At the time of David George in a kingdom named George. There was some battle which can be seen in that period the most important battle I am going to tell you it was.

this was the time and David going to marry and afterward a child born to him. He was Mark George when Mark 15 years old and his father was died one month before in the battle but his bravest soldiers won the battle. mark was very strong from his childhood and after 3 years this was the time to get a new king Mark George and they were so celebration and so much Security New King ceremony was started from the starting point of the George died Valli there is a bridge between two mountains deep river now the ceremony started the king seated on the Howdah and a man blow the horn to start the ceremony now the elephant started moving slowly slowly and decide the elephant there were 50,000 soldiers on horse and Gladiators now when the elephant crossed half of the bridge it stop it was not moving even an inch and shouting because there were the man of pesture on both mountain with arches and fired on the George soldiers afterwards when there were no Arrow left there aren't word their Kingdom and now when George came up there were only blood and dead bodies 10,000 men were killed and some committed suicide because they jump from and killed by the narrow rocks

read the book to get next chapter of battle of mount George
