
[Stanley] - DORM ATTACK.

In my university dorm...

My eyes fluttered open, the first thing i noticed was the bunk bed above me no one was there, then the unusual quietness.

"Why is everything so silent tonight!" I asked myself grumbling when i noticed something weird.

Across from the bed where i had been sleeping was another set of bunk beds. Only that no one else was there.

"Kelvin?... just where the fuck did they go in the middle of the night?" I wondered sitting up. 'And not just kelvin where's everyone else?'

We were four staying in a big dorm that could hold up to five or more than people. So now imagine been left alone in that kind of room with an unusual silence.

I stood up still in my pyjamas walking towards the door which i noticed was slightly opened, letting out a thin line of light reflect on the floor. I decided to open it feeling something was wrong and the others might have gotten into trouble by now.

Popping my head out, staring down the hallway the reality in the situation hit me. Just few feet away from the door was a body right on the ground, i didn't get to know who it was but all i know was, the body was stripped, clawed and covered in red liquids... that spattered all over the whole floor almost flowing into my room... blood. The worse part of it all was the bite marks all over it body as if some kind of creature feed on it and lost interest later.

Seeing this i felt my stomach twisting as if i was going to throw up.

My sight turned blurry as my eyes landed on the half ripped garment the person was wearing i immediately guessed who it could be ' No no this cannot be real...it can't be charlie ' I gasped trying to get a hold of myself.

I suddenly heard a low growling sound, which caused me to look further down the hallway.

I saw kelvin covered in black red blood with several claw marks all over his body, he was half running, half stumbling towards me with a look of horror in his face... I've never seen him so frightened like this before. He kept muttering something at me as if he was trying to warning me about something.

'What is he trying to say?' I thought taking a deep breath, readying myself to run towards him.

When a huge black figure leapt above him landing on his back. Before i knew what was going on a long blade appeared in his hands as he slashed it down on the figures head killing it on the spot.

Thinking it was over... but i was wrong something else appeared above kelvin it was a huge spider...as tall as i am.

I was about to cry to kelvin to watch out but he had seen it already.

As the spider begin to spit threads kelvin rolled out of it path.

Jumping behind me ..."Lock the door!" he yelled and i did as i was told.

"So just what the hell happened out there?"

"Beast invasion!" He panted crashing on my bunk staining my bed with black red blood...as a loud bang sounded on the dorms door, a small transparent tube with pink liquid in it suddenly materialize in Kelvin's hand as he gulped it down, his injured body began to heal up restoring him back to his former state.

I was so amazed and was about to say something but he spoke first.

"That won't hold for too long, we gotta leave"

"For where?"

"Only God knows" He replied tossing me a black metal pistol.

"What do i use this for?"

"For protection dummy"

"Now let leave"


We ran towards the closed curtains which hadn't been opened for days since we were always going for classes coming back very late in the evening tired so no one really had time to get fresh air...upon drawing the curtain the view outside the school block finally came into sight.

On a norms, I was expecting to see a big bustling city but it was the opposite I saw instead...black smokes were rising from several buildings While many other buildings were destroyed...carnage was everywhere.

It was hard to tell what had transpired... that caused the chaos because from the looks of it ...it was as if the city was under attack and someone launched a missiles to stop it all.

"Come on" Kelvin called already standing on another window panel... below ours.

"Come on" He called again impatiently.

"I can't" I said looking at the height i shivered.

"You don't want to die do you?"



"Then fucking jump I'll catch you... we're in this together remember!"

I was about to argue even though i know it was useless but then the door burst open as the huge black spider bounced in...i jumped before it could even shoot it sticky webs.

Breeze blew into my face i was falling then a hand caught me yanking me up, i stumbled into another room.

"It wasn't so hard after all was it?"

"Thanks" I nodded getting up, we were in a room, two floors below our dorm "So, What now?"



The moment kelvin said hide, he pushed both of us underneath a bunk placing his hands above my lips.

I heard a purring sounds...it was the same black spider searching for us.

I heard it purr again then it was gone... back to the top floor.

I felt kelvin breathe a sigh of relief.


We sneaked out of the room below our dorm, Walking cautiously kelvin was in front looking left and right every single seconds, while i was at the rear to backing him up in case of any surprised attack.

We turned left in the direction of the school's hallway... Everything was in a total disarray...the lockers were smashed in, the billboards were broken even the corridor walls were bloodstained and partly destroyed with cracks and scratches all over.

Seeing no one...i moved up close to kelvin and whispered "Errr...where exactly are we going?"

"Right there" He pointed at a room in the end of the hallway where the school basement was.

"Why there?" I asked but before i could even get a reply the huge spider landed in between us and the hallway that lead to the basement.

Kelvin's sword appeared in his hands as he took a fighting stance.

The spider purred lunging itself at us as kelvin met it head on hacking and slashing.

I opened fire closing my eyes 'Bang Bang Bang'...

By the time i opened my eyes the spider was dead already as Kelvin winked at me.

Then the next moment something have never seen before appeared in my line of sight...a bright screen with bright green writings.

[Ordinary berserk - Black Nest Spider - killed]

[You have successfully ascended to level 1]

[+5 beast points obtained]

Name - Stanley Hunt

Race - Human.

Class- ( undecided )

Level -1

Rank - iron rank.

Age - 17.

Physical weapon - Gun

Status - None

Lifespan - 151 years

Skills - None

Requirements for evolution - 50 Beast points.

Total beasts points - 5 Beast points.

Beast souls - Web shooter,

[Beast soul obtained - Weapon type]

[Name: Web shooter

Type: Supportive.

Grade: Grey

Rarity: 2 stars

Level: 1

Description - The most ordinary web shooting gauntlet in exsistence

-> Strength +5

-> Speed +3

-> Crit rate: 0.5%

-> Surp rate: 2%

Requirements: none]


I didn't get to read it finish when i heard sounds of heavy footsteps Kelvin's hand grabbed me sprinting towards the basement.

"Open up" he yelled...


Next chapter