
Beaches of hell

Omaha, Gold, Juno, Sword, Utah. These are the beaches of Normandy. 156,115 allied troops would take part in the largest seaborne invasion known to man. The question is can the Germans defend the beaches.

ThunderBolt · Action
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3 Chs

send them to their death

Little landing craft are washing up and dropping off Americans to their death.

"RIGHT THERE!" My assistant gunner Franz yells hitting my helmet and pointing where a boat is getting ready to land.

"I SEE IT!" I say finger on the trigger of my MG42 and sights on the door of the craft. The door drops and I squeeze the trigger a small fireball erupts from the barrel of the gun and I see people dropping with little bits of mist coming from their heads shoulders and torsos. My ears are ringing and I can't understand what Franz is saying. He smacks my helmet and points to the left so I follow and repeat watching young men with families die.

"GOOD SHOOTING!" Franz yells giving me a thumbs up. "THAT'S IT FOR NOW!" He says as he gets another belt ready for when I run out.

"Good shootin boys. FOR THE THIRD REICH!" Our squad leader says when he comes into the bunker. "Be ready for a second wave they're stupid and will keep sending their men to their deaths."

"Yes sir!"

"And there they are. Get ready and unload the second those ramps drop."

"Lets fuck em up." Franz says with a sick grin on his face.

"Y-yeah." I say holding binoculars scanning the sea line. "Here they come all over the horizon." I say handing Franz the binoculars.

"Good let them come. They'll get ripped apart by that thing." Franz says patting the side of the gun.

Every minute the boats keep getting closer and closer. 'Turn around.' I think to myself not wanting to have to kill more innocent men.

As if reading my thoughts Franz says. "They deserve this trying to get in the way of the perfect plan to get rid of the weak and raise the strong perfect human race."

"Yeah, yeah you're right." I say looking again seeing the boats getting even closer.

"Tear them apart Klaus."

"Any second now." I say getting ready putting my shoulder on the stock getting my finger on the trigger and setting my sights on the ramp. The boat gets halfway between the shore and the sea. The soldiers start jumping over the sides and I squeeze the trigger. Some fall in the ocean lifelessly others plop in and a couple resurface.

"LIKE FISH IN A BARREL!" Franz yells reloading the gun. Another boat drops it's ramp and more men fall by now though there's so many boats that the Americans are actually starting to make it up on the beach.

"KILL THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS!" My squad leader says slapping my back.

"HOLY SHIT THE BARREL! CEASE FIRE! CEASE FIRE!" Franz yells hitting my helmet three times quick. I keep shooting at a group of men running up the beach.

"CEASE FIRE!" Franz says smacking my helmet as fast as he can.

"NOT YET!" I yell as one of the men drop. My gun stops kicking and the belt falls out the other side. The barrel is red hot and starting to melt.


"I'M DOING WHAT YOU TOLD ME TO DO!" I yell back. Franz puts the hot barrel on the slit of the bunker. he slides the new barrel in and puts in a new belt. The belts in I cock the gun looking for those guys again. "NEW WAVE 2 MINUTES." Hans the squad leader says.

"HEY YOU SEE EM?" Franz says pointing to a little sand dune. "THEY STICK THEIR HEADS UP EVERY COUPLE SECONDS LIKE LITTLE RABBITS!" He says. "PUT SHOTS IN IT ALREADY!" He's holding the belt waiting for me to pull the trigger so I can get smooth feeding into the gun.

"RIGHT!" I say I pull the trigger and the small dune starts to fall apart from the bullets pounding into it. One of the men sticks their head up for a second and a small pink mist blows out from the back his head snaps back and he falls into the sand. An olive green helmet started to come up the second the other guy got hit in the head the helmet flew down.

"CEASE FIRE!" Franz yells pulling the hot barrel out and putting in the new cool one. He reloads the gun and I start firing again at the dune this time 4 men suddenly pop up and run in different directions from the dune I pick the one closest to me and trace him before he falls.

"THERE DOWN! WATCH LEFT, LEFT!" Franz says pointing to about a dozen men getting close to a little bluff our guns can't reach. The battlefield is deafening from all the bunkers and explosions.

"THEY MADE IT UP GET READY TO DEFEND POSITIONS!" Hans says before moving on to the next bunker.

"Good let them come." Franz says grabbing his Kar98. "My turn." He says with a smile as he pushes a clip into the gun.

A language unknown to me and Franz is heard screaming just outside our bunker we pull our guns up and aim at the entrance of the door as a grenade bounces into our bunker.