
Chapter 025: Bruce Downcast

Gotham, the former Wayne Manor.

We have three special guests today.

Three "gods" descended from the sky and landed on the lawn in front of Wayne Manor.

It has been over half a year since Clark last came here, and significant changes have taken place.

Definitely, it's the bad side.

The weeds grew to the height of a person, as if no one had ever cared for them, and fallen leaves piled up and no one cleaned them up.

The autumn wind blows, and the bare branches sway gently.

Fallen leaves all over the ground flew and hit the door of the old house, as if no one had lived here.

Just last year, it seems as if this old house had been completely dilapidated and turned into an uninhabited haunted house.

But the three clearly felt that there was someone in the room, although there was only one.

"Is this where the person you mentioned used to live?"

Looking at the ruined scene in front of her, Diana slightly frowned.

"It doesn't seem like he's going through a good time."

"Bruce Wayne's butler is a very good person. When he became Batman for activities, besides helping him manage the company's property, he also provided logistical support to Batman."

Dane used his magical power to put on casual clothes for the three of them. Wearing battle armor is too eye-catching.

Diana looked at the jacket the lady was wearing on her body and thanked her with a smile.

She continued, "With such an excellent butler, Bruce Wayne shouldn't have let his home become like this."

"Unless he is deliberately exiling himself and giving up on himself."

"It seems that what happened to Jason affected him a lot at that time, and his indifference at that time was just an act of pretending."

Clark frowned. He would occasionally visit Gotham after that day.

At that time, Bruce was still active as Batman, and he thought the other party had already left.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Dane took the lead and opened the door of the house.

The wooden door seemed to be in poor condition, which is strange, it's only been a few months.

The three entered and found that the furniture inside was still very clean.

It seems that the exterior is not taken care of, but the interior is as usual.

Dane feels very envious of Bruce now, with such a good housekeeper, it's no wonder he dares to wander outside.

Dane felt that Alfred could use his ability on a higher stage, like the Justice League, and it would be a waste to stay in Gotham.

While Cortana was good, some things always had to be done by a human.

"Clark, can you see him?"

"Definitely, he's in the basement, in some kind of kitchen."

Clark's clairvoyance is always useful for finding people.

"What is he doing there?" Diana wondered.

"I see the bottle," Clark replied.

"It's not right to use alcohol to alleviate your worries. Alcohol can easily corrode the brain and spirit. Let's go."

The three entered the kitchen and discovered empty wine bottles scattered all over the floor, and the air was filled with a strong smell of alcohol.

A disheveled man lay dead, motionless, on the floor paved with wine bottles.

"It stinks."

Diana snorted, covering her nose in disgust and stepping back.

As if sensing someone, the man lying on the floor moved, and then...

He just continued sleeping.

Clark couldn't believe it was Bruce Wayne, took two quick steps and easily lifted him up.

The messy hair spread out, it was Bruce Wayne's face.

He slightly opened his dull, sleepy eyes and exhaled an alcoholic breath:

"Who. The hell. Are you?"

"Bruce, what's wrong with you? What are you doing?"

"Who are you? What do you care?"

Clark had good intentions, but Bruce didn't appreciate it at all. He grabbed a bottle from the floor and took a swig.

But the wine bottle was empty and Bruce threw it away without a drop for a long time.

"Wine! Alfred, where's my wine?"

"Are you sure he's the one we're looking for?"

"I'm pretty sure Diana, although he's drunk now, he's a smart guy when he's sober."

But Dane soon felt that something was wrong, and judging by Bruce's appearance, he had been like this for a day or two.

If you haven't been out for so long, what kind of chaos has Gotham turned into?

"The city gave me a really bad feeling, gloomy and damp."

Diana accurately identified Gotham's characteristics.

"Don't underestimate this place. The villains that come out of here may not be very powerful, but they basically have two unique abilities."

"Some people even got a nuclear warhead, and if Batman didn't handle it in time, there would be quite a fireworks show here."

"But when we arrived here, we clearly saw that the place was calm and nothing happened."

"That's why I worry even more. In a place like Gotham, calmness is more terrifying than chaos."

"Because you don't know what lies beneath the surface of calm."

"It seems like you know Gotham very well."

This sentence was said by Bruce, who seemed completely drunk, and no one thought he was sober.

"When did you wake up?"

Clark stared at him dumbly, feeling like a fool.

"Since the moment you entered this house."

Bruce forcefully pushed Clark's hand away and briefly ran his hand through his hair.

Dane pondered, "How many surveillance cameras have you installed in this house?"

Bruce said coldly, "All the places you can see are there. Well, now is the time to ask, who are you?"

"We are the Justice League!"






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