

I never knew that there will be a day like this in my life.. there are things which takes place in every body lifes which shake them to the level on which they question there existence..we know this could happen to us, we know that it could change our life at any second but than also like a idiot we all are we continue to live and believe that it can never happen to us.. that's what i used to do like all the other people do in there Life.

We all have done many mistakes and have many regrets in our life which change our life in a way that it can never be fixed , we try to adapt it,cope with it, accept it that it already happened now by regretting you can't change it or by thinking about it again and again it can't change a thing..these all things continue like a cycle and we are not able to take us out of it because we are stuck at a particular point which is the root of everything.

When something happens with someone which breaks them we always comfort them tell them that it already happened now nothing will change by dwelling on it..you should think about yourself,move forward,try to live for yourself,etc etc and etc..it is always easy to tell them and always easy to predict that if i was on your place i would have sone this and that and etc etc and again etc..we never know what they are feeling ,we never try to understand that sometimes they don't need to know what they have to do but just a shoulder on which they can put there head on and lean and for once just for some time they can think that everything is fine, everything will be ok even when they knew that nothing is going to be ok atleast not without paying the price for it but no..we just like always tell them that they are weak , nothing will happen by thinking it again you have to move forward but we all forget that it is always easy to say than do.

Same thing happened with me.You might be thinking what would have happened with me..was it really worth it to dwell this much on it and the answer for this question is yes because for me it literally destroyed my whole life and will to live...if it not for my children I don't know what i would have done with myself.

My biggest mistake of my life was TRUSTING my husband..never in my wildest dream i would have imagined that this will be the price i have to pay for trusting my husband.

You know my elder daughter always say not to trust on anyone because when you trust someone you are not only putting your trust in them you are also starting to expect from them and to say yes she is right but..i want to ask you all that was it really my mistake that i trusted my husband..was it really my mistake that i expected everything what a women always want from there husband..was it really my mistake that I have always thinking of his family as my family...was it really my mistake that i have expected a simple normal life like every other women desire to have...was it really my mistake to not prepare myself for this kind of situation.....how would i have known that this will happen with me, was it my mistake to think that i will have a normal family like others.

My husband..my everything whom i have kept above everyone.. cheated on me and i didn't even know for how long..just like a fucking stupid idiot creature i am i didn't even noticed that there is something going on behind my back all the time and there i was in my happy bubble thinking that i have the perfect family which no one can get but here i am now getting to know that this was nothing but a beautiful mirage...

i thought that this was the biggest thing that happened to me but at that time i didn't knew that there is much more waiting for me.....

In today's life cheating is very common.. I get to know this now that it is the story of every second house.

But you know what eats me the most is that is betraying your other half, your children or anyone in your life was it worth it..

I don't understand there mindset that what does they think or feel at that time.. Does there soul never shiver at the thought of that when someone who is living for them get to know this what will they feel.

Who give rights to these people to play with our feelings and pretend that nothing happened and we are just making a big deal out of it...

Everyone and when I say everyone it literally means everyone expected from me that i can resolve this... That it is me who is making a big deal out of it that i can't put my shit together but does anyone of them any single person try to understand my feelings that what would I have going through... And the answer is no they don't they only know how to talk and tell what I should do Or donot..

Why should always women's have to accept that it's ok if there husbands have cheated on them that it's common and they are men they could do anything but we are women it's our duty to keep our family together and move in our life..

I am not saying that every man is wrong or bad because if everyone is same the world would have stopped working and same goes for woman not all of them are same but because of some people all are suffering..

The second mistake of my life and which I regret the most is when I stopped working and become a housewife at that time I didn't knew that it was going to be the biggest and most worse mistake of my life... That because of this I have to keep my pride at the backseat to survive.

Hello everyone...

Thank you for reading my story.. It means a lot because it is not an imagination but my reality.

Again I am saying english is not my first language.

Again thank you for reading and take care all of you.

Selene2428creators' thoughts
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