Seal. Through tireless endeavors and unwavering vigilance, we have striven to trace the elusive whereabouts of the Imperial stone, the key that shall summon all fragments to a single place. Only when united in their entirety shall we wield the power to annul the Alpha Seal.

"A mere fortnight past, our resolute efforts bore fruit, as we, the Elders, were granted a fleeting glimpse of a fragment, a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows. Though the location of the Imperial stone yet eludes us, this revelation signifies a disturbance in the delicate balance betwixt our world and the ethereal Vale, granting us the ability to perceive the fragment's presence. 

We must not tarry, but seize this opportune moment to gather the shards and render them asunder. Thus, we shall prevent the specter of ultimate power from ever falling into unhallowed hands anew. Let us forestall the advent of another Jorah's Reign, another catastrophic Apocalypse."

The slight pause in his speech gave Tess time to wonder what he meant by 'we.' If he wanted to prevent someone from getting hands on that much power, why not let the fragments stay lost? And what was that mention about the Vale, wasn't that a myth? 

The hologram imitated the fake painting like before and the vents rose automatically from the windows to show it was nightfall outside. White lights turned on to create a burning sensation behind Tess's eyes so she had to make a hard blink. 

  She wondered if the meeting was over but when the Professor looked up from his hands and began to speak, she lost all hope. 

"Verily, it hath been proclaimed that though Opah hath departed from our midst, his noble heritage, an eternal bond with the life force of our planet, hath been bequeathed unto successive generations, perpetuating an unending cycle.

"In truth, his essence, akin to a sacred torch, hath been kindled within new vessels, passing from one to another throughout the ages, an unbroken chain that connecteth us mortals to the very essence of our world. Thus, the flame of Opah's legacy continueth to burn bright, weaving its threads through the tapestry of time, ensuring that his spirit and purpose endure beyond the confines of mortal flesh."

His voice got louder and his worn-out eyes beamed with life.

"Lo, a wondrous revelation hath unfolded from the mystical realm of the Drift! A new generation of the sacred Metasyne hath been unveiled, their destined hosts birthed in the selfsame month, nigh unto eighteen years ago. And now, on this auspicious day, they standeth in mine presence, bearing witness to the unfolding of our noble cause..."

Tess's eyes went wide and she leaned forward to stare at the Professor's mouth as he said, 

"Behold, let the names of these chosen ones be proclaimed unto all who gathereth here! Lanse Reuben, Szedra Marzuka, Tess Cruchang, Zack Nakaski, and Zinorra Tenant, thou art the appointed bearers of destiny, selected by forces beyond mortal comprehension..."

Tess's chin dropped at the sound of her name. 

"From this moment forth, thy sacred duty commenceth. As the new guardians of our beloved planet, it is upon thy shoulders to safeguard the delicate balance and thwart the looming threat of a third Apocalypse. 

"Thou art chosen for this noble quest, and with unwavering resolve, thou shalt fulfill thy calling with valor and righteousness. May the divine light guide thy path, and may the strength of thy united spirits prevail against the forces of darkness. Embrace thy destinies, courageous guardians, and let the echoes of thy names resonate throughout the annals of time."

After a minute of awkward stares, the five of them looked at each other's confused faces before bursting into laughter. The years of stress and nonsense they ever had to deal with fueled it. 

After sitting at the edge of her chair, mouth agape, Szedra fell back against the chair and laughed towards the ceiling. 

Zack leaned forward, repeatedly striking the table's surface with his hand, succumbing to fits of uncontrollable hilarity.

Lanse held one hand over his face to hide it but his shoulders moving up and down made it clear he was also laughing. 

Laughing so hard, tears streamed down Zino's face. She found solace in the act of fanning herself with both hands to alleviate herself. 

Tess, her facial muscles aching from the strain of laughter not experienced in months, felt her cap topple from her head.  Her white hair flushed into her face with an uncontrollable giggle. 

One thing was clear to her. That must be a prank. Was that the best those MS dogs came up with?

Next chapter