
Become Immortal With Beautiful Wives

Ye Yuzi was a kind and talented man, he lived with his grandfather since childhood because his grandfather told him that his father disappeared before he was born and his mother died while giving birth to him. Since his grandfather went missing too and his life changed, he gained strength and many beautiful women who would accompany him to become immortal and become the strongest in the universe.

Faisal_Hazami · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Supreme Conqueror Physique

Ye Yuzi was looking at the palace in front of her in awe and immediately turned her attention to Xia Jingyi who was watching her seriously. "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Master may I touch your forehead? I need to confirm something."

"Okay." Ye Yuzi was quite confused by what Xia Jingyi said so she immediately agreed to her request.

"Master, you are very lucky! You have such a rare physique!" Xia Jingyi spoke happily.

"Eh, what physique?" Ye Yuzi asked in surprise, and continued. "What's wrong with my physique? Isn't it just physical?"

"No, your physique is not ordinary. It is extremely rare, even in the world of the gods no one has a physique that is rarer than yours. You have the Supreme Conqueror Physique!" Xia Jingyi still couldn't believe it when she saw Ye Yuzi's physique, but when she notice it seriously and touched her forehead it was truly the Supreme Conqueror Physique.

"Is it so rare? And what is a Supreme Conqueror Physique?" Ye Yuzi asked curiously.

"The Supreme Conqueror Physique is an extremely rare physique, the owner of this body is extremely rare and has not even appeared in 1 Billion years. With this physique you are destined to be the Supreme!." Xia Jingyi paused for a moment so Ye Yuzi could understand her explanation and continued again. "The Supreme Conqueror Physique is one of the True Supreme Physique. In this world there are many people who possess the Supreme Physique but only a few possess the True Supreme Physique."

"Master, if you can awaken the physique of the Supreme Conqueror Physique. You will gain many benefits such as, with just your aura, you can easily lure beautiful women and can make enemies at the same or slightly higher cultivation level than you to be very afraid of you and make them obey. Moreover, it can give you strength and tyrannical resistance and if you can awaken it, it will be of great benefit to you and can make you invincible in this world!"

"That's so amazing! But how can I wake this physique?" Ye Yuzi was very interested in his physique, it would definitely help him greatly to cultivate and become the strongest in the world.

"That's very easy master, you just need to conquer many beautiful women and subdue strong enemies. Isn't that easy?"

"How can it be easy? It's very difficult to get a beautiful woman especially since I only have experience with one woman. And to subdue such a strong enemy would probably wait until my cultivation is very high." Since Ye Yuzi had been betrayed by her former lover and friend, he hesitated to conquer many beautiful women.

"Master you are so stupid, hehe." Xia Jingyi chuckled and continued. "You have an attractive appearance and you also now have strength. Isn't the place you live in now is the mortal world? It must be very easy for you to get a beautiful woman if you want. Isn't it boring to cultivate sitting cross-legged for days and just swallowing pills? I advise you to use dual cultivation methods so that you can quickly step into the next realm.

"Dual cultivation? Jingyi, what is dual cultivation?"

"Dual cultivation is a cultivation method for men and women by having sex and cultivating Yin and Yang in the body. By cultivating Yin and Yang in your body with dual cultivation techniques, you will gain Qi energy from the female Yin Qi to break through cultivation. Besides that you will also get pleasure, isn't it easy master?" Xia Jingyi explained what dual cultivation was to Ye Yuzi and its benefits.

"Okay I'll try to get a many woman and conquer her. Oh yeah, whose palace Jingyi is that? very beautiful." Ye Yuzi said and pointed at the majestic palace in front of him.

"Hehe, that master is where I lived before." Xia Jingyi giggled and said proudly.

"Oh. Can I stay there with you too?" the longer he talked to her, the more daring Ye Yuzi approached Xia Jingyi.

"Oh! Do you really want to live with me? Do you want to sleep in the same bed as me? Mhm, even if we sleep in the same bed, I still don't want to do that master. Since I like strong men, then you should work hard in cultivation and become really strong first so that I can serve you in bed, hehe." Xia Jingyi joked and pretended to be surprised. She wanted to see how Ye Yuzi would react after she say that.

Ye Yuzi was shocked and inwardly he was very happy, but he also remained vigilant, how could a woman he had just met and was so beautiful want him to sleep with him? Isn't that a trap?

"Forget it, isn't the palace yours? That means now it's also mine, right?" He smirked and pointed at the palace again.

"Alright, let's go there, I have a present for you." After saying that Xia Jingyi turned and walked gracefully, her buttocks and waist trembled as she walked.

Ye Yuzi saw her shaking ass and she thought it was very sexy and cute.

They walked for a few minutes and arrived at the palace gates. The palace gates are made of silver and plated with gold. After opening the gate he could see the palace clearly. It is very beautiful, in the front yard of the palace there is a circular pond decorated with very beautiful fish, and on the other side there are many trees and their fruit that looks very delicious, above the palace sky there are many birds dancing.

After enjoying the view for a while, they proceeded to the deepest part of the palace. After opening the door made of high quality wood, they immediately saw the inside of the palace.

"This... It's so beautiful" Ye Yuzi said admiringly. While inside the palace, he saw a very magnificent room decorated with ancient furniture that looked beautiful.

The floors are lined with very bright Jadeite Marble and the walls are lined with The Oppenheimer Blue and lots of mixed diamonds.