
Aella's Pov

Modified human. That's the term these dastard scientists gave us. First, they trick us into being their lab rats as we try to survive the onslaught from the liquidation. Then, they poke and prod us, torture us for their so-called endurance tests, just to see how much we can survive. I wonder how much time has passed. I can't even tell anymore. This dark room, it seems to be all that I can remember anymore. I vaguely remember the others like me, their screams, their pain. It stays with me and haunts me every night.

I no longer feel the same. Something in my body has changed. My sense of smell is so strong it's overwhelming and my hearing, so keen that it's become a living hell to hear all the echoes of sound around me. Then there's this deep-rooted pain. I just can't place the cause but this endless pain. I just wish they'd kill me instead of forcing me to endure it all.

I closed my exhausted eyes, breathing a shaky breath. It was an effort just to breathe. Then I was distracted by the sound of the cell door opening. Was it time for their torture again? I wondered as I weakly gazed at the door. To my surprise, it was a young man that looked to be around my age with crimson red hair looking over at me. His emerald eyes imprinted on my mind. How they glowed in the dark was simply beautiful.

I watched his every move, unsure of who he was. If I knew him, I did not remember. "You're going to be ok now," he reassured me as he crouched down and lifted me into his arms," let's get you out of here," he said as he turned on his heel and walked out of that dark room. "Are you sure she is going to make it? She looks really weak," I heard a man's voice ask as a blanket had been draped over me, "This should protect her from the light, I imagine her eyes are really sensitive to light right now with how long she has been in the dark," the voice continued, he sounded concerned for me.

I was not sure if I could trust them, but I was so tired I didn't care either way. His walking had rocked me into an uneasy sleep. I don't know how long we were walking for. I was in and out of consciousness, catching snippets of their conversation.

When I next woke, I felt a sense of calm. The breeze against my skin felt rather nice and someone was holding my hand. I opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. The man who had saved me was holding my hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth on the back of my hand in order to help me feel calm. He did not know how much I appreciated that right now. I glanced over at his face to find that he was sleeping. His head laid near my feet, using his other arm as a pillow.

Slowly, I tried to sit up. That seemed to be a mistake as pain shot through my entire body, causing me to cry out. Alarmed, he jumped to his feet, rushing over to my side." No, don't try to move, you're still in really awful shape," he said to me urgently. I looked up at him searching his face for a moment." Where are we?" I asked after a long pause. He dragged the chair he'd been sitting in closer to me and sat down." Right now, we're at the headquarters of the Werewolf resistance. Their pack doctor looked you over. He said you were fortunate that we got you out when we did. Your legs and spine are in terrible shape. You are lucky that they didn't paralyze you," he told me this as a sad look appeared on his face.

This was a lot to take in. I swallowed hard, letting it all process in my mind. My gaze turned to him once again." Thank you for coming for me. Though, there is something I must know, why did you help me instead of just escaping?" a serious expression crossed his face as I asked my question. Would he have really just rescued me without a motive?

He took a deep breath in, as if trying to find the right words, and grabbed both of my hands into his own." I would do it again if given the choice. There wasn't a soul who did not hear what they put you through. I was not the only one that wished to help you. It's unfortunate, but we could only save a handful, you though, were in the worst shape of us all." I nodded in response, pausing for a moment. "My name, it's Aella. What is the name of my hero?" I asked quietly with a small smile.

He smiled at me, releasing my hands." It's nice to meet you, Aella. My name is Curtis. I will be back. I need to get the pack doctor," he responded as he moved to get up. I quickly grabbed onto him." No! Don't leave me here alone, please. Stay with me, I beg of you." I don't know what came over me, but tears spilled from my eyes as I begged him to stay with me. He made me feel calm and safe. I felt safe with him. I never thought I could feel safe again.

"Alright, I'll stay," he said as he sat back down and hugged me close to him to calm me down. I snuggled into his chest, breathing his scent in. My actions surprised me. What is with me? I'm acting like I'm some needy cat. I sat up as I heard footsteps approaching the room we were in.

"Ah, she's awake. Good," a man said as he entered the room. I studied him with my eyes. He had messy brown hair held back in a ponytail, his eyes a light tint of honey, and he wore a lab coat over a two-piece suit of sorts. A growl escaped as he approached my bed. "Woah now, calm down," he said backing up from my bed. He looked at a clipboard with paper on it," Seems, you are near the age for it," he muttered to himself. I looked at him confused, "For what?" I demanded as I watched his every move." Your first shift, every werewolf has to go through it. This is why you have animalistic habits. It will only get worse I'm afraid. I just hope your body heals before then. It's a very painful process, I'm afraid," he answered. He approached the bed once more, ignoring my growls, checking my legs and checking my overall health. "I'm no stranger to pain," I told him after a long pause. He looked at me speechless. He seemed unsure what to say to that.

He cleared his throat as if to lift the tension from the room, "Anyway miss Aella, you may call me Viktor or doctor or even Dr. Viktor, "whichever you prefer. I'm no different from you. I once was human too. Just know you're not alone in this transition process. If you ever need anything at all, you can ask anyone here and we will help you the best we can," he told me, as if to reassure me. He then turned on his heel, walking out of the room and turned to Curtis," Protect her well, she's going to need you more in the near future," he then left us alone.