
Battle Academy: A Reincarnation for the End

Many people believe that reincarnation is a cycle that is infinite. Mentally, we can visualize that it is possible to reincarnate in another world that you wish to live in. It is an exciting idea when you think that destiny is final only after you become existent in another dimension and your soul transfers the knowledge. Don't let the barriers of reality limit your thoughts, and believe that reincarnation can give you a second chance to accomplish everything you long for. This is the idea that we have after all. And not only us, but also Edward, a young reader who unfortunately died after a car accident. After his vision darkened, a new one appeared. Edward opened his eyes and found himself in a room that was not his. Memories of people he did not know. At that moment Edward knew that he had been reincarnated. No one had to tell him, he could feel the sensation coursing through his veins. But to complete his shock, Edward discovered that he was inside the novel of his favorite author. In this world, heroes and villains arose with the arrival of a meteor that came to Earth, extinguished the dinosaurs, and brought magic with it. This magic can be used for both good and evil, so every day there are more and more heroes and villains fighting each other. There are world-famous academies in the four corners of the world, where young heroes are trained to fight the villains and maintain world peace. He was excited at first, but this excitement soon turned to fear when he discovered that he was reincarnated inside the body of a character from the Lothbrok family. A family that had the most powerful heroes in the world. But that wasn't what scared Edward, what scared him was knowing that he had become Edward lothbrok, a boy who was going to die in an entrance test for the greatest hero academy in the world, The Battle Academy.

Fabio_Henrique_5198 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Edward vs kato (1)

The flames traveled 100 feet and made their mark everywhere they went, until finally, they reached the end and I was surprised to see that Kato was not within 100 feet.

I was confused, after all, I had no idea that he would go so far away. Trying to use this distance to my advantage, I quickly wove a new fire sword, but unfortunately, kato suddenly appeared behind me saying, "You can't create a vacuum while you're making this sword, can you?"

He was right, I really couldn't do it, it just shows how stupid I was, maybe it's the lack of combat experience.

Taking advantage of my idiocy, kato with his knife, brutally stuck it into my neck. The adrenaline started to take over my body, preventing me from feeling pain, but the feeling of the blade at my throat was terrifying.

I tried to blast the fire sword and thus cause an explosion that would push Kato away from me, but he already anticipated my move and said, "Blackout!"

Suddenly, shadows appeared and swallowed the fire sword in my hands. I knew I was dead that moment, kato just needed to finish me, but fortunately, he made another decision.

With his knife, he took it from my neck and began to brutally stab me in the chest, hitting some vital organs. The sound of the blade piercing the skin hovered under the scene. And after executing several attacks, kato ceased and I fell dead to the ground.




In the distance, on top of a building, several students were gathered to watch the fight. None of them dared to interfere, the reason? They wanted to see the potential of the prodigy of the Miyamoto family, against Lothbrok, but this fight disappointed them all.

Andrew, who had observed everything, said: "Kato dominated the fight from the beginning and used his skill perfectly. Without a doubt, he is a prodigy of the current era."

The other participants agreed with him and Alice said, "Yes, you are right, but this lothbrok is pathetic, I'm glad he died."

Again the participants agreed, and Serena asked, "But won't it be a problem for us? After all, a lothbrok died! His family will hunt down the person responsible at all costs."

"Yes, probably a war between the Miyamotos and the lothbroks will start in the future, I honestly can't see who will be the winner." Answered Michael.

The participants had the same opinion.

Suddenly, Michael stood up and said, "So, shall we start fighting now?" All the attention was drawn to him. Alice was surprised that he dared to pull this subject up.

"True, I need 30 points and there are about 123 participants here, which means..." Andrew didn't complete his sentence, he looked at Michael and asked, "Hey, do you want to ally to defeat these 122 participants?"

"Fine by me," Michael replied casually.

Suddenly, Alice stood at Michael's side and said, "121 participants, I'm with you now."

"Me too! So that's 120 participants!" Serena replied as she awkwardly walked over to them.

"All right, so it's four people against 120? How unfair, for them!" Michael said those words in a cold tone as if he had already started the confrontation, until suddenly...


Suddenly, everyone heard crazy laughter coming from where Edward was standing. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the battlefield, but upon seeing what was happening, everyone's eyes widened in shock!




The philosophy behind getting stronger after almost dying is that the experience of impending death can lead to profound changes in one's perspective on life. One can realize the fragility of existence and, as a result, value life and personal relationships more highly. In addition, the struggle for survival itself can be a transformative experience that increases resilience and the ability to face future challenges. In short, the near-death experience can lead to a spiritual and emotional awakening that can result in personal growth and mental and emotional strengthening.

Now I understand! It's funny to think that something like that can make a person stronger pfffff. Anyway, now I understand.

I stood up completely healed and looked smiling at Kato. He was looking at me confused and surprised, after all, all my injuries were healed and I have an explanation for that.

Elemental mastery is a practice that involves the manipulation and control of natural elements, such as earth, water, fire, and air. It is believed that each element has unique healing properties and that the combination of these elements can be used to treat different types of illnesses and injuries. For example, water can be used to soothe and cleanse the body, while fire can be used to stimulate blood circulation and improve digestion. In general, elemental magic is seen as a holistic and natural form of healing that works in harmony with the body and nature.

The element of nature that heals physical wounds is not an element itself, but the human body itself, which has an immune system capable of regenerating tissue and fighting infection. All I did, was accelerate this process with the earth element and fire, so I was completely healed in a few minutes.

"What? Are you curious to know how I'm alive?!" I asked excitedly.

Kato was shocked that I was okay, but quickly cracked a smile and said, "I guess it was my mistake to underestimate a Lothbrok. Anyway, shall we continue?"