

John Keynes bound tyrant system. Open the novice spree and get the superhuman black hole fruit. Kill Shichibukai Moria and gain high-level armament. Conquer Cavendish and gain high-level arrogance. Kill the rebel pursuers and gain domineering power. Returning to the country for revenge, succeeded as king, and obtained the swordsmanship of the great swordsman. Conquer the giant pirate group, get the six-style training method of the navy, and increase the physique tenfold. …… With the help of the system, John Keynes became stronger and stronger, surpassing the Admiral and the Four Emperors. Attack all countries, destroy the four emperors, unify the four seas, and establish a new holy land!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chapter 116 Killing the Red Earl, the legend falls!


Suddenly, dark clouds rolled in the sky, thunder exploded, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and shot towards the Red Earl.

The red earl flickered, and he avoided the lightning and appeared more than ten meters away.

The lightning struck the ground and detonated, blasting the earth into a huge pothole.

Enel held a golden stick, let out a arrogant laughter, and came behind the Red Earl.

"Logia capable.

Red Earl's pupils shrank, instantly seeing Enel's ability.

There is Weibull in front, Shiryu of Rain, and Enel in the back.

The fruit ability of these three people is not simple.

Surrounded by three people, Earl Red's heart also sank.

"I never said I was going to fight you alone, Ryder."

Keynes stood on the head of the fire dragon Leviathan, looked at the red earl calmly, and said coldly: "If you only have this ability, you don't need me to shoot, you will die here today."

Ryder sneered a few times, "Damn it's little brat, his attitude is arrogant enough.


As soon as he finished speaking, Ryder suddenly disappeared, turning into a bloody light that flew towards Keynes.

Before the figure arrives, a blood-red flying slash has broken through the air!

However, the blood-red slash was blocked halfway through.

It was Shiryu of the Rain who shot.

He was suspended in mid-air, put away his saber thunderstorm, and smiled indifferently, "You dare to shoot at the captain in front of us, Ryder, you are too arrogant!"


15 Shiryu of the Rain swung his sword diagonally, and a flying slash burst out of the sky.

Not only that, attracted by the Lion Fruit ability of the slash, the island trembled, and a large amount of rock and soil rose into the sky, turning into a mudslide and roaring towards the Red Earl.

Lion Fruit, top Paramecia ability.

You can change the terrain casually and trigger a large-scale killing move!

Shiryu obtained Lion Fruit not long ago, but it has developed very well.

This is the difference between the top strong and the weak.

The top powerhouse, with rich combat experience and abundant stamina.

Any move that can be imagined can be performed immediately without practice at all.

The Red Count raised his umbrella to the top of his head, and slashed down angrily.

A flying slash shot out, splitting the slash and the debris flow into two halves as quickly as possible.

It's just that this move consumed a lot of his physical strength and also affected the injuries in his body.

With one move, the Red Earl vomited blood, and his breathing became more rapid and disorderly.

Seeing this, Enel in the sky grinned grimly, raised his arm and slammed down.

The clouds in the sky rioted, and countless thunder and lightning poured down like a torrential rain.

The Red Earl and the surrounding thousands of meters were all within the striking range of the thunderstorm, making him unable to hide.

The Red Earl cast Observation Haki to dodge, but at this moment he was seriously injured and his body couldn't keep up with the reaction.

Finally, he made a dodging mistake, and the Red Earl was struck by lightning.

And once the evasion is not completed, the subsequent thunder and lightning can no longer be evaded.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Dozens of lightning bolts struck Red Earl one after another, and a huge pothole was blasted out of the ground.

The Red Earl was swallowed up by the fireball and could no longer be seen.

It's just that he hasn't died yet, and everyone can still feel his breath.

However, at this moment, Weibull's ultimate move has arrived.

Weibull appeared over the fireball, and the Naginata fell with a bang.

The Shock Fruit ability exploded, and the atmospheric space was shattered.

Click! Click! Click!

The moment the space was completely shattered, the power of the earthquake shock wave completely erupted.

The fireball of the burning Red Earl was shattered in an instant, and the Red Earl inside bore the brunt of it and was hit by the earthquake shock wave.


The earth shattered, and countless cracks stretched out for hundreds of meters like cobwebs.

The Red Earl was lying at the bottom of the pothole, covered in blood, like a pool of mud, and there was no place on his body that was intact.

Weibull, Shiryu, and Enel are all top-notch experts, and they have the best fruit ability to assist.

The three of them surrounded and killed an old Red Earl, naturally.

Keynes came over the pit, raised his hand and grabbed it, and the black hole's gravity exploded.

The Red Earl, who was lying at the bottom of the pothole, was caught by Keynes and threw it on the ground.

At this moment, the Red Earl had only his last breath left.

If you don't get timely treatment, you will definitely die!

"How is it, Ryder, have you figured it out?"

Keynes asked coldly.

"Now you still have a chance. If you take refuge in me, you will not only be able to live, but you will also be able to regain the power of your peak period."

"It's just that if you refuse again this time, there's really no way to survive!

For the average person, Keynes would never give him a second chance.

But the Red Earl is different. He is the legendary big pirate, so Keynes will be more forgiving.

The Red Earl could have a second chance.

But only there!

In Impel down, the Red Earl has rejected Keynes once, and now for the second time.

If he refused the second time, Keynes would never show mercy.

For such a hard bone, killing is always a hundred.

"Aaaa, stop dreaming, kid."

Earl Red sneered twice, "This old man has been in the sea all his life, and it is impossible for him to take refuge in someone else's command.

"just kill me."

Even in the face of death, the Red Earl's face was still calm, without the slightest panic and fear.

As if it was not death that was coming, but the most prosaic.

"What a pity."

Keynes shook his head slightly and sighed softly.

Afterwards, a flash of sword light suddenly appeared and disappeared in a flash!

Keynes retracted the knife, as if nothing had happened.

There was a bloodstain on the Red Earl's throat, and the famous Lonely Red Baroric Redfield fell!

Keynes did not cut off his head, but left him a whole body, the last dignity for the sea hero.

"Bury him.

Keynes took one last look at Ryder and turned away.

Golden Lion, King of Evil, San Juan Evil Wolf, Great Wine Choate, "Xuanmoon Hunter Karin" Diemei and now Red Earl Ryder.

Counting carefully, the number of legendary pirates who died at the hands of Keynes is already very large.

When it comes to killing legendary pirates, even Marine is not as efficient as him!

"Ding, it is detected that the Host has completed the task of destroying the enemy, do you want to receive the reward?

The electronic sound of the system played in Keynes' head.


"Heh, congratulations to the Host for completing the task of destroying the enemy and obtaining a physical evolution (seastone's suppression of the Host is reduced by 30%). The reward is being distributed, and the distribution is completed."

The electronic sound ended, and a burst of energy poured into Keynes out of thin air.

Countless cells in Keynes' body are consuming this energy, and transforming himself.

Soon, the energy is absorbed.

It's just that this evolution is over, and Keynes doesn't feel any changes in himself.

The previous physique evolved, and after the end, Keynes can clearly feel that he has become stronger.

But this time is clearly different.

"It seems that change can only be detected by touching the seastone.

Keynes thought for a moment, and then he understood immediately.

What Keynes evolved this time is the degree of immunity to seastone. Now that there is no seastone, Keynes certainly doesn't feel it.

Leaving Enel in charge of temporarily taking over the island of Trotas and cleaning up the mess.

Keynes took Marko, Weibull and others back to the Royal Palace of Carlo.

Inside the palace, Keynes was alone.

He took a tachi from the knife holder and pulled it out abruptly, a cold light flashing across his eyes.

This knife is about the same size as Hei Dao Qiu Shui, except that the entire blade is made of 100% pure seastone.

The hardness of seastone is comparable to that of diamond, and the tachi is naturally extremely hard and sharp.

Keynes reached out to touch the blade, and a sense of powerlessness flooded his body.

It's just that compared to before, there is still a lot of power that Keynes can retain.

Although only 30% immune, there is already a noticeable difference.