
One Round for 50 League Coins (Part 1)

However, this competition takes place after the High School entrance exams, and the registration hasn't even started yet. It's impossible to participate now.

All other battle training venues have their limitations as well.

In underground Spirit Beast Battles, which are primarily for gambling and entertainment, there's no requirement for the Beast Tamer to reach a specific level.

The entry level is low, and even an E-level Beast Tamer can participate, but the participants in these underground battles come from various backgrounds.

Before the battles, an agreement must be signed, and there are no restrictions on the life or death of the Spirit Beasts in battle.

In formal battles, if one side's Spirit Beast loses its combat ability, a referee will promptly end the match, and there's a dedicated medical team to treat the Spirit Beasts immediately. But in underground Spirit Beast Battles, it's only considered finished when one of the Beast Tamers concedes.

Those who come to these underground battles are ruthless individuals and gamblers. Some don't care about their Spirit Beasts' well-being because they believe their Spirit Beasts have no potential left, some are looking to make quick money, and others are solely seeking the thrill of violence.

In any case, it's not a place for a middle school student like Riley.

The Fire Dog is still too young, and Riley doesn't intend to expose it to such brutal battles all at once.

According to Riley's original plan, after the High School entrance exams, he would first train the Fire Dog's speed and stamina and then work on improving its control over special moves.

The "golden finger" can grant the Fire Dog point bonuses through battles in a short time, but if its physical fitness can't keep up and it can't control its own energy, it won't be able to unleash the combat power expected of a Spirit Beast of its level.

To progress rapidly, they can't afford to take it slow.

Riley wants sparring battles to enhance the Fire Dog's combat power, not battles to the death.

Apart from formal Spirit Beast Battles and underground Spirit Beast Battles, various places in different regions, such as training gyms, clubs, and exchange meetings, allow Beast Tamers to engage in Spirit Beast Battle.

The training gyms open once every six months, specializing in helping Beast Tamers train their Spirit Beasts in specific special moves. However, It's not the registration period now, so Riley can't get in.

As for the clubs, they simply require money, and Riley doesn't have any.

Exchange meetings are usually attended by those who have previously participated in formal battles and received invitations. Most people engage in Spirit Beast Battle with their friends in their spare time, but Riley doesn't know anyone whose Brain Domain has been awakened, let alone engaging in Spirit Beast Battle.

To summing it up, there doesn't seem to be a suitable place for the Fire Dog to have a proper battle in the entire Enchantia City.

Could it be that he randomly approaches someone on the street and asks for a Spirit Beast Battle? What if he ends up challenging a D-level or higher Beast Tamer? The consequences would be unknown.

Riley paces back and forth on the street, deep in thought.

Five minutes later, he heads in the direction of his home, carrying the Fire Dog.

Once back at home, Riley changes out of his school uniform into casual clothes. He then writes a few words on a piece of paper, tears it off, and puts it in his pocket. Afterward, he takes his backpack and leaves the house.


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