

Transmigation is the process of going to another world.

Transmigator is the person going to another world.

Regression is traveling back in a time of a person in the same body.

Regressor is a person who goes back in time in the same body.

Regressors are not full-on time travelers, there are instances that the world itself is the one that regresses and the main character only remembers what will happen.

When transmigrating there are several types of vessels that transmigate to

in ex. Humanoid creatures such as Humans, Elves, Drawves, Beastmen, Devils and more.

Non-Humanoid such as Beast Race, Monster Race, Plant Life, Spiritual Weapon or Item or any creature or object that sentience can be put on.

Common transmigating Scenarios and who conducted them.

Mostly if God's wills the person can be transmigated and reincarnated.

A. Transported to another world. (Same Body)

A high position from the church conducting the summoning.

The Strongest mage in the kingdom, mostly the kings' advisor.

Royal blood with the duty of summoning of heroes since the start of history, mostly a princess.

B. Transported to another world after death. (Recreation of the body)

God's Will.

C. Transported to another world after death. (New body)

God's Will.

D. Reincarnated in another world. (Baby Body)

God's Will.

E. Reincarnated in another world. (New Body)

God's Will.

F. Soul Traveled to another world (possessing a recently dead without a soul)

Fate or Destiny's Will.

G. Soul Traveled to another world (possessing a recently dead with a soul)

The soul who traveled who spoke to the recently deceased soul.

Fate or Destiny's Will.

Regressing is like transmigating but mostly inclined to change something that happened pre regression. Naive personalities are removed automatically in regression stories.

On Transmigating Scenarios

A-E is mostly Found in Japanese novels but not limited to it.

F and G are mostly Chinese.

I noticed Korean novels I read are mostly regressors.

giroshrawdcreators' thoughts
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