
Chapter 0__: The last dance!!!

In the world of professional basketball in Europe, a league that stands above the rest in terms of prestige and competition reigned supreme over the continent: the EuroLeague. Officially known as the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague due to sponsorship, this basketball tournament is a stage where the best of the best clubs from various European countries come together to battle for supremacy.

It is recognized as the second fiercest club basketball tournament after the NBA's playoff. 

The format of the EuroLeague typically sees 18 to 20 elite European basketball clubs engaged in fierce competition during the regular season. They enter the fray, divided into groups, and engage in a grueling round-robin contest. These group battles serve as the precursor to the playoffs, where only the top teams from each group earn the right to advance.

The playoffs stage, a thrilling knockout round, brings the cream of the crop into a series of best-of-five matchups. The victors of these playoff series march proudly to the championship game, where the EuroLeague champion is ultimately crowned.

What sets the EuroLeague apart is the sheer quality of the competition. It draws in the most exceptional talents, both in the form of players and coaches, from every corner of the globe. The league is celebrated for the consistently high level of play and the fierce determination exhibited on the hardwood.

The participants of that competition are the best basketball players in the world outside of the NBA. Some even have the strength to compete against NBA-level players, although few could dominate in that league. 

The roots of the EuroLeague can be traced back to earlier European club basketball competitions, but it officially took shape in 2000. Since then, it has increased in popularity and prestige, becoming one of the most renowned basketball leagues in the world.

Qualification for the EuroLeague can take different paths, with some clubs earning automatic berths based on their performance in their domestic leagues, while others must navigate a separate qualification process.

The EuroLeague season reaches its zenith with the culmination of the Final Four, an event that basketball enthusiasts across Europe and beyond eagerly await. The Final Four showcases the semifinals and the championship game, and it stands as one of the premier basketball events on the international stage.

The reward for the victor of the EuroLeague is the coveted champion's title and an automatic berth in the subsequent season's EuroLeague. This honor ensures that the triumphant club has the opportunity to defend its title against the finest teams Europe has to offer.

The EuroLeague is not just a basketball competition. It is a celebration of the sport, an exhibition of talent, and a testament to the enduring passion for basketball in Europe. It has left an indelible mark on the sport's history, contributing significantly to the growth and development of basketball across the continent.

Players from multiple backgrounds, nationalities, and levels battle every year to reign supreme. Among those talented individuals, Takeshi Hashimoto, a slightly prominent Japanese basketball player, tried his best for 17 years and finally, at the age of 38, managed to reach the Euroleague's Final stage.


24th of May, 2040.


In the high-stakes environment of the Euroleague finals, Takeshi Hashimoto, a somewhat prominent player in the European basketball scene, found himself on the cusp of something extraordinary. This game was his career's culmination, the ultimate stage to prove his ability and talent.

He has been looking to prove his talent for nearly 17 years, and today, he finally had the chance. Although not at the highest stage, he still felt content while reminiscing on his career.

With just 5 minutes left on the clock and his team trailing by 11 points, Takeshi was about to embark on a remarkable journey. One that would leave an indelible mark on the game. One countless people would probably talk about for the next half a decade, at least in the European basketball scene.

After the opponent scored a goal to increase the point difference to 11, Takeshi frowned, looking at the scoreboard. However, he couldn't help advancing toward the frontcourt, thinking about how to aid himself and his team to win the game.

After the team's point guard dribbled the ball up the court, he looked around, assessed the situation, and shook his head, noticing that most players on the field had given up on the game. As the team's captain, he wanted to beat all of them up for giving up so easily. However, even he couldn't deny their chances of winning this final, their team's first finals apparition, were slim.

With ten seconds remaining in the possession clock, the team's captain and point guard clenched his teeth, preparing to do an isolation play. However, from the corner of his eye, he saw Takeshi Hashimoto, their team's veteran and best player, run toward the top of the key, asking for the ball.

Smiling, the man threw the ball at him before moving toward the wing, eager to see how their ace would, for the nth time, get them out of trouble.

Takeshi received the ball at the top of the key with 7 seconds remaining in possession. His heart was pounding, and the crowd's deafening roar echoed in his ears.

With a jab step to shake his opponent's balance followed by a swift dribble move, he left his defender completely off-balance, drove past him, and launched a mid-range jump shot. The ball arced gracefully through the net, pulling his team within nine points of their rivals.

"Let's go!" Yelled Takeshi, throwing his hands in the air in celebration, causing the crowd's cheers to increase. He has always been good at amping the crowd. He always says or does certain things that get the spectators more excited than they should be. That could be considered a talent of his. 

However, he quickly returned to his backcourt, ready to stop anybody from violating his hoop.

The ensuing possession was a battle of wits. As the opposite point guard dribbled the ball up the court, Takeshi, ever vigilant, read the opponent's passing lanes like a book. As the opposing point guard attempted to thread the needle, Takeshi swooped in with lightning-quick hands to steal the ball.

The crowd held its breath as Takeshi raced down the court. However, he wasn't as fast as he used to be. He is old, after all. Nonetheless, with a defender closing in, he suddenly stopped and let loose a three-pointer that found nothing but the bottom of the net, reducing the opponent's lead to six points. 

Cheers erupted as the ball passed through the hoop. The Euroleague finals are usually played in a neutral stadium. So, there are more neutral fans. Those people who look for excitement. They don't root for anybody but for basketball. Those are the people cheering for Takeshi and his team. 

They are cheering because they can see it: the hope of a reversal at the last minute. The neutral fans can see it happening and are encouraging it. 

So, momentum swung decisively in Takeshi and his team's favor.

After two scoreless possessions, one for each team, Takeshi made another tenacious defensive stand, initiating a fast break, and forcing his basketball IQ to shine through. As he ran up the court with a defender following on each side, he executed a behind-the-back pass to a streaking teammate, who coolly drained a three-pointer, reducing the score difference to three points.

They only needed one possession and stop to equalize the score. Of course, the opponent refused to relent, making every possession a battle. So, for another minute, nobody scored a basket, increasing the game's suspense to a degree the Euroleague finals have never experienced. Even the commentators from foreign continents watching and explaining the game were nervous. They couldn't help it. The match was too intense. 

Fortunately, Takeshi, an epitome of defensive prowess, positioned himself near the paint, waiting for the right moment. He knew the opponent's bigs were better than his. So, he was ready to help at any moment. He was known to be able to defend from position 1 to 4, after all. 

When an adversary drove to the hoop after passing by his teammate; Takeshi soared like an eagle, blocking the shot with ferocity. The blocked ball ignited a fast break, three of the fastest players on Takeshi's team rushing the opponent's frontcourt. Thankfully, using their astounding teamwork, synergy, and two passes, they allowed Takeshi to complete the fast break with a layup, making it a 1-point game. It was so beautifully done that the referee clapped, making the opposite team's players stare at him fiercely. 

Unfortunately, the clock waited for nobody.

With time running out and under one minute before the end of the game, Takeshi's teammates looked to him for salvation. He received the ball on the wing and looked at the possession clock. There were 9 seconds left before the end of their team's possession time. He had to do something. 

Taking a deep breath to calm his wildly beating heart, Takeshi smiled as he stared at his defender. He has tormented the poor guy the entire game. Just looking at the man's ragged breath and body language would make anybody root for him. However, at this stage, there is no place for mercy. 

Thinking that way, Takeshi jab-stepped, trying to throw the defender off-balance and take that chance to drive past him. Unfortunately, the man didn't budge as he stared at Takeshi, his eyes spitting fire, ready to eat him alive. 

That didn't scare Takeshi, though. His determination to win this game was unmatched, evident by the fact that he played 36 out of 39 minutes, something his body doesn't allow him to do anymore. So, with his tired and heavy figure, Takeshi drove toward the right, trying to use his explosiveness to get past the opponent. 

However, he forgot he was 38 years old and not 28 anymore. In addition, he was more tired than his defender, making the latter follow and easily stick to him. Nonetheless, Takeshi is not called a star player for no reason. 

While the opponent pressed his body on him, trying to stop him, Takeshi used the man's body as an axis and spun before dribbling the ball and stepping back behind the three-point line, creating plenty of space. And, without a second thought, he fired another long-range missile. The net barely fluttered as the ball swished through the hoop, giving his team the lead for the second time in this game.


The crowd's cheers increased as the possibility they imagined started happening before them. 

However, the players didn't have time to pay attention to them as Takeshi and his teammates immediately pressed their opponents, not giving them space to inbound the ball. 

Fortunately, In the game's waning moments, Takeshi secured a vital stop, stealing the ball from the inbounder as he made a sloppy pass, desperation gripping the opposing coach. Unfortunately for Takeshi, they resorted to fouling in a last-ditch effort to regain possession and hope that Takeshi would miss the free throws and keep the game within a possession's reach. Only 47 seconds are remaining in the game, after all. 

As the crowd gradually quietened, Takeshi stood at the free-throw line, determination etched on his face. Taking a deep breath, he dribbled the ball three times to regain his rhythm before, with the most text-book shooting form, throwing the ball toward the hoop.


The first free throw dropped in. The second went through the hoop a few seconds later, solidifying their lead.


The crowd erupted for the nth time in this quarter, followed by a roar from Takeshi, who felt his body weakening. He hoped the adrenaline gained from that roar would keep him going for the rest of the game. 

However, as the opposing coach called a timeout to strategize their final push, Takeshi's body, drained of every ounce of energy, finally gave way. With an uncanny premonition, Takeshi had an inkling of what was about to transpire. He stumbled toward the huddle with his teammates. The world seeming to blur. He had pushed himself beyond the brink, and with 47 seconds remaining, Takeshi's vision dimmed, and he collapsed onto the hardwood, oblivious to the tumultuous scene unfolding around him. The opposite coach called for the timeout, unaware of the physical toll Takeshi's extraordinary performance had exacted on him.

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