
Starting the Season for Sports 5

That meant running a normal road depending on the weather could be better than running on a professional track, and Chicago was a great track to race, proof of which was that the world record had been broken four times in this marathon.

After Jake had passed the 35 km he had not yet slowed down, Jake was feeling good and just a little tired, as he trained every day he knew his own body well and knew he could keep running like that.

"He has already passed the 35 km race, still maintaining a strong pace, now just over 7 km to finish this marathon, even if he slowed down he would still win this marathon."

"That's true, it's amazing to see how Jake can keep a steady pace of running, it's like he's looking at a watch, he has little difference in his average running speed."

"He just seems to slow down on the toughest stretches on the track to saving energy, he's not wasting too much time on the back-up, that's the benefit of being first in a marathon."