
Is this the end?

Jax struggled to breath, as he crawls away from someone who should have been his friend!

He had just got home after picking up his lottery winnings, and he's super excited to celebrate his good luck.

He decides to call his long time friend, Mark to go out and have drinks to celebrate. After answering Mark asks "Why are you so excited, you normally aren't the one to suggest going out, I have to drag you kicking and screaming most of the time?"

Jax laughs and says "Well normally I have to worry about finances and keeping up with bills, but something great happened today and I can't help to be happy!"

"We'll spit it out, what happened to make you so happy?" Mark asks again not bothering to hide his annoyance.

"I bought a lottery ticket and won, I can't believe the one time I take a chance and it pays off!" Jax replies while laughing again.

Surprised about the reveal, Mark says "Well damn, now I understand why your so happy and laughing like a fool. Congratulations Jax, out of every body I know you could use it the most! All your stuff at your house is old and nobody ever wants to hang out there." Although he tried, he couldn't help but be jealous, he plays the lottery all the time and never wins big!

Curious and with a dark thought surfacing in his mind Marks asks "So how much did you win? Are you wanting to go out tonight?"

Jax doesn't think much of it as he answers, "I didn't win much, only $100,000! After paying off bills and other things I have around $50,000 left. And yes, I wanted to get together with you, and hang out like we always do! I hope your not busy, if so we could schedule it another time, I just want to celebrate with my friend."

Many thoughts go thru Mark's mind after hearing Jax's answer. He suddenly grows a wicked smile and says "I'm not busy tonight, and I'd be more than happy to come over and help you celebrate your 'good luck'".

Not catching the change in his friends tone, Jax agrees happily and arranges for them to meet later tonight.

After hanging up with Jax, Mark makes his own plans for the celebration of his friends good fortune. Mark never really liked Jax, he only hung out with him because he was easy to manipulate and take advantage of.

But, now that Jax has money and his life could be better than Mark's, makes him extremely jealous and angry. He's worked hard all his life and spent his money trying to win the lottery but never did, but Jax plays one time and wins big, he couldn't handle the embarrassment he felt towards himself.

So, in a moment of jealousy and self loathing, he decides to steal his friends money and kill him.

Hours pass as Jax is preparing for his guest and getting some things done around the house he was always unmotivated to do before. As he is taking out the trash, he notices his friend Mark has arrived early.

Surprised, he rushes to meet his friend, thinking he's here early to cancel their plans.

"Hey Mark what's going on? Your a couple hours early, I haven't gotten ready yet!"

Mark parks his car and exits the vehicle with a wide smile that Jax hasn't seen on his friend before, but he doesn't think much about it. Mark reply's "I just couldn't wait to come and celebrate with you, it's been so long since we hung out and done anything fun."

"Why don't we go inside and catch up? You can get ready to go while I wait, I don't mind." Mark says after walking over to where Jax was.

Jax then leads Mark inside to the living room and says "Make yourself at home, I should be ready in about 10 minutes. Have you any idea where you wanna go tonight? If I remember correctly, there should be a new superhero movie out. We could go see it, and then go get drinks! Maybe that girl you like will be there and let you take her home this time."

Mark has a hard time keeping his smile while he says "Hahaha, you are quite the comedian. Hurry up and get ready I don't want to have to wait on you all night!"

"Alright, alright I was just clowning around, I'll go get ready now. Chill out we got plenty of time." Afterwards he heads upstairs to get ready, as he turns to leave he doesn't notice the evil look that has transformed his friends face into a mask of hate and anger.

"Not only did he get money when I haven't, he wants to rub it in my face and take me to embarrass me in front Alice! He even brought up the time she turned me down for hanging out with a nobody like him all the time!" Every since that night he stopped hanging out with Jax, but Alice still wouldn't go out with him!

This situation had been eating at Mark for awhile now, making him regret being Jax's friend at all. Jax winning the lottery after he had failed to several times was the last straw. His anger and jealousy couldn't be contained and he needed to vent his rage on the person who made him feel like this. He must kill the person who made him angry and take his money!

In the 10 minutes Jax spent getting ready, he had no idea his friend had come the decision of robbing and killing him. Just for having a little luck happen in his life.

When he was ready, he went downstairs to find Mark. After going to the living room and finding it empty he calls out for Mark.

"Mark where are you, I'm ready to head out?"

Jax says while walking thru the house, entering the kitchen he sees his basement door open and wonders why Mark would go to the basement. " Hey Mark, are you down there? You trying to scare me again like the old days?"

A few minutes go by with no answer, now Jax is starting to feel like something isn't right so he goes down into the basement.

When he gets to the bottom of the stairs he reaches out for the light switch but, is hit in the back of his head.

Taken by surprise, Jax falls to the floor and is out cold. A second later the light comes on to reveal Mark standing in the corner, at the bottom of the stairs with a large metal pipe he had gotten out of his car when Jax went upstairs.

Mark then picks Jax up, throws him over his shoulder and takes him over to the chair he had found in the basement he then ties him to the chair with rope and tape from around the house.

Mark then returns to his car and goes to the trunk. He opens it and gets a small can of gas out and goes back to the house. By the time he returns, Jax is starting to come around.

Mark gets some water and splashes Jax's face to wake him up. As Jax comes too he try's to figure out where he is and how he got here.

His head is throbbing and he is still groggy but he opens his eyes and looks around confused to find himself in his own basement.

He tries to move but realizes he can't, he looks down a to discover that he's tied to a chair.

As he starts to panic his mind begins to clear and he remembers getting hit in the head, but can't understand who attacked him. They he hears something that makes his blood run cold!

"I'm so glad your awake now, I can enjoy the look on your face as you realize what's happening." A voice said from behind him.

As Jax recognizes the voice he shouts, "What the hell is wrong with you? Why have you attacked and tied me up? What are you trying to do Mark?" With the pain and grogginess affecting his mind he couldn't understand what was happening, he just knew his friend had attacked him.

"Oh nothing really, I just decided to get rid of a pest that has bothered me for too long! You never realized I only hung out with you because you had a lower status than me? I was your friend to use you and get you to pay for stuff, I never liked you and after Alice rejected me because of you, I started to hate and loath you!"

"You ruined my chances of being with Alice, afterwards you'd always joke about her turning me down, and me having to try harder next time."

"You also won big money on the lottery on your first try, and I've never won big! I'm supposed to be better than you. You're a nobody and you deserve nothing!"

Jax's mind was completely blown, he had no idea his best friend felt this way, had he'd known he wouldn't of joked so much. But, he still couldn't understand why he would attack him. He got his answer when Mark spoke again, but it was an answer that he didn't want to believe.

"I've put up with you for so long because you were an easy person to take advantage of, but if your situation changes all of a sudden, I won't have that anymore. So I'm just going to kill you and make it look like an accident." As he is explaining himself, Mark finally faces Jax.

When Jax notices the gun in his so called friends hand, he couldn't help but think, 'Is this the end? Am I going to die?' He looks at Mark, not with anger but with regret and try to say "Mark I'm sorry…" but he doesn't get to finish because Mark shoots him in the heart when he starts to apologize!

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