

Be with someone who you can giggle with in the shower with absolutely no sexual interaction necessary.

Be with someone you can talk to about absolutely anything.

Be with someone who will hold you and talk you down and fight your demons with you when it becomes too hard to do on your own. Be with someone who comes home from a long day at work and still wraps you up in their arms as if it's what they've been waiting for all day long.

Be with someone who kisses you on the forehead and the cheek even if you're sick.

Be with someone who thinks that you are beautiful even when you have no makeup on and your hair is a mess.

Be with someone who offers to help you.

Be with someone who gives you sex eyes even when you're doing something as simple as cooking because they can't get enough of you.

If you find someone who can give you all of that and more... my God do not let them go.