
Story 1 chapter 8

The sun shone bright, beginning its journey across the sky for the day. Not to high up, Naomi clung to Hyfron as she finally saw a village emerging in the landscape.

Approaching the grassy plains on a gentle lazy breeze, the pair appeared to have emerged within a wooded Valley, following north until they reached the open flatland. Contemplating the scenery she couldn't help but wonder just how far had he flown the pair last night?

This terrain was quite different from the rainforest previous. The climate seemed a touch cooler at least.

Hyfron had pinned her to his chest in his vice like grip the entire flight. He relished the feeling of her body so close to his. Not a chance of falling anytime soon.

'Hmm no chance of escaping either' she noted- even if she could somehow survive the trials of the wild there-after.

The breeze caressed her face like a lover, playfully tossing her hair as it glided by. It evoked a sense of hope in a gentle manner. Suddenly, she gasped as fields of color began to flicker into her view.

Naomi's heart swelled at the view; it was the most familiar scene she had encountered so far. To her, the farming culture was an intrinsic human characteristic. Shimmering golden fields of crops, interspersed with hues of cream and pale blue, swayed back and forth in the wind.

Coming in close enough to land she could see that this seem to be a much busier and larger size tribe. Men tended the fields, while women chatting idly as they watched the males working the land.

Squinting to see the other women better Naomi noticed most were tall and strong looking, with long straight hair, while a small few were petite with shorter hair worn in tight curls.

Naomi noticed the village quite structured and was filled with many large yurt like tents. The Hawk tribe might appear to be on hard times in comparison to the apparent prosperity of the horse tribe. 

Landing along what seemed to roughly be the main road, Hyfron did not release his hold upon Naomi as he began to walk into the bustling settlement. 

Slightly annoyed Naomi let go of his neck and stared at him, 

"Where are we going?" she coolly enquired.

Hyfrons grey eyes flickered towards her for a moment before he resolutely focused his eyes forward, he still wouldn't put her down.

"We are going to garner essential supplies today. Cottons for you, along with some basic medicines, clothes and grains." he gruffly retorted, his eyes glinting a little cheekily. 

Rolling her eyes Naomi snorted lightly, "yes I remember that much but thereafter, where are you planning on going?" she pressed him, somewhat sardonically. 

"..." he had no answer for her. 

"Are we just flying blind?" she half laughed, assuming he would understand the term.

"No." he tightened his squeeze around her body, ensuring to elicit a stifled moan from Naomi as he clenched her thighs together knowing where it was rubbing.

?!He's doing that on purpose! With such a poker face! she thought, flustered.

Hyfron was trying his hardest not to fly her into the nearby woods and mate her right there up in the treetops.

The female kept staring at him so intently now too! (Apparently he couldn't yet discern between haughtily and hotly!)

The scent of her heat was getting stronger again the more time they wasted.

The smell was driving him crazy!!

Stopping suddenly, he slowly turned his head to meet her gaze, slowly lowering his head towards her slightly, peering down intently. 

Did I annoy him?... Oh! her mind froze.

wait was he was coming in for a kiss?!

"Woah woah! I haven't said I accepted you yet!" she hastily spluttered.

Unsuccessfully attempting to wriggle out of his arms, she did however twist away and palm his face to the side of hers. His grey eyes, still locked onto hers, narrowed, glittering menacingly. 

"You stole me out of my bed Hyfron.... even if I do accept you I accepted Oren before you and plan to mate him first!" she bluffed. Oren and her had no such talk but she needed something to stall this impulsive stone man.

Hyfrons eyes gleamed in victory; he took that statement as an in. 

'If she rejects me I'll just keep snatching her away'' his eagle puffed up its chest inwardly. 

"Let us continue our errand for now" he grumbled into her palm, Naomi withdrew her hands from his face abruptly aware of the prolonged contact.

Pulling her hands to her chest she felt a little self-conscious but there was nowhere to hide. For a moment she thought he almost smirked but then looked away to carry onwards.

'okay he's not annoyed... maybe just really quite full on. It's impossible to read his face.' she inwardly bemoaned. 


The large settlement was filled with bustling homes, people were gathering here and there going about their daily lives-some turning to see who the visitors were. 

Curious inhabitants openly stared as a few of the women gave Hyfron a good look over while trying to peer at Naomi better. Hyfron was tall and broad, lean an muscled but appeared more powerful than the male of the tribe; the woman in his arms was slender and attractive from what they could see.

Some of the women looked on a little enviously but kept their distance from the bohemian; their sense of smell might not be anywhere as good as the males but they recognised a carnivorous beastman when they saw one!

While not a hard rule most of the herbivorous females traditionally tended not to mate more predatory beastmen such as tigers, wolves, eagles for example, it was usually a bit too much of a clash of culture in terms of family dynamics. It also didn't help that any herbivore mates would often end up living separately due to instinctive fear, creating a schism. 

Hyfron for example was naturally quite a dominating personality and would definitely rebel against an absolute matriarchy- it was their biggest natural differences, most herbivore tribes held stronger matriarchal emphasis within their societies. 

While women held the most power in the family, the strongest mate usually rules the household in carnivorous and omnivorous households. 

Naomi noticed the heated glares and chose to ignore them, she noticed none were forward enough to approach them as of yet. 

'yeah I'm not sure if I would either' she considered, side-eyeing his sharp profile.

Hyfron had striking features, but his handsome face was so intimidating due to his chilly expression. With his dark plaited hair was twisted off to one side, she couldn't help but think his aura just screamed 'trouble'.

Stopping by a series of stalls in front of a large dwelling, Naomi could see some samples of wares laid out upon the rough and ready tabletops.

Two giant fluffy balls of cotton laid out upon large soft leaves, some yarns of wool balled up neatly, three large stone bowls filled with different grains, three smaller bowls filler with dried herbs and flowers, and an animal skin filled with unknown contents. Naomi scanned the contents, visibly intrigued; Hyfron watched her reaction, somewhat bemused.

The homeowner selling the wares sat observing the couple, she dusted her hands in her lap and rose to greet the travellers to do some business. 

"Good-day to you both, what do you need today?" she brusquely greeted them, smiling slightly with a rather focused aura.

As Hyfron conversed with the seller, outlining his needs, Naomi remained in his firm embrace. The comfort of the close contact brought her a slight sense of resentment. Weary and a bit anxious, she rested her head on his shoulder, choosing to drift off into her thoughts about the whereabouts of Oren, her golden lion companion.

"Don't leave me waiting too long, kitty," she wished with a soft sigh.

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