
Calm Before The Storm.

Today is June, 1 and we are having a festival at Atlas City High School. We are celebrating the election of a new President to the corrupt group of officials we call "The Council". The Council are the people who make all the decisions within the walls of Atlas City regarding Meta Humans and non Meta Humans. They pretty much control everything. The new President Saviir Amil has been pushing for a spot in Presidency since he was old enough to be in the Council. With his policies regarding Meta Humans he slowly rose to the top pushing people out of the the city Meta Human or not. It's honestly sick to see people being expelled from the City when being accused of Housing a Meta human. I had arrived at School that day late because for some reason my powers decided to burn off every pair of gloves I put on (I use them to cover the markings on my hand) making me waste a whole 30 minutes of my morning. I even had to skip breakfast. Apon arriving at School I was greeted by my best friends Damon, and Elise. These two have been my friends since before I had my powers as we lived in the same neighborhood. They don't know about my powers and I intend to keep it that way for their safety.

"Morning Echo!" Damon shouted at me as I exited the School bus.

"Good morning Damon.." I replied unenthusiastically as I was dreadfully tired.

After being greeted by Damon we grabbed some breakfast and headed on to class.

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