
Seeing Humans

After finding the ruby necklace, Cain has started searching for items. He found some rubbish and can now safely assume he is in modern times, it's sad but he knows for a fact that plastic bottles and plastic bags never existed in ancient times. Other then a few common items, he unfortunately didn't find anything else that attracted his attention.

One day as Cain had just finished his brunch, the sound of a boats motor started getting closer and closer to the reef. He quickly went to find a hiding spot, hoping for the boat to pass. He didn't want to became a lab rat. Unfortunately, the boat stopped near his hiding spot. He didn't dare to move because the water was very clear and the people would easily be able to see him if he could see them. He looked through the water at the figures moving about on the side of the boat.

He took the chance when he didn't see anyone to swim as fast as he could into a better hiding spot. When he just hidden, a chorus of splashes came from the boats direction. Looking over, he saw five different people with diving suits and oxygen tanks. He fucked.

Not daring to move too much, he watched as they explored through his home, when they finally had enough, he watched as they went back to the boat paitently waiting with an empty stomach as the boat didn't leave, not even when it was night. After deciding it was safe enough to move, under the cover of the darkness he broke through the waters surface, maximising his five senses and nails before silently approaching the boat.

Looking at the boat underneath the water it looked a bit large, but looking at it now, Cain realised just how big it was. A white two story boat with large deck space on the floor and large room covering the second floor. The warm lights of the boat reflected on the water giving off a gentle feel but that didn't make Cain relax in anyway.

"How was the trip down?"

"Not very interesting, saw some rare fish species but nothing good enough."

"Yeah, it was very beautiful though."

"Yup. It's your guys turns tomorrow."

"Haha, imagine if we saw a Mer!"

"That's impossible. The Mer species is thoroughly protected."

"True, if you guys did see one, we would have to report to the Mer Protection Association."

"God knows the amount of trouble it would be if there was a wild Mer."

'Okay, this world is a little different than I imagined. Mer are a protected species and everyone knows they exist.' Cain realised. He approached the side of the boat and slowly lifted himself up to peek at the people. They were sitting around in a circle under the cover of the second floor, some were on their devices and some were talking. His action was caught by on of the people on their devices and he quickly informed the others.

Since cain couldn't feel any malice or evil intentions, he calmly stared back at the group facing him, only showing his eyes. "God dammit. You bloody jinxed us!" "Wow, a real Mer!" "Hey hey, don't be afraid." "It's okay, we're not going to harm you." They tried coaxing him, afraid that he would run away. As they moved towards him, Cain moved towards the end of the boat where there a lower deck area that sits just above the ocean surface.

When they got close to the edge, Cain moved 2 meters away from the boat so they couldn't do a suprise grab or something. When they group saw Cain they all collectively gasped. "So beautiful.." "Holy hell." "God.." "That's the best looking Mer I ever seen."

Cain easily spotted the five people that were diving earlier based on their build and saw another four people, six men and three women, all looking in thier 20's to early 30's. "Hey, it's okay," the youngest looking woman said, "My names Alice. Can you understand what i'm saying?" When they saw that Cain had no intention of leaving and nodded they showed a suprised expression but quickly hid it.

"Are you a Marked Mer? Did you come from the land?" He shook his head, because the lower half of his face and his body was underwater, they couldn't see his whole body clearly but could easily tell that he was very attractive.

When they saw him shake his head, they each glanced at eachother worriedly. "Does that mean he's a wild one?" "Must be." "But he can understand us. Maybe he's got some memories from previous Mers and that's how he knows our language." Alice hit them on the shoulders before reminding them, "he is literally right infront of you."

"Do you want to come up?" Alice kindly asked. Seeing that he didn't nod or shake his head, she explained, "when you come out of the water, when you will it, your tail will turn into legs." When Cain heard that, he was 70% ready to come up, but there were still dangers.

"Move back." That was Cains first time speaking and just saying those two words enchanted the group. His voice was both calming and enchanting, capable of staeling someones soul. When the group snapped out of their daze, they quickly shuffled back a couple meters to give him space. Cain pulled himself onto the edge of the deck, showcasing his seductive charms.

The group was once again dazed, watching as his beautiful tail turned into two strong, milky white legs, the only downside was... He was stark naked. That was within his expectations though. Cain covers his private area as one of the younger men approach and hand him a towel.

"Thank you." The young man face flushed a bright red.

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