
Millions of years

Millions of years ago when the universe was created there were gods. But these gods aren't like the gods we have today these were truly powerful gods. One of these gods was Asher; he woke up or so to speak and realized that he was standing in front of someone with an indomitable presence. "Who are you?" Asher asked. The man replied, " You might know someday but for now all you need to know is this. I have given you unlimited potential, at this point you are just a Demi god but you can become invincible. The way to do this is simple. Get yourself believers." At this point Asher felt dizzy. For some reason he woke up on some plains. He questioned as to where he was as it didn't make sense to someone who was basically just born what was happening. All he knew is that he could become powerful. He started wandering, for days without stopped he walked and walked. He thought he was going to die but he never felt hunger. While he was walking he heard a howl and was very frightened so he started running but heard footsteps behind him he turned around and saw giant dire wolves chasing. They eventually caught up to him and surrounded him. One of them leapt at him and bit him but surprisingly he didn't feel any pain. He thought to himself , "What is going on, why don't I feel hunger or pain or anything? Argh!" He screamed and lashed out and the wolf was completely obliterated. The other wolves stared at him with confusion and he looked at his hands with confusion. Neither party knew what to do so they just stood there for what seemed an eternity. Suddenly the wolves bowed to him and turned into a light and entered his body. He screamed, "What the fuck is going on!" He felt something in his body and when he though about it suddenly he was brought to another world it was about 5 square miles and he saw the wolves who he had captured before. Except this time he could hear their thoughts. "Lord we did not know that we were angering a god when we attacked you we promise to serve you from this day on." Asher looked at the wolf with a confused look but just said okay and thought about where the other wolves were when suddenly they appeared and said the same thing. Asher still didn't fully comprehend this so he went to the first wolf and asked, "What did you say I am?" The wolf replied, "My lord I said you were a god was I not wrong?" Asher then said, "Oh of course I just wanted to make sure you knew." While he was wondering about how to get out of this world he suddenly appeared in the middle of the plains again. "So I just have to think and things will happen." He tried to teleport but could only teleport within a range of 5 yards. He then tried to run while thinking of running fast and soon was running at 100 mph. He was amazed with his abilities and after trying them out he suddenly realized that if he wanted to perform magic he couldn't. He couldn't summon storms or anything like that. He could only do simple things like run fast or teleport. While he was pondering this he suddenly noticed that there was a village in the distance and sighed, "Finally damnit humans."