
Chapter 1: Meeting Master

Kelly sat nervously, her hands twisting at her dress as she waited at the table to meet the man she had been chatting with online for the last few weeks. Though the conversations were brief and mostly about their mutual interest in the BDSM lifestyle, she still felt anxious at their face-to-face meeting. Sure she wasn't enough for it, and wondering if she should have done her makeup differently, Kelly waited.

It seemed he would not show up as time ticked forward. Finally, a shadow fell over her as she had her head bowed, plucking at a string of her dress.


She looked up quickly, her cheeks turning red at the fact she didn't even see him come in. Standing suddenly, Kelly nearly tripped on her chair. Clutching her hands in front of herself, the nervous feeling suddenly worsening, Kelly lowered her eyes to his boots naturally.

"I'm sorry. Hello Graham. It's nice to meet you."

A hand reached out, lifting her chin so she could look him in the face. He was as handsome as his profile picture, powerful jaw, dark eyes.

"Hello" he offered in return, the smile taking her off guard.

Despite her nervousness, she smiled back. He motioned for her to sit and she quickly sat down. The dinner itself was pleasant. Despite the general lack of talking, Kelly found herself in a comfortable silence. When it finished they both stood and he gently took her by the crook of her elbow and led her out of the restaurant.

Pausing outside, he turned to her, "I want to give you a choice," he offered, "I like you. I feel some chemistry and am curious to see where it leads. I would like to take you home tonight."

Kelly blushed, surprise flitted through her that he felt as she did and she chewed her bottom lip, not enjoying being put on the spot for a decision. "I-I would like to."

"Good." He turned and led her to his car.

His house wasn't anything special, nor really was on the inside. As they stepped over the threshold, he stopped and turned to her. Taking her hair into his hand he pulled her to him and kissed her deep humming in content.

"Yes… now come to the living room, I have one more question."

Kelly followed and stood awkwardly for a moment as Graham sat down, starting her nervous chew at her bottom lip.

"I want to go straight to the question rather than dancing around each other for a few more dates. I would like to collar you." Kelly's heart danced as she heard that, and she slowly took a step forward as he continued. "Now. You'd go through a… milestone or training mark before you earn your collar. But if you are interested…"

He eyed her curiously and Kelly paused mid-step, trying to decide where she might stand as far as this question went. She had only met the man but could not doubt the instant attraction she felt. Fingers started scratching at her forearm, a nervous tick, as she contemplated her choices.

"I am curious. But what are some milestones?"

A small grin came across his face and he spoke quietly, "Deep throating me, ten bondage positions, sleeping while bound.."

As he listed Kelly smiled softly sure she could do such a thing easily. Hopping from one foot to the next for a moment, she took a deep breath. "I accept these terms." She told him, tilting her head to one side.

Graham stood slowly and moved to stand in front of her. Kelly caught her breath at his proximity as his hands reached around to unzip her dress. "How about we start now?" He whispered in her ear as her dress dropped to the ground. "I want to see how you look naked."

Kelly felt a shiver run through her, whether it was from the excitement of what was happening, or the cold she didn't know. His hands ran down then up her arms before he pulled the straps of her bra off of her shoulders. Reaching around again, he unhooked it with ease, stepping back as her bra dropped to join her dress on the floor.

Kelly's body wasn't amazing, at least she didn't think so. Her stomach, though not big, had a small pudge to it, thick thighs with larger hips and ass. Breasts about average. But for Graham, he found the look beautiful. Taking in her curvy form, his erection pushed uncomfortably to his pants.

"Shall we try a milestone tonight?" He asked, his eyes sparking with intent.

Kelly nodded quietly, and Graham could only chuckle. "Answer me with a yes or no Master girl" he stated, his voice strong and commanding.

Kelly swallowed hard, her eyes quickly dropping back down towards his feet, "Yes Master. I will complete a milestone tonight."

BDSM is more than sex for some. It's a true lifestyle. This book will highlight the many aspects while offering the kinky sexual world that surrounds BDSM.

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