
Starting the Season for Sports 3

"The new physiotherapist told me that it would take at least another 8 months for me to recover, which means that I would lose the first year of chances to play, not to mention that it will take longer for me to regain my fitness to can play again."

"Actually, I don't have any motivation anymore to keep playing football at this university, but I know that if I want to have any chance of joining the NFL I have to play there even if I don't want to."

"That's why I ended up being rude to you at the beginning of the semester, I apologize, I know I had no reason to do that, but I ended up stressing over the situation."

So Jake can understand why Aaron was like this at the beginning of the semester, he had already apologized and sympathized with Aaron, he didn't know if Zack and William could understand and be friends with Aaron normally, but Jake was optimistic that the 4 would be great friends.