
Act 1: New Beginnings, The Power Lies In Ourselves

It was a sunny Monday morning across Tokyo, Japan as a patch of sunlight glistening within the pink curtains of Naomi's room as she arose from her slumber and said in sheer excitement "Alright, first day!" She quickly changed into her school uniform she had a white buttoned up shirt with a red tie around her collar, and a dark blue knee-high skirt and Omega Mary Jane church shoes and went downstairs to eat breakfast with her mother.

"Are you ready for school?" Naomi's mother said.

"Yes, mom." Naomi replied.

_________Naomi's Monologue_________

"Hi, I'm Naomi Tenshi, I am 17 years old and I attend Haru Sora Academy, home to the giftly talented is able to improve and enhance their skills and artistic abilities through education and excellence and then there's Akemi, she's been my childhood friend since we were in 7th grade and we've been best friends since then."

__________End Of Monologue__________

Naomi finished eating her breakfast, grabbed her school and lunch bag and headed out the door, went right and saw her childhood friend, Akemi Hana waiting for her "Akemi-san!" Naomi said to her friend.

"Naomi-chan, you're here!" Akemi then smiled at Naomi and then said "alright, now that your here then let's go." Akemi and Naomi walk together to school.

Akemi and Naomi were heading to class as usual and they started talking "I was planning to walk home with you but I have a doctor's appointment later today." Akemi said.

"Me too." Naomi replied.

Then suddenly a teacher stopped them in their tracks.

"Akemi!, Naomi!" A teacher shouted out into the hallway and they both turned around both of them startled but Naomi grew calm and said

"Mrs. Akiyama, hi we're just heading to class." Naomi then proceeded to show the teacher the hall pass.

"Hmm, I see that you two are listed, hurry up and get to where you're going." Mrs. Akiyama then gave Naomi back the hallpass and went back to class.

Hours passed by and Naomi was board throughout the lesson until she looked at the clock "1:15" it stated however she said to her teacher "I have to go." And then left to classroom.

__________A few hours later___________

"So, this is the place?" Akemi asked.

"Yup." Naomi replied.

"Well, let's go inside." Akemi said.

They both look up at the sign as the sign said the following "Dr. System's Pediatric Office."

Naomi and Akemi agreed and head on inside, they sign in and sat down.

"Mrs. Tenshi and Mrs. Hana?" A nurse held a clipboard with a list of names and Naomi and Akemi were on the list.

"Yes?" Akemi and Naomi said in unison.

"Dr. System would like to see you, now." The Nurse said as she directed the girls to individual rooms.

A doctor and a nurse went individually into the separate rooms, gave both of them a blood test and patched their arms and the doctor said "Okay, you're done."

"Okay, thanks" Akemi said and then she sighed of relief.

A few hours have passed and Naomi was running track in her gym clothes she ran fast as an Eastern Cottontail rabbit back and forth around the track at the park.

As for Akemi she is studying on a park bench.

However suddenly they got a call from an unknown person which appeared to have a deep and masculine voice and said.

"Mrs. Hana and Mrs. Tenshi, I need your help, report back to my doctors office immediately."

"Why?" Akemi asked.

"There's a very important matter that we must discuss, it's urgent." The voice replied.

"Alright, we're on our way!" Akemi replied.

A few hours later passed and they reported back to Dr. System's office.

"Okay, doctor, what do you want from us?" Naomi asked him.

"Oh, splendid, you two are here! Come, come I must show you something." Dr. System said turned a knob and then the floor dropped and all three of them were transported via- glass elevator tube to a hidden lab below the doctor's office.

"I'm working on an experiment that will change the world but first you'll need these." Dr. System said as he proceeded to give them both pendants that were in the shape of circles as their birthstones were embitted in them.

"Pray tell, what is this experiment and who are you, doctor?" Naomi asked him.

"I'm Dr. System and my experiment is this, I will create two heroes for Japan and these heroes will be the saviors of the world and will be able to defeat the new threat that's come." Dr. System replied.

"Okay... but where do we come into this?" Akemi asked.

"You'll become New Mew's!" Dr. System replied.

"EEEEEEEHHHHHHHH?????!!!!!" Naomi and Akemi said in unison.

"B-but what about school?" Naomi asked.

"Oh, you'll still be going to school however you'll be working for me with payments as Nurse's while also being New Mew's when the time comes." Dr. System replied.

"Will you two accept this opportunity?" Dr. System asked.

"Um.. one minute please." Akemi then confronted Naomi and they did a group huddle.

"Okay, Naomi I'm having speculations about this guy, I don't trust him at all." Akemi said.

"I don't trust him either but think about it, we'll actually get jobs so then our parents will see how responsible we are." Noami replied.

"True, true." Akemi said.

"Let's just work together as teammates, okay?" Naomi asked and then smiled.

"Okay." Akemi replied.

"Dr. System we've come to the conclusion that yes, we'll be working for you." Naomi said.

"Great! However we may not have much time." Dr. System replied.

"Why?" Akemi asked.

"Something tells me that someone somewhere is planning something." Dr. System replied.

Meanwhile, underneath the city someone evil lurked within the walls of an underground laboratory.

Dr. Chaos chuckled as he injected blood into the embryo of a koi fish egg, he then placed in a glass tube filled with water and then the embryo grew rapidly as it took the form of a human girl however it was strange that the girl had a normal leg but the other leg was a koi fish tail.

"Awaken my beautiful daughter! AWAKEN!!" Dr. Chaos demanded of the girl.

The girl then opened her eyes.

Dr. Chaos then showed her a picture of female idols "My child, you'll be a star, a sensation that everyone will enjoy and finally you will have all that you desire because you'll be an idol!" Dr. Chaos said.

"Idol? Of course, father." Siren replied.

Dr. Chaos then cackled in glee that finally everyone will see that his "children" will change the world.

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