


"So, what would you like to order?" I ask the dumbass in front of me who seems so freaking persistent on flirting with me.

"Aren't you on the menu?" He asks.


"I'm afraid not." I say, keeping that stupid smile on my face.

"Is your number on it then?" The dude asks with —What I think is— a smirk.

That's it.

"Avery, help a sister out?" I whisper and it takes a while before she walks out of the staff room.

Avery, unlike me, was a Warewolf, A beta female and if looks could kill, the dude in front of us would be dead.

"So, are you going to order or am I going to have to rip your face out?" She glared at him, baring her claws out.

I'd be surprised if this dude didn't piss himself.


"I-I want a cheeseburger with fries..... To go, p-please." He stutters and I choke back a laugh.

Avery's face morphs into one of those weird sunshine smiles you'll only find in cartoons like Mickey mouse "Thank you for ordering, I'll be back with your order in fifteen minutes." She says and walks back leaving the dude —who I'm probably sure wet himself— speechles.

Then, almost like heaven decided to smile at me, the clock on the wall ticked.


Shift's overrrr

I walk into the staff room and grab my bag before I checked out.

"Wait for meee!" I heard Avery yell behind me and I stop while she catches up with me.

We both walk out of the diner and stand there waiting for a taxi.

"I'm not coming home with you today." Avery says and I give her one of my 'mhmm' looks.

"Where to this time?" I ask even though I already know the answer in capital letters.

"Tinder date."

Meet Avery, guys, my female Bestie who chases every thing in pants and then dumps them like last week's casserole.

I'm kinda craving casserole now.

"I thought you were dating some other dude,.... What was his name? Malik?"

" His name was Mason." She says with an eye roll. "Oooh, a taxi, byeeeee bitch."

"You're really going to leave me alone tonight?" I ask with a pout.

"You can come with, if you want." She suggests and I wrinkle my nose.

"And lack sleep tonight because of of your. Incessant moaning? Yeah, no thanks."

"You can call Ethan to come over." She suggests and I consider it but then I remember he took off yesterday to his pack.

"Don't worry 'bout me, have fun." I smile.

"Byeeeee." She says and I wave at her as she gets into the taxi and moves.

I stand there for a while, waiting for a taxi, when a black limo parks in front of me all of a sudden.

Shady as fuck.

Quietly, I decide to walk away from the car but then I hear the door open behind me.


I quicken my steps, walk turning into a jog, soon to be turned into a sprint but I don't go far.

Now I regret skipping leg day.

I ran, fear paralyzing me when I felt a hand grab my arm.

Hold up, me? Scared? Nuh-uh... Wrong bitch.

I turn to the soon-to-be kidnapper and muster all courage. "Listen, I'm not the kinda bitch you wanna mess with, I will fucking castrate you if you don't lea–"

I cut myself off as I stare at a breathtaking shade of silver-blue eyes staring back at me.

"Mate." Is the only word that leaves his lips and I freeze.

I'm sorry, what?



Btw I'm shit goooood at making ship names *dusts shoulder*  I mean where tf did I get such cute and hot names??!!

In a dream.

A dream I tell ya.

I kid you not.

I was busy stalking North star boys and..... I'm stepping outta the point aren't I?

Anywayyyyy, this is NOT a book for kids okay?!... The smut scenes in here could scar you for life... But then again, I shouldn't be one to judge since I'm like 16?


But fr fr this isn't a book for kids..... I'd hate to be the reason some kid's caught masturbat–

Shit. Outta the point againnn

I'm just gonn' leave now.


Hope you like my book.

