

John Keynes bound tyrant system. Open the novice spree and get the superhuman black hole fruit. Kill Shichibukai Moria and gain high-level armament. Conquer Cavendish and gain high-level arrogance. Kill the rebel pursuers and gain domineering power. Returning to the country for revenge, succeeded as king, and obtained the swordsmanship of the great swordsman. Conquer the giant pirate group, get the six-style training method of the navy, and increase the physique tenfold. …… With the help of the system, John Keynes became stronger and stronger, surpassing the Admiral and the Four Emperors. Attack all countries, destroy the four emperors, unify the four seas, and establish a new holy land!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chapter 67 The black hole trick explodes! Admiral cuts Akainu at the waist!


"Be careful, there are still people in the sky!!"

"The whole army is on alert!"

The five Vice Admiral raised their heads and glared, but did not see anyone, but only saw a human-shaped lightning phantom in the depths of the clouds in the sky.

Their Observation Haki could only vaguely perceive the breath, but the distance was too far to attack him.

"It's a capable one!"

"It's the ability to fly again!

"Not only flying, he can also control lightning."

"It's the thunderbolt beside Keynes."

After Enel followed Keynes, he only made a few shots. Naval Headquarters didn't have much information about his existence, only that Keynes had someone who could control lightning.

"Be careful, a thunderstorm is coming!"

On the bow of a warship, the Vice Admiral roared in a low voice.

As soon as the voice fell, countless thunder and lightning fell from the sky, like a torrential rain, hitting the ten warships.

Although the five Vice Admiral can block the lightning, the number of lightning is too large, and they can't completely block it at all.

One after another thunder and lightning fell, hitting the deck, causing an explosion and igniting a fire.

Marine soldiers fled in all directions, some jumped into the sea to escape, and if they were lucky, they could save a small life.

But the unconscious Marines on the deck were now like standing still targets, allowing Enel to slaughter.

However, in just a few waves of thunderstorms, thousands of Marine soldiers were killed.

Meanwhile, the battle between Keynes and Admiral Akainu has heated up.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Above the sky, Keynes and Akainu collide again and again.

The collision of black holes and magma will cause violent explosions every time.

The shock wave scattered and impacted, setting off a strong hurricane, causing the sea to roll over and form a tsunami.

Devour "Knife Extinguishing Dust!"

Keynes crossed the knife in front, the blade was pitch black, and the black hole formed and swept forward suddenly.

I saw a huge slash with a length of one kilometer swept out, traversing hundreds of meters, and all the void within the fan-shaped range was swept away by the slash.

Admiral Akainu is among them, bearing the brunt.

The slash swept across and directly cut it off!

Immediately afterwards, the space was twisted and exploded, and each black hole formed and then disintegrated, causing a chain of black hole explosions.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

In an instant, the fan-shaped area of ​​the slashing sweep turned into a sea of ​​fire, and everything inside seemed to be completely destroyed into nothingness.

The black hole is reborn after disintegrating, swallowing everything!

This is the ultimate move that destroys the dust and destroys even the dust!

Admiral Akainu was swallowed by the black hole explosion, and the figure has disappeared without a trace.

Keynes was suspended in the sky, and Observation Haki locked onto the void of fire ahead.

He knew that Admiral would not die so easily.

Sure enough, the next moment, a roar came from the void sea of ​​fire.

"Great Eruption!!!"

A giant lava fist burst out of the sea of ​​fire towards Keynes.

Admiral Akainu showed his true face, and his body was slightly embarrassed. There was a stab wound on his abdomen that was bleeding, and there was also Bloodline on his cheek and mouth. He was obviously injured.


The lava fist exploded, and after it exploded, it turned into countless volcanic bombs and flew towards Keynes.

These volcanic bombs are so powerful that each one can easily destroy a super large warship!

However, such an attack is useless against Keynes.

"Black Hole Gravity!"

Keynes swung his sword, and a large black hole appeared in the sky above him.

The super-strong gravitational force of the black hole erupted, pulling the volcanic bombs to change their direction, and finally the black hole swallowed all the flying volcanic bombs.

"Akainu, your tricks are useless to me.

Keynes hovered in the sky, his voice booming, "I've said it long ago, in the sky battlefield, you have no chance of winning!"

As soon as the voice fell, Keynes raised his hand and aimed at the sea under his feet, and the black hole's gravity exploded instantly.

Immediately afterwards, two Marine warships broke away from the sea and flew towards Keynes, hovering above the sky.

Countless Marine soldiers fell from warships like ants and fell into the sea without knowing their lives.

"Black Hole Gravity!"

Keynes raised his hand and waved, and the two warships instantly turned into two meteorites, smashing towards Admiral Akainu.

Although the soldiers on the warships dropped a lot, there were still Marine soldiers on the two ships.

"Damn it kid, you damn it!!!

Admiral Akainu was even more angry when he saw Keynes using a warship as a weapon.

But the next moment, he shot without mercy.

"Big Red Lotus!"

Akainu stepped on Moonwalk, his right arm turned into lava, and the huge magma turned into a huge dog's head, which smashed hard on the two warships.

The lava dog opened its mouth to bite, and immediately bit the two warships into pieces, and all the Marine soldiers were burned to ashes.

Admiral Akainu, the leader of the hawkish Marines, is tough, ruthless, brutal, and merciless.

In order to complete the task, colleagues and ordinary people can be targeted and annihilated without hesitation.

With just a few hundred Marines, Akainu didn't care.

In his opinion, as long as he can kill Keynes, it is worth the price.

After the lava dog smashed the warship, it came at Keynes at a very fast speed, and the hot breath made the air instantly boil.

"Sure enough, the means are cruel."

With a bloodthirsty smile, Keynes slashed down with a black knife in his hand.

The huge black slash hit the lava dog, about to split it in half.

Akainu's attack contains an extremely high level of Armament Haki, and it is impossible to split it with a normal slash.

But Keynes' Armament Haki is also high-level, and uses the "internal sabotage" technique.

The moment the slash fell, the big lava dog did not start to shatter from the outside, but began to disintegrate from the inside.

Destroying Akainu's ultimate move, Keynes flashed and disappeared, appearing 100 meters away.

The moment he disappeared, Akainu suddenly appeared there and launched a surprise attack.

"Little devil, you can't escape!!!"

Admiral Akainu locked Keynes firmly, and his body suddenly swelled sharply, and a large amount of lava erupted, turning into a wave of magma tsunami that rushed towards Keynes.

It's a wide-area attack, and it's incredibly fast.

Keynes looked serious, and Armament Haki erupted like a stream of water, covering the arm and the black blade.

Then the ability of the black hole fruit was also pushed to the limit, covering the black knife autumn water as soon as possible.

","Devouring the vacuum world of the knife!"

Keynes swung the knife, and the slash roared out from the blade, forming a huge sphere with a diameter of over 100 meters.

The sphere was black and extremely deep, as if it could devour everything.

Even looking at the sphere with your eyes can feel tingling in your eyes.

It looks like a black hole on the outside, but it is not a black hole in essence, but a combination of slash and black hole fruit ability.

The speed of the black ball is extremely fast, and the space where it passes is distorted and burst.

Carrying endless black hole explosions, the black ball slash collided with the magma tsunami transformed by Akainu.


After the poles collide, a shock wave erupts.

The black ball slashed the magma tsunami, splitting the magma tsunami in two from the middle.

A part of the magma in the middle seems to be swallowed by the black ball.

After the black ball slashed and tore apart the magma, it hit the endless (the king's) sea.

For a time, a dazzling light bloomed from the black ball, followed by an extreme explosion beyond words.

Heaven and Earth seem to have lost all sound at this moment.

It's not that the sound is too small to be heard, but because the sound is too loud, everyone's ears have become deaf and can no longer hear any sound.


After the explosion, a large concave hole with a diameter of several thousand meters appeared out of thin air in the endless sea.

Seawater cannot fill the cavity because the temperature inside the cavity is too high.

As soon as the sea water gets close, it evaporates directly.

The boundless tsunami erupted with the concave hole as the center and spread to a radius of more than ten kilometers.

The eight warships in the center of the sea, unable to resist even for a moment, were engulfed by the tsunami.