
Joy Ride

While I had been busy the last few days, the Jaffa in the cell had been fed by Yuna since she had agreed to be my assistant. I liked the Jaffa a bit, although I couldn't talk to him, he seemed to be smart enough to know not to attack me when given a good opportunity to do so. I valued people with good self preservation skills. Still, I couldn't trust him until I killed his old god in front of him. He needed to be disillusioned, Until then, he will earn his food by being my shield from time to time.

Today I was going to take a joy ride with my new puddle cycle and I didn't want to take him along, sharing a bike with another man didn't sound like a good time to me.

"Yuna, would you like to take a trip with me as I test out the new spaceship I just made?"

Yuna hesitated to answer, thinking of all the dangers, but then she remembered his strength and then his intelligence as he built wonderous technology that she had never seen before aside from in fiction. She felt that if he was not reliable, then who was?

"Id like to go with you, but who will take care of my brother and make sure he doesn't get into things he isn't supposed to?"

I sympathized with her. She wasn't a mother and yet she has to play the role of one at such a young age right after losing her parents and being thrown into a slave shop. "Jasmine can watch him till we get back. Here, put this on to protect yourself from the vacuum and radiation of space". I threw her an Ancient environmental suit. She would need it if she was going to ride my motorcycle with me.

Yuna put the suit on and then looked up at me as I sat on my bike, probably wondering where she was supposed to sit. I patted the back of the seat that was directly behind me, Sit here, I have installed handlebar holders on the sides, but if you don't feel safe still, you can always hold onto me.".

Today I was wearing my earth clothing instead of my usual attire and I had put my timer in a vault of sorts that was located inside Atlantis. The Japanese from the Gate universe knew that I spoke english, so they had a lot of custom made english t-shirts, some of them even having graphic art on them.

Sadly, most of the shirts had broken english on them. I was currently wearing jeans, combat boots, and a t-shirt that said "What doesn't kill you, disappoints me" and under those words was a picture of a smiling cat with a taco in it's hand/paw looking like it was about to take a bite. The t-shirt made very little sense, but it was actually one of the few t-shirts that weren't plain and made a bit of sense.

I didn't care though, I wanted to be comfortable and the clothes that I had tailored to my measurements were very comfortable compared to my combat clothing. From now on I will just wear my Titan combat clothing when I travel through areas I think have a high possibility of danger to myself.

Yuna had hopped onto the puddle cycle and held onto the handlebars at the side as I dialed the Mars gate located int he Milky Way Galaxy. I had brought along some tools to work on the mars gate and after that I planned to do my joy riding.

After going through the gate, I started to work on it right away as Yuna chose to keep sitting on my Puddle Cycle. I worried that earth or some poor unfortunate soul would dial this gate and then die after stepping through, so I made it to where it can't be dialed unless from Atlantis. It could still be used to dial out, but nobody could dial in aside from myself. I'll admit it wasn't just for other peoples protection, I also didn't like the thought of others using something I deemed mine.

Although I had plenty of zpm's to last many lifetimes and I didn't have to worry about ever running out, I still wanted to be somewhat frugal with how I used them. Sure I could make some of my own if I ever did actually run out, but that was a hassle. I made a note to eventually build space gates and a midway station to make it less taxing on the power supply when I traveled from one galaxy to the next. For now, I would just keep using a decent amount of power for each trip I took out of the galaxy.

I finished up modifying the gate and the hopped onto the puddle cycle and sped away with no particular destination. I flew around the Galaxy, taking in many beautiful sights, both Yuna and I enjoyed ourselves, but Ancient environmental suits were only good for 6 hours of oxygen and so I scanned for life signs on planets we passed after about two hours of flying around.

When I found a planet that showed it had life signs and naquadah on it, which usually meant it had a gate as well, I cloaked the puddle cycle and started to land.

Almost right as I started to approach the planet, a ship came out of hyperspace. It was a Goa'ld Ha'tak, meaning it more than likely had a system lord on board.

Although I had Yuka with me, I felt it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I needed to let the Goa'ld know where they stood on the food chain now that I was here. They would no longer be the hunters, but instead the hunted.

They all claimed to be gods and wanted to dominate each planet they found. Eventually they would butt heads with me anyway, so it's best to get rid of them now instead of later. I plan to rule this Universe myself later and I can't allow gods, false or real, to exist if I wish to do so.

I had to crush every Goa'ld I meet in the future if I wish to gain the trust of the people they oppress.

"Yuna, Hold on tight, It might start to get a bit bumpy"

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