1 Beauty of destiny ❤️love at first sight❤️

one fine day a girl walking on a queue . the queue leads a temple. a man saw her and fall in love with her at first sight.

The girl eyes were watery and she is so upset

( she is living with her uncle her mom and dad lives in another city. because they have depts and the children need to study so they need money. that's why they are living in another city she came to temple with her uncle and cousins. usually they treates her good but she miss her parents so much . The real pain is distance from our loved ones)

suddenly she saw a monkey family

even animals are living with their family why are you doing this to me god...

the man observes her through the queue

he try to talk with her but she don't mind him...

when he saws her eyes he really felt sad so he wants to do something to change her mind..

he do some crazy activity with his friends finally she smiled..
